Gregoriadis, Gregory et al. published their research in Biochemical Society Transactions in 1977 | CAS: 7413-34-5

Sodium (S)-2-(4-(((2,4-diaminopteridin-6-yl)methyl)(methyl)amino)benzamido)pentanedioate (cas: 7413-34-5) belongs to amides. Because of the greater electronegativity of oxygen, the carbonyl (C=O) is a stronger dipole than the N–C dipole. The presence of a C=O dipole and, to a lesser extent a N–C dipole, allows amides to act as H-bond acceptors. In simple aromatic amides, fragmentation occurs on both sides of the carbonyl group. If a hydrogen is available in N-substituted aromatic amides, it tends to migrate and form an aromatic amine and the loss of a ketene.Computed Properties of C20H20N8Na2O5

Binding of drugs to liposome-entrapped macromolecules prevents diffusion of drugs from liposomes in vitro and in vivo was written by Gregoriadis, Gregory;Davisson, Pamela J.;Scott, Susan. And the article was included in Biochemical Society Transactions in 1977.Computed Properties of C20H20N8Na2O5 This article mentions the following:

A technique is described to delay the diffusion of small-mol.-weight drugs from liposomes by binding the drugs to liposome-associated macromols. Melphalan [148-82-3] was bound to Na polyglutamate [26247-79-0] and incorporated into egg lecithin liposomes; after i.v. injection into rats, liposomal polyglutamate-bound melphalan was eliminated from the blood plasma at a much slower rate than free melphalan. Similar results were obtained for Na methotrexate [7413-34-5] bound to polyglutamate in egg lecithin liposomes, and for daunomycin [20830-81-3] bound to calf thymus DNA in egg lecithin liposomes. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, Sodium (S)-2-(4-(((2,4-diaminopteridin-6-yl)methyl)(methyl)amino)benzamido)pentanedioate (cas: 7413-34-5Computed Properties of C20H20N8Na2O5).

Sodium (S)-2-(4-(((2,4-diaminopteridin-6-yl)methyl)(methyl)amino)benzamido)pentanedioate (cas: 7413-34-5) belongs to amides. Because of the greater electronegativity of oxygen, the carbonyl (C=O) is a stronger dipole than the N–C dipole. The presence of a C=O dipole and, to a lesser extent a N–C dipole, allows amides to act as H-bond acceptors. In simple aromatic amides, fragmentation occurs on both sides of the carbonyl group. If a hydrogen is available in N-substituted aromatic amides, it tends to migrate and form an aromatic amine and the loss of a ketene.Computed Properties of C20H20N8Na2O5

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van Beijnum, Judy R. et al. published their research in Nature Communications in 2022 | CAS: 10238-21-8

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. The presence of the amide group –C(=O)N– is generally easily established, at least in small molecules. It can be distinguished from nitro and cyano groups in IR spectra. Amides exhibit a moderately intense νCO band near 1650 cm−1. By 1H NMR spectroscopy, CONHR signals occur at low fields. In X-ray crystallography, the C(=O)N center together with the three immediately adjacent atoms characteristically define a plane.Formula: C23H28ClN3O5S

Extracellular vimentin mimics VEGF and is a target for anti-angiogenic immunotherapy was written by van Beijnum, Judy R.;Huijbers, Elisabeth J. M.;van Loon, Karlijn;Blanas, Athanasios;Akbari, Parvin;Roos, Arno;Wong, Tse J.;Denisov, Stepan S.;Hackeng, Tilman M.;Jimenez, Connie R.;Nowak-Sliwinska, Patrycja;Griffioen, Arjan W.. And the article was included in Nature Communications in 2022.Formula: C23H28ClN3O5S This article mentions the following:

Anti-angiogenic cancer therapies possess immune-stimulatory properties by counteracting pro-angiogenic mol. mechanisms. Author report that tumor endothelial cells ubiquitously overexpress and secrete the intermediate filament protein vimentin through type III unconventional secretion mechanisms. Extracellular vimentin is pro-angiogenic and functionally mimics VEGF action, while concomitantly acting as inhibitor of leukocyte-endothelial interactions. Antibody targeting of extracellular vimentin shows inhibition of angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo. Effective and safe inhibition of angiogenesis and tumor growth in several preclin. and clin. studies is demonstrated using a vaccination strategy against extracellular vimentin. Targeting vimentin induces a pro-inflammatory condition in the tumor, exemplified by induction of the endothelial adhesion mol. ICAM1, suppression of PD-L1, and altered immune cell profiles. Author finding show that extracellular vimentin contributes to immune suppression and functions as a vascular immune checkpoint mol. Targeting of extracellular vimentin presents therefore an anti-angiogenic immunotherapy strategy against cancer. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8Formula: C23H28ClN3O5S).

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. The presence of the amide group –C(=O)N– is generally easily established, at least in small molecules. It can be distinguished from nitro and cyano groups in IR spectra. Amides exhibit a moderately intense νCO band near 1650 cm−1. By 1H NMR spectroscopy, CONHR signals occur at low fields. In X-ray crystallography, the C(=O)N center together with the three immediately adjacent atoms characteristically define a plane.Formula: C23H28ClN3O5S

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Bagheri Zomoorodi, Zohreh et al. published their research in Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society in 2022 | CAS: 10238-21-8

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. In primary and secondary amides, the presence of N–H dipoles allows amides to function as H-bond donors as well. Thus amides can participate in hydrogen bonding with water and other protic solvents; the oxygen atom can accept hydrogen bonds from water and the N–H hydrogen atoms can donate H-bonds. Amides are not in general accessible by the direct condensation of amines with carboxylic acids for two reasons: first, both components are readily deactivated by a transfer of a proton from the acid to the amine and second, the hydroxy unit on the carbonyl of the acid is a relatively poor leaving group. Nevertheless, the formation of five- and six-membered rings is often surprisingly simple provided that other factors can be brought into play to assist in the condensation.Category: amides-buliding-blocks

Synthesis and comparison of four magnetic sorbents for dispersive micro-solid-phase extraction of antidiabetic drugs in urine and water samples was written by Bagheri Zomoorodi, Zohreh;Masrournia, Mahboubeh;Abedi, Mohamad Reza. And the article was included in Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society in 2022.Category: amides-buliding-blocks This article mentions the following:

Gliclazide (GLZ) and glyburide (GLY) are two sulfonylurea-type antidiabetic drugs used to control type 2 diabetes by increasing insulin produced and released from the pancreas. Their determination in water and biol. samples is crucial to investigate their adverse effects on the environment and humans. A simple and inexpensive dispersive micro-solid-phase extraction (DμSPE) as a sample preparation procedure was introduced to extract and clean up GLZ and GLY from various environmental water and biol. samples. Due to the critical importance of sorbents in the extraction method, four magnetic sorbents, such as magnetic CoFe2O4, magnetic CoFe2O4/MCM-48, magnetic CoFe2O4/MCM-48/β-cyclodextrin, and magnetic CoFe2O4/MCM-48/chitosan, were prepared by straightforward and inexpensive methods without sophisticated tools. The ability of four sorbents to extract GLZ and GLY was compared, indicating that magnetic CoFe2O4/MCM-48/chitosan as a green sorbent displayed the highest extraction recoveries toward the analytes. Effective factors on the GLZ and GLY extraction with DμSPE were investigated and optimized using the Plackett-Burman design and Box-Behnken design for screening the factors and optimizing the significant factors. Under the optimal condition, the method was linear in the concentration range of 0.4-400 and 0.7-520 ng mL-1 with a limit of detection of 0.11 and 0.21 ng mL-1 for the GLZ and GLY determination, resp. The intra-day and inter-day relative standard deviations (n = 3) for the analyte determination with a concentration of 10 ng mL-1 were lower than 5.06 and 5.27%, resp. Anal. of spiked tap water, river water, well water, and urine samples indicated that the method has high relative recoveries in the percentage range of 89.6-95.8% with a relative standard deviation between 4.4 and 6.2%. The advantages of the method for the GLZ and GLY determination include low sorbent and desorption solution consumption, proper extraction and desorption time, simple and rapid sorbent separation with simple operation that can utilize for routine anal. of GLZ and GLY in environmental water and biol. samples. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8Category: amides-buliding-blocks).

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. In primary and secondary amides, the presence of N–H dipoles allows amides to function as H-bond donors as well. Thus amides can participate in hydrogen bonding with water and other protic solvents; the oxygen atom can accept hydrogen bonds from water and the N–H hydrogen atoms can donate H-bonds. Amides are not in general accessible by the direct condensation of amines with carboxylic acids for two reasons: first, both components are readily deactivated by a transfer of a proton from the acid to the amine and second, the hydroxy unit on the carbonyl of the acid is a relatively poor leaving group. Nevertheless, the formation of five- and six-membered rings is often surprisingly simple provided that other factors can be brought into play to assist in the condensation.Category: amides-buliding-blocks

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Zheng, Adi et al. published their research in Journal of Cell Science in 2022 | CAS: 10238-21-8

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. In primary and secondary amides, the presence of N–H dipoles allows amides to function as H-bond donors as well. Thus amides can participate in hydrogen bonding with water and other protic solvents; the oxygen atom can accept hydrogen bonds from water and the N–H hydrogen atoms can donate H-bonds. Amides can be recrystallised from large quantities of water, ethanol, ethanol/ether, aqueous ethanol, chloroform/toluene, chloroform or acetic acid. The likely impurities are the parent acids or the alkyl esters from which they have been made. The former can be removed by thorough washing with aqueous ammonia followed by recrystallisation, whereas elimination of the latter is by trituration or recrystallisation from an organic solvent.Application In Synthesis of 5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide

HDLs extract lipophilic drugs from cells was written by Zheng, Adi;Dubuis, Gilles;Georgieva, Maria;Ferreira, Carla Susana Mendes;Serulla, Marc;del Carmen Conde Rubio, Maria;Trofimenko, Evgeniya;Mercier, Thomas;Decosterd, Laurent;Widmann, Christian. And the article was included in Journal of Cell Science in 2022.Application In Synthesis of 5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide This article mentions the following:

High-d. lipoproteins (HDLs) prevent cell death induced by a variety of cytotoxic drugs. The underlying mechanisms are however still poorly understood. Here, we present evidence that HDLs efficiently protect cells against thapsigargin (TG), a sarco/endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) inhibitor, by extracting the drug from cells. Drug efflux could also be triggered to some extent by low-d. lipoproteins and serum. HDLs did not reverse the non-lethal mild ER stress response induced by low TG concentrations or by SERCA knockdown, but HDLs inhibited the toxic SERCA-independent effects mediated by high TG concentrations HDLs could extract other lipophilic compounds, but not hydrophilic substances. This work shows that HDLs utilize their capacity of loading themselves with lipophilic compounds, akin to their ability to extract cellular cholesterol, to reduce the cell content of hydrophobic drugs. This can be beneficial if lipophilic xenobiotics are toxic but may be detrimental to the therapeutic benefit of lipophilic drugs such as glibenclamide. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8Application In Synthesis of 5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide).

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. In primary and secondary amides, the presence of N–H dipoles allows amides to function as H-bond donors as well. Thus amides can participate in hydrogen bonding with water and other protic solvents; the oxygen atom can accept hydrogen bonds from water and the N–H hydrogen atoms can donate H-bonds. Amides can be recrystallised from large quantities of water, ethanol, ethanol/ether, aqueous ethanol, chloroform/toluene, chloroform or acetic acid. The likely impurities are the parent acids or the alkyl esters from which they have been made. The former can be removed by thorough washing with aqueous ammonia followed by recrystallisation, whereas elimination of the latter is by trituration or recrystallisation from an organic solvent.Application In Synthesis of 5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide

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Marella, Saritha et al. published their research in Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology in 2022 | CAS: 10238-21-8

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. Because of the greater electronegativity of oxygen, the carbonyl (C=O) is a stronger dipole than the N–C dipole. The presence of a C=O dipole and, to a lesser extent a N–C dipole, allows amides to act as H-bond acceptors. In simple aromatic amides, fragmentation occurs on both sides of the carbonyl group. If a hydrogen is available in N-substituted aromatic amides, it tends to migrate and form an aromatic amine and the loss of a ketene.Computed Properties of C23H28ClN3O5S

Antidiabetic Action of Mcy Protein: Studies on Gene Expression and Competitive Binding to Insulin Receptors was written by Marella, Saritha;Kotha, Peddanna;Nabi, S. Abdul;Girish, B. P.;Badri, Kameswara Rao;Chippada, Apparao. And the article was included in Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology in 2022.Computed Properties of C23H28ClN3O5S This article mentions the following:

Mcy protein, isolated from the fruits of Momordica cymbalaria, was shown to have antihyperglycemic, antihyperlipidemic activities along with renal as well as hepatoprotective activities in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Mcy protein was shown to have insulin-like structure and/or function and/or insulin secretagogue activity. Hence, the present study was conducted to elucidate the mol. mechanism whereby Mcy protein elicits its therapeutic role and also to know whether the Mcy protein has any structural and functional similarity with insulin. Exprements revealed that the Mcy protein is insulin-like protein. Furthermore, we assessed the effect of treatment with Mcy protein on the glucose transport (levels of glucose transporter, GLUT-2) and on the levels of key regulators of glucose and lipid metabolisms like hepatic glucokinase (GK) and sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c). Our findings demonstrated that Mcy protein elevated the expressions of GK, SREBP-1c, and GLUT-2 that were decreased in diabetic animals. Insulin-receptor binding studies using rat erythrocytes demonstrated that mean specific binding of insulin with insulin receptors was significantly increased in Mcy-treated diabetic rats when compared to diabetic control rats. Scatchard analyses of insulin binding studies yielded curvilinear plots, and the number of receptor sites per cell was found to be 180 ± 21.1 in Mcy-treated diabetic animals and found to be significantly superior to those of diabetic control animals. Kinetic analyses also revealed an increase in the average receptor affinity of erythrocytes of Mcy-treated rats compared to diabetic control rats suggesting acute alteration in the number and affinity of insulin receptors on the membranes of erythrocytes. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8Computed Properties of C23H28ClN3O5S).

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. Because of the greater electronegativity of oxygen, the carbonyl (C=O) is a stronger dipole than the N–C dipole. The presence of a C=O dipole and, to a lesser extent a N–C dipole, allows amides to act as H-bond acceptors. In simple aromatic amides, fragmentation occurs on both sides of the carbonyl group. If a hydrogen is available in N-substituted aromatic amides, it tends to migrate and form an aromatic amine and the loss of a ketene.Computed Properties of C23H28ClN3O5S

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Yang, Jie et al. published their research in Mediators of Inflammation in 2022 | CAS: 10238-21-8

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. The solubilities of amides and esters are roughly comparable. Typically amides are less soluble than comparable amines and carboxylic acids since these compounds can both donate and accept hydrogen bonds. Tertiary amides, with the important exception of N,N-dimethylformamide, exhibit low solubility in water. As a result of interactions such as these, the water solubility of amides is greater than that of corresponding hydrocarbons. These hydrogen bonds are also have an important role in the secondary structure of proteins.Electric Literature of C23H28ClN3O5S

Glibenclamide alleviates LPS-induced acute lung injury through nlrp3 inflammasome signaling pathway was written by Yang, Jie;Yang, Jiawen;Huang, Xiaofang;Xiu, Huiqing;Bai, Songjie;Li, Jiahui;Cai, Zhijian;Chen, Zhanghui;Zhang, Shufang;Zhang, Gensheng. And the article was included in Mediators of Inflammation in 2022.Electric Literature of C23H28ClN3O5S This article mentions the following:

Glibenclamide displays an anti-inflammatory response in various pulmonary diseases, but its exact role in lipopolysaccharide- (LPS-) induced acute lung injury (ALI) or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) remains unknown. Herein, we aimed to explore the effect of glibenclamide in vivo and in vitro on the development of LPS-induced ALI in a mouse model. LPS stimulation resulted in increases in lung injury score, wet/dry ratio, and capillary permeability in lungs, as well as in total protein concentration, inflammatory cells, and inflammatory cytokines including IL-1β, IL-18 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), and lung tissues, whereas glibenclamide treatment reduced these changes. Similarly, in vitro experiments also found that glibenclamide administration inhibited the LPS-induced upregulations in cytokine secretions of IL-1β and IL18, as well as in the expression of components in NLRP3 inflammasome in mouse peritoneal macrophages. Of note, glibenclamide had no effect on the secretion of TNF-α in vivo nor in vitro, implicating that its anti-inflammatory effect is relatively specific to NLRP3 inflammasome. In conclusion, glibenclamide alleviates the development of LPS-induced ALI in a mouse model via inhibiting the NLRP3/Caspase-1/IL-1β signaling pathway, which might provide a new strategy for the treatment of LPS-induced ALI. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8Electric Literature of C23H28ClN3O5S).

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. The solubilities of amides and esters are roughly comparable. Typically amides are less soluble than comparable amines and carboxylic acids since these compounds can both donate and accept hydrogen bonds. Tertiary amides, with the important exception of N,N-dimethylformamide, exhibit low solubility in water. As a result of interactions such as these, the water solubility of amides is greater than that of corresponding hydrocarbons. These hydrogen bonds are also have an important role in the secondary structure of proteins.Electric Literature of C23H28ClN3O5S

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Gnegel, Gesa et al. published their research in Scientific Reports in 2022 | CAS: 10238-21-8

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. In primary and secondary amides, the presence of N–H dipoles allows amides to function as H-bond donors as well. Thus amides can participate in hydrogen bonding with water and other protic solvents; the oxygen atom can accept hydrogen bonds from water and the N–H hydrogen atoms can donate H-bonds. The presence of the amide group –C(=O)N– is generally easily established, at least in small molecules. It can be distinguished from nitro and cyano groups in IR spectra. Amides exhibit a moderately intense νCO band near 1650 cm−1. By 1H NMR spectroscopy, CONHR signals occur at low fields. In X-ray crystallography, the C(=O)N center together with the three immediately adjacent atoms characteristically define a plane.Product Details of 10238-21-8

Surveillance for substandard and falsified medicines by local faith-based organizations in 13 low- and middle-income countries using the GPHF Minilab was written by Gnegel, Gesa;Haefele-Abah, Christine;Neci, Richard;Difaem-EPN Minilab Network;Heide, Lutz. And the article was included in Scientific Reports in 2022.Product Details of 10238-21-8 This article mentions the following:

This study evaluates the use of the Global Pharma Health Fund (GPHF) Minilab for medicine quality screening by 16 faith-based drug supply organizations located in 13 low- and middle-income countries. The study period included the year before the COVID-19 pandemic (2019) and the first year of the pandemic (2020). In total 1,919 medicine samples were screened using the GPHF Minilab, and samples showing serious quality deficiencies were subjected to compendial anal. in fully equipped laboratories Thirty-four (1.8%) of the samples were found not to contain the declared active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), or less than 50% of the declared API, or undeclared APIs, and probably represented falsified products. Fifty-four (2.8%) of the samples were reported as substandard, although the true number of substandard medicines may have been higher due to the limited sensitivity of the GPHF Minilab. The number of probably falsified products increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially due to falsified preparations of chloroquine; chloroquine had been incorrectly advocated as treatment for COVID-19. The reports from this project resulted in four international WHO Medical Product Alerts and several national alerts. Within this project, the costs for GPHF Minilab anal. resulted as 25.85 euro per sample. Medicine quality screening with the GPHF Minilab is a cost-effective way to contribute to the global surveillance for substandard and falsified medical products. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8Product Details of 10238-21-8).

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. In primary and secondary amides, the presence of N–H dipoles allows amides to function as H-bond donors as well. Thus amides can participate in hydrogen bonding with water and other protic solvents; the oxygen atom can accept hydrogen bonds from water and the N–H hydrogen atoms can donate H-bonds. The presence of the amide group –C(=O)N– is generally easily established, at least in small molecules. It can be distinguished from nitro and cyano groups in IR spectra. Amides exhibit a moderately intense νCO band near 1650 cm−1. By 1H NMR spectroscopy, CONHR signals occur at low fields. In X-ray crystallography, the C(=O)N center together with the three immediately adjacent atoms characteristically define a plane.Product Details of 10238-21-8

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Zubov, Alexander et al. published their research in Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry in 2022 | CAS: 10238-21-8

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. The amide group is called a peptide bond when it is part of the main chain of a protein, and an isopeptide bond when it occurs in a side chain, such as in the amino acids asparagine and glutamine. The presence of the amide group –C(=O)N– is generally easily established, at least in small molecules. It can be distinguished from nitro and cyano groups in IR spectra. Amides exhibit a moderately intense νCO band near 1650 cm−1. By 1H NMR spectroscopy, CONHR signals occur at low fields. In X-ray crystallography, the C(=O)N center together with the three immediately adjacent atoms characteristically define a plane.Computed Properties of C23H28ClN3O5S

Glibenclamide as a neuroprotective antidementia drug was written by Zubov, Alexander;Muruzheva, Zamira;Tikhomirova, Maria;Karpenko, Marina. And the article was included in Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry in 2022.Computed Properties of C23H28ClN3O5S This article mentions the following:

In the view of progressively aging human population and increased occurrence of dysmetabolic disorders, such as diabetes mellitus, cognitive impairment becomes a major threat to the national health. To date, the mol. mechanisms of cognitive dysfunction are partially described for diabetes and diseases of different nature, such as Alzheimer disease or Parkinson disease. The emergence of data pointing towards pleotropic effects of hypoglycemic medicines indicates involvement of their targets in pathogenesis of cognitive impairment. We are aiming here to review available data on the most widely used hypoglycemic drug, glibenclamide and find possible relationship of its targets to the pathogenesis of cognitive impairment. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8Computed Properties of C23H28ClN3O5S).

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. The amide group is called a peptide bond when it is part of the main chain of a protein, and an isopeptide bond when it occurs in a side chain, such as in the amino acids asparagine and glutamine. The presence of the amide group –C(=O)N– is generally easily established, at least in small molecules. It can be distinguished from nitro and cyano groups in IR spectra. Amides exhibit a moderately intense νCO band near 1650 cm−1. By 1H NMR spectroscopy, CONHR signals occur at low fields. In X-ray crystallography, the C(=O)N center together with the three immediately adjacent atoms characteristically define a plane.Computed Properties of C23H28ClN3O5S

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Eskandari, Negin et al. published their research in Biologia (Cham, Switzerland) in 2022 | CAS: 10238-21-8

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. In primary and secondary amides, the presence of N–H dipoles allows amides to function as H-bond donors as well. Thus amides can participate in hydrogen bonding with water and other protic solvents; the oxygen atom can accept hydrogen bonds from water and the N–H hydrogen atoms can donate H-bonds. Amides are stable compounds. The lower-melting members (such as acetamide) can be readily purified by fractional distillation. Most amides are solids which have low solubilities in water.Product Details of 10238-21-8

Geraniol ameliorated serum lipid profile and improved antioxidant defense system in pancreas, liver and heart tissues of alloxan-induced diabetic rats was written by Eskandari, Negin;Bahramikia, Seifollah;Mohammadi, Abdelnasser;Taati, Majid;Jafarabad, Saba Safari. And the article was included in Biologia (Cham, Switzerland) in 2022.Product Details of 10238-21-8 This article mentions the following:

There is accumulating evidence that showing oxidative stress plays a critical role in the progression of diabetes. It was reported that geraniol, as monoterpenoid alc., has antioxidant properties. This study aimed to investigate the effect of geraniol on serum lipid parameters and antioxidant defense systems in the pancreas, liver, and heart tissues of alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Forty albino wistar rats were randomly divided into five groups, including (I) control group, (II) diabetic group, (III) the diabetic group treated with glibenclamide, (IV) the diabetic group treated with 200 mg/kg geraniol, and (V) the diabetic group receiving the geraniol solvent for four weeks. At the end of treatment, serum glucose level, lipid profile (TG, TC, LDL, and HDL), liver aminotransferases (ALT, AST), and ALP activities in different groups were measured. Furthermore, malondialdehyde (MDA) content, as a lipid peroxidation marker, the activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzymes were assessed in pancreas, liver, and heart tissues of different groups. The result indicated that treatment with geraniol decreased fasting blood glucose, HbA1c, triglyceride, total cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol, whereas the blood high-d. lipoprotein -cholesterol level was elevated. In addition, treatment of diabetic rats with geraniol increased the activity of GPx and SOD antioxidant enzymes and decreased the MDA content as a marker of lipid peroxidation in the pancreas, liver, and heart tissues as compared to the diabetic rats. Due to the high potential of geraniol in lowering blood sugar and oxidative parameters in the various tissues of diabetic rats, the antioxidant property of geraniol is the most likely mechanism for its hypoglycemic effect. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8Product Details of 10238-21-8).

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. In primary and secondary amides, the presence of N–H dipoles allows amides to function as H-bond donors as well. Thus amides can participate in hydrogen bonding with water and other protic solvents; the oxygen atom can accept hydrogen bonds from water and the N–H hydrogen atoms can donate H-bonds. Amides are stable compounds. The lower-melting members (such as acetamide) can be readily purified by fractional distillation. Most amides are solids which have low solubilities in water.Product Details of 10238-21-8

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Nishi, Takako et al. published their research in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology in 2022 | CAS: 10238-21-8

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. The amide group is called a peptide bond when it is part of the main chain of a protein, and an isopeptide bond when it occurs in a side chain, such as in the amino acids asparagine and glutamine. Amides can be recrystallised from large quantities of water, ethanol, ethanol/ether, aqueous ethanol, chloroform/toluene, chloroform or acetic acid. The likely impurities are the parent acids or the alkyl esters from which they have been made. The former can be removed by thorough washing with aqueous ammonia followed by recrystallisation, whereas elimination of the latter is by trituration or recrystallisation from an organic solvent.Name: 5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide

Compensation mechanism for membrane potential against hypoosmotic stress in the Onchidium neuron was written by Nishi, Takako;Sakamoto, Katsuhiko;Matsuo, Ryota. And the article was included in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology in 2022.Name: 5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide This article mentions the following:

The effect of acute hypoosmotic stress on the neural response was investigated using the neurons identified in the abdominal ganglion of the amphibious mollusk Onchidium. The membrane potential of an identified neuron (Ip-1/2) was not significantly altered in 50% hypoosmotic artificial sea water. In isotonic 50% artificial seawater (ASW) with osmolarity that was compensated for using glycerol or urea, the membrane potentials of Ip-1/2 were also not altered compared to those in 50% hypoosmotic ASW. However, hyperpolarization was induced in isotonic 50% ASW when osmolarity was compensated for using sucrose or mannose. In the presence of volume-regulated anion channel (VRAC) inhibitors (niflumic acid and glibenclamide), the Ip-1/2 membrane potentials were hyperpolarized in 50% hypoosmotic ASW. These results suggest that there is a compensatory mechanism involving aquaglyceroporin and VRAC-like channels that maintains membrane potential under hypoosmotic conditions. Here, we detected the expression of aquaglyceroporin mRNA in neural tissues of Onchidium. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8Name: 5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide).

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. The amide group is called a peptide bond when it is part of the main chain of a protein, and an isopeptide bond when it occurs in a side chain, such as in the amino acids asparagine and glutamine. Amides can be recrystallised from large quantities of water, ethanol, ethanol/ether, aqueous ethanol, chloroform/toluene, chloroform or acetic acid. The likely impurities are the parent acids or the alkyl esters from which they have been made. The former can be removed by thorough washing with aqueous ammonia followed by recrystallisation, whereas elimination of the latter is by trituration or recrystallisation from an organic solvent.Name: 5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide

Amide – Wikipedia,
Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics