Viel, Claude et al. published their research in Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France in 1966 | CAS: 10268-06-1

2-(2-Chlorophenyl)acetamide (cas: 10268-06-1) belongs to amides. The amide group is called a peptide bond when it is part of the main chain of a protein, and an isopeptide bond when it occurs in a side chain, such as in the amino acids asparagine and glutamine. Amides are not in general accessible by the direct condensation of amines with carboxylic acids for two reasons: first, both components are readily deactivated by a transfer of a proton from the acid to the amine and second, the hydroxy unit on the carbonyl of the acid is a relatively poor leaving group. Nevertheless, the formation of five- and six-membered rings is often surprisingly simple provided that other factors can be brought into play to assist in the condensation.Application In Synthesis of 2-(2-Chlorophenyl)acetamide

Synthesis and properties of new 6,7-dimethoxy-3,4-dihydroand 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolines. II. 1-Phenyl- and 1-benzyl- derivatives was written by Viel, Claude;Dorme, Regina;Rumpf, Paul. And the article was included in Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France in 1966.Application In Synthesis of 2-(2-Chlorophenyl)acetamide This article mentions the following:

Pharmacol. active papaverine analogs were prepd, o-ClC6H4CH2Cl (100 g.), 50 g. KCN in 100 cc. H2O, and 1l. EtOH was refluxed 7 hrs., the EtOH stripped and residue poured into 2 1. ice-H2O to give 49 g. o-ClC6H4CH2CN, b24 133-43°. The nitrile was hydrolyzed to o-ClC6H4CONH2, m. 174°, and finally to o-ClC6H4CO2H, m. 95°. Also prepared was o-FC6H4CO2H (I), m. 59°. BzH was nitrated to give m-NO2C6H4CHO (II), b4 114-23°, and 97 g. aldehyde was reduced with 95 g. KBH4 in MeOH to give m-NO2C6H4CH2OH (III), b1.5 140-2°. Prepared from III was m-NO2C6H4CH2Cl, m. 45-7° and from the chloride, m-NO2C6H4CH2CN, b0.5 145-50°. mClC6H4COCl (76 g.) was reduced by the Rosenmund reaction to give 10 g. m-ClC6H4CHO (IV), b23 110-12°. II was reduced and the resulting m-NH2C6H4CHO treated in situ by the Sandmeyer reaction to give IV. IV was condensed with hippuric acida zlactone to give 2-phenyl-4-(3-chlorobenzylidene)-5-oxazolone (V), m. 164°. V was refluxed with 10% NaOH and the resulting product treated with 130-volume H2O2 2 hrs. to give 3 g. methyl 3 nitrophenylacetate, b20 125-30°. Similarly prepared were pClC6H4CH2CN, b. 264-7°, and p-ClC6H4CH2CO2H, m. 106°. 3,4-Dimethoxy-β-phenethylamine, b22 170° (picrate, m. 164.5-5.0°) and β-phenethylamine (VI), b15 93° (picrate m. 174°) were also prepared A mixture of 7.7 g. I and 6 g. VI was heated 3 hrs. at 180° to give 8.82 g. β-phenethyl-o-fluorophenylacetamide (VII), m. 102-3°. Similarly prepared were homoveratryl-o-chlorobenzamide, b1 180-5°, m. 90° homoveratryl-o-chlorophenylacetamide, m. 120° and homoveratryl-m-chlorophenylacetamide, m. 92°. VII (2.58 g.) in PhMe was cyclized by refluxing with 15 cc. POCl3 1.5 hrs. to give 3,4-dihydro-1-(o-fluorobenzyl)isoquinoline (VIII), m. 156-7°. Polyphosphoric acid was also used for cyclization. Similarly prepared were 3,4dihydro-1-(o-chlorobenzyl)isoquinoline, m. 148°; 6,7-dimethoxy 3,4-dihydro-1-(o-chlorophenyl)isoquinoline (HBr salt, m. 192°, picrate, m. 182°) and 6,7-dimethoxy-3,4-dihydro-1-(o-fluorobenzyl)isoquinoline; HBr salt m. 190° picrate m. 185°. VIII (530 mg.) in MeOH was reduced with 500 mg. NaBH4 in aqueous MeOH to give 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1-(o-fluorobenzyl)isoquinoline, m. 192.5°. Similarly prepared were 6,7-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1-(p-nitrophenyl)isoquinoline (HCl salts, m. 260°, picrate, m. 160°) and 6,7-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1-(p-nitrobenzyl)isoquinoline; tartrate salt m. 132°. p-Chlorobenzylidenehomoveratrylamine (15 g.) was refluxed 1 hr. at 100° with 67 cc. 24% HCl to give 10 g. 6,7-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1-(p-chlorophenyl)isoquinoline; HCl salt m. 230°. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 2-(2-Chlorophenyl)acetamide (cas: 10268-06-1Application In Synthesis of 2-(2-Chlorophenyl)acetamide).

2-(2-Chlorophenyl)acetamide (cas: 10268-06-1) belongs to amides. The amide group is called a peptide bond when it is part of the main chain of a protein, and an isopeptide bond when it occurs in a side chain, such as in the amino acids asparagine and glutamine. Amides are not in general accessible by the direct condensation of amines with carboxylic acids for two reasons: first, both components are readily deactivated by a transfer of a proton from the acid to the amine and second, the hydroxy unit on the carbonyl of the acid is a relatively poor leaving group. Nevertheless, the formation of five- and six-membered rings is often surprisingly simple provided that other factors can be brought into play to assist in the condensation.Application In Synthesis of 2-(2-Chlorophenyl)acetamide

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Bagheri Zomoorodi, Zohreh et al. published their research in Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society in 2022 | CAS: 10238-21-8

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. In primary and secondary amides, the presence of N–H dipoles allows amides to function as H-bond donors as well. Thus amides can participate in hydrogen bonding with water and other protic solvents; the oxygen atom can accept hydrogen bonds from water and the N–H hydrogen atoms can donate H-bonds. Amides are not in general accessible by the direct condensation of amines with carboxylic acids for two reasons: first, both components are readily deactivated by a transfer of a proton from the acid to the amine and second, the hydroxy unit on the carbonyl of the acid is a relatively poor leaving group. Nevertheless, the formation of five- and six-membered rings is often surprisingly simple provided that other factors can be brought into play to assist in the condensation.Category: amides-buliding-blocks

Synthesis and comparison of four magnetic sorbents for dispersive micro-solid-phase extraction of antidiabetic drugs in urine and water samples was written by Bagheri Zomoorodi, Zohreh;Masrournia, Mahboubeh;Abedi, Mohamad Reza. And the article was included in Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society in 2022.Category: amides-buliding-blocks This article mentions the following:

Gliclazide (GLZ) and glyburide (GLY) are two sulfonylurea-type antidiabetic drugs used to control type 2 diabetes by increasing insulin produced and released from the pancreas. Their determination in water and biol. samples is crucial to investigate their adverse effects on the environment and humans. A simple and inexpensive dispersive micro-solid-phase extraction (DμSPE) as a sample preparation procedure was introduced to extract and clean up GLZ and GLY from various environmental water and biol. samples. Due to the critical importance of sorbents in the extraction method, four magnetic sorbents, such as magnetic CoFe2O4, magnetic CoFe2O4/MCM-48, magnetic CoFe2O4/MCM-48/β-cyclodextrin, and magnetic CoFe2O4/MCM-48/chitosan, were prepared by straightforward and inexpensive methods without sophisticated tools. The ability of four sorbents to extract GLZ and GLY was compared, indicating that magnetic CoFe2O4/MCM-48/chitosan as a green sorbent displayed the highest extraction recoveries toward the analytes. Effective factors on the GLZ and GLY extraction with DμSPE were investigated and optimized using the Plackett-Burman design and Box-Behnken design for screening the factors and optimizing the significant factors. Under the optimal condition, the method was linear in the concentration range of 0.4-400 and 0.7-520 ng mL-1 with a limit of detection of 0.11 and 0.21 ng mL-1 for the GLZ and GLY determination, resp. The intra-day and inter-day relative standard deviations (n = 3) for the analyte determination with a concentration of 10 ng mL-1 were lower than 5.06 and 5.27%, resp. Anal. of spiked tap water, river water, well water, and urine samples indicated that the method has high relative recoveries in the percentage range of 89.6-95.8% with a relative standard deviation between 4.4 and 6.2%. The advantages of the method for the GLZ and GLY determination include low sorbent and desorption solution consumption, proper extraction and desorption time, simple and rapid sorbent separation with simple operation that can utilize for routine anal. of GLZ and GLY in environmental water and biol. samples. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8Category: amides-buliding-blocks).

5-Chloro-N-(4-(N-(cyclohexylcarbamoyl)sulfamoyl)phenethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (cas: 10238-21-8) belongs to amides. In primary and secondary amides, the presence of N–H dipoles allows amides to function as H-bond donors as well. Thus amides can participate in hydrogen bonding with water and other protic solvents; the oxygen atom can accept hydrogen bonds from water and the N–H hydrogen atoms can donate H-bonds. Amides are not in general accessible by the direct condensation of amines with carboxylic acids for two reasons: first, both components are readily deactivated by a transfer of a proton from the acid to the amine and second, the hydroxy unit on the carbonyl of the acid is a relatively poor leaving group. Nevertheless, the formation of five- and six-membered rings is often surprisingly simple provided that other factors can be brought into play to assist in the condensation.Category: amides-buliding-blocks

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Tian, Zhenyu et al. published their research in Science of the Total Environment in 2021 | CAS: 2387-23-7

1,3-Dicyclohexylurea (cas: 2387-23-7) belongs to amides. Because of the greater electronegativity of oxygen, the carbonyl (C=O) is a stronger dipole than the N–C dipole. The presence of a C=O dipole and, to a lesser extent a N–C dipole, allows amides to act as H-bond acceptors. The presence of the amide group –C(=O)N– is generally easily established, at least in small molecules. It can be distinguished from nitro and cyano groups in IR spectra. Amides exhibit a moderately intense νCO band near 1650 cm−1. By 1H NMR spectroscopy, CONHR signals occur at low fields. In X-ray crystallography, the C(=O)N center together with the three immediately adjacent atoms characteristically define a plane.Application In Synthesis of 1,3-Dicyclohexylurea

Suspect and non-target screening of contaminants of emerging concern in streams in agricultural watersheds was written by Tian, Zhenyu;Wark, David A.;Bogue, Kevin;James, C. Andrew. And the article was included in Science of the Total Environment in 2021.Application In Synthesis of 1,3-Dicyclohexylurea This article mentions the following:

Surface water runoff is an important source of water contamination affecting nearby rivers and streams. Many rural creeks are documented habitats for important aquatic species and the focus of restoration activities. In this study, we collected creek water samples in watersheds with a range of com.-to-agricultural land use during rain events, and applied suspect and non-target screening with high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) to characterize the occurrence of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs). In total, 58 CECs were identified, and 36 of them were confirmed and semi-quantified with reference standards Pesticides were detected in all land use, including urban/com. areas. Some pesticides were observed at concentrations of >10,000 ng/L demonstrating the strong contamination input during rain events. Five pesticides (azoxystrobin, fludioxonil, 4-hydroxy-chlorothalonil, imidacloprid, 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid) were prioritized based on their risk quotients. HRMS chem. profiles demonstrated the wide range of chem. exposures in a given stream system and that compounds associated with specific land uses occur across land uses. Temporal trends suggested that some CECs remain present in creek water for months, resulting in chronic exposures across the life stages of aquatic species. These findings highlight the potential for contamination from agricultural runoff and the associated ecol. risk to aquatic species. Suspect and non-target screening revealed the chronic occurrence of emerging contaminants in streams in agricultural catchments during rain events. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 1,3-Dicyclohexylurea (cas: 2387-23-7Application In Synthesis of 1,3-Dicyclohexylurea).

1,3-Dicyclohexylurea (cas: 2387-23-7) belongs to amides. Because of the greater electronegativity of oxygen, the carbonyl (C=O) is a stronger dipole than the N–C dipole. The presence of a C=O dipole and, to a lesser extent a N–C dipole, allows amides to act as H-bond acceptors. The presence of the amide group –C(=O)N– is generally easily established, at least in small molecules. It can be distinguished from nitro and cyano groups in IR spectra. Amides exhibit a moderately intense νCO band near 1650 cm−1. By 1H NMR spectroscopy, CONHR signals occur at low fields. In X-ray crystallography, the C(=O)N center together with the three immediately adjacent atoms characteristically define a plane.Application In Synthesis of 1,3-Dicyclohexylurea

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Kim, Saegun et al. published their research in European Journal of Organic Chemistry in 2020 | CAS: 54166-95-9

6-Chloro-2-aminobenzamide (cas: 54166-95-9) belongs to amides. The solubilities of amides and esters are roughly comparable. Typically amides are less soluble than comparable amines and carboxylic acids since these compounds can both donate and accept hydrogen bonds. Tertiary amides, with the important exception of N,N-dimethylformamide, exhibit low solubility in water. The presence of the amide group –C(=O)N– is generally easily established, at least in small molecules. It can be distinguished from nitro and cyano groups in IR spectra. Amides exhibit a moderately intense νCO band near 1650 cm−1. By 1H NMR spectroscopy, CONHR signals occur at low fields. In X-ray crystallography, the C(=O)N center together with the three immediately adjacent atoms characteristically define a plane.Safety of 6-Chloro-2-aminobenzamide

Site-Selective C-H Amidation of 2-Aryl Quinazolinones Using Nitrene Surrogates was written by Kim, Saegun;Jeoung, Daeun;Kim, Kunyoung;Lee, Seok Beom;Lee, Suk Hun;Park, Min Seo;Ghosh, Prithwish;Mishra, Neeraj Kumar;Hong, Suckchang;Kim, In Su. And the article was included in European Journal of Organic Chemistry in 2020.Safety of 6-Chloro-2-aminobenzamide This article mentions the following:

The site-selective modifications of quinazolinones constitute a pivotal topic in drug discovery and material science. Herein, we describe the rhodium(III)-catalyzed C-H amidation of 2-aryl quinazolin-4(3H)-ones with a range of nitrene surrogates including dioxazolones, organic azides, and N-methoxyamides. Complete site-selectivity and functional group tolerance are observed Notably, the large-scale reaction and late-stage functionalization highlight the synthetic potential of the developed protocol. Combined mechanistic investigations elucidate a plausible reaction mechanism of this process. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 6-Chloro-2-aminobenzamide (cas: 54166-95-9Safety of 6-Chloro-2-aminobenzamide).

6-Chloro-2-aminobenzamide (cas: 54166-95-9) belongs to amides. The solubilities of amides and esters are roughly comparable. Typically amides are less soluble than comparable amines and carboxylic acids since these compounds can both donate and accept hydrogen bonds. Tertiary amides, with the important exception of N,N-dimethylformamide, exhibit low solubility in water. The presence of the amide group –C(=O)N– is generally easily established, at least in small molecules. It can be distinguished from nitro and cyano groups in IR spectra. Amides exhibit a moderately intense νCO band near 1650 cm−1. By 1H NMR spectroscopy, CONHR signals occur at low fields. In X-ray crystallography, the C(=O)N center together with the three immediately adjacent atoms characteristically define a plane.Safety of 6-Chloro-2-aminobenzamide

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Soika, Julia et al. published their research in ACS Catalysis in 2022 | CAS: 192436-83-2

4-Bromo-N-methoxy-N-methylbenzamide (cas: 192436-83-2) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Amides are not in general accessible by the direct condensation of amines with carboxylic acids for two reasons: first, both components are readily deactivated by a transfer of a proton from the acid to the amine and second, the hydroxy unit on the carbonyl of the acid is a relatively poor leaving group. Nevertheless, the formation of five- and six-membered rings is often surprisingly simple provided that other factors can be brought into play to assist in the condensation.Electric Literature of C9H10BrNO2

Organophotocatalytic N-O Bond Cleavage of Weinreb Amides: Mechanism-Guided Evolution of a PET to ConPET Platform was written by Soika, Julia;McLaughlin, Calum;Nevesely, Tomas;Daniliuc, Constantin G.;Molloy, John. J.;Gilmour, Ryan. And the article was included in ACS Catalysis in 2022.Electric Literature of C9H10BrNO2 This article mentions the following:

Mechanistically guided reaction development demonstrates the involvement of a photoinduced electron transfer (PET) mechanism, and this has been further advanced to a consecutive photoinduced electron transfer (ConPET) manifold and this has significantly expanded the scope of compatible substrates RC(O)N(CH3)OCH3 (R = 4-cyanomethyl, pyrazin-2-yl, penta-1,3-dien-1-yl, etc.). In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 4-Bromo-N-methoxy-N-methylbenzamide (cas: 192436-83-2Electric Literature of C9H10BrNO2).

4-Bromo-N-methoxy-N-methylbenzamide (cas: 192436-83-2) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Amides are not in general accessible by the direct condensation of amines with carboxylic acids for two reasons: first, both components are readily deactivated by a transfer of a proton from the acid to the amine and second, the hydroxy unit on the carbonyl of the acid is a relatively poor leaving group. Nevertheless, the formation of five- and six-membered rings is often surprisingly simple provided that other factors can be brought into play to assist in the condensation.Electric Literature of C9H10BrNO2

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Cao, Jing et al. published their research in Drugs in R&D in 2022 | CAS: 53902-12-8

2-(3-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)acrylamido)benzoic acid (cas: 53902-12-8) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Amides can be recrystallised from large quantities of water, ethanol, ethanol/ether, aqueous ethanol, chloroform/toluene, chloroform or acetic acid. The likely impurities are the parent acids or the alkyl esters from which they have been made. The former can be removed by thorough washing with aqueous ammonia followed by recrystallisation, whereas elimination of the latter is by trituration or recrystallisation from an organic solvent.Synthetic Route of C18H17NO5

NLR Family Pyrin Domain Containing 3 Inhibitor Tranilast Attenuates Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in a Genetic Mouse Model was written by Cao, Jing;Peng, Qian. And the article was included in Drugs in R&D in 2022.Synthetic Route of C18H17NO5 This article mentions the following:

This study was designed to explore the protective effects of a clin. available NLR family Pyrin domain-containing receptor 3 (NLRP3) inhibitor, tranilast, in gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) mice. We used pregnant C57BL/KsJdb/+ (db/+) female mice as GDM mice, then orally administered 20 mg/kg of tranilast or metformin daily for 2 wk. A glucose tolerance test and an insulin resistance test were used to evaluate the severity of diabetes in tranilast/metformin-treated GDM mice. After delivery, newborn mice were counted and weighed to measure their protective role on the reproductive outcome of GDM mice. Next, we determined the expression of NLRP3 and proinflammatory cytokines in the visceral adipose tissue and placenta of GDM mice using western blot and quant. real-time-polymerase chain reaction. Furthermore, we determined the proinflammatory cytokines in the serum using an ELISA. Tranilast significantly ameliorated GDM symptoms, including maternal body weight, hyperglycemia, insulin insufficiency, glucose intolerance and insulin resistance, enlarged litter size, and reduced litter body weight Addnl., tranilast remarkably reduced the elevated expression of NLRP3 and proinflammatory cytokines. Our data clarified the protective role of the NLRP3 inhibitor, tranilast, on GDM by inhibiting the activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome as well as inflammatory responses. The findings mean tranilast might serve as a therapeutic drug to treat GDM. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 2-(3-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)acrylamido)benzoic acid (cas: 53902-12-8Synthetic Route of C18H17NO5).

2-(3-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)acrylamido)benzoic acid (cas: 53902-12-8) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Amides can be recrystallised from large quantities of water, ethanol, ethanol/ether, aqueous ethanol, chloroform/toluene, chloroform or acetic acid. The likely impurities are the parent acids or the alkyl esters from which they have been made. The former can be removed by thorough washing with aqueous ammonia followed by recrystallisation, whereas elimination of the latter is by trituration or recrystallisation from an organic solvent.Synthetic Route of C18H17NO5

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Schneller, Stewart W. et al. published their research in Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry in 1981 | CAS: 54166-95-9

6-Chloro-2-aminobenzamide (cas: 54166-95-9) belongs to amides. Amides can be viewed as a derivative of a carboxylic acid RC(=O)OH with the hydroxyl group –OH replaced by an amine group −NR′R″; or, equivalently, an acyl (alkanoyl) group RC(=O)− joined to an amine group. As a result of interactions such as these, the water solubility of amides is greater than that of corresponding hydrocarbons. These hydrogen bonds are also have an important role in the secondary structure of proteins.Application of 54166-95-9

The synthesis of proximal-benzolumazine, proximal-benzoxanthine, proximal-benzotheophylline and proximal-benzocaffeine was written by Schneller, Stewart W.;Christ, William J.. And the article was included in Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry in 1981.Application of 54166-95-9 This article mentions the following:

Title compounds I and II (R = R1 = H; R = R1 = Me; R = Me, R1 = H) were prepared by commencing with 2,6-Cl(H2H)C6H3CONH2 and proceeding via a variety of 5,6-disubstituted 2,4(1H,3H)-quinazolinediones. Methylation of II (R = Me, R1 = H) gave III and II (R = R1 = Me) in a ratio of 4:1. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 6-Chloro-2-aminobenzamide (cas: 54166-95-9Application of 54166-95-9).

6-Chloro-2-aminobenzamide (cas: 54166-95-9) belongs to amides. Amides can be viewed as a derivative of a carboxylic acid RC(=O)OH with the hydroxyl group –OH replaced by an amine group −NR′R″; or, equivalently, an acyl (alkanoyl) group RC(=O)− joined to an amine group. As a result of interactions such as these, the water solubility of amides is greater than that of corresponding hydrocarbons. These hydrogen bonds are also have an important role in the secondary structure of proteins.Application of 54166-95-9

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Bolduc, Trevor G. et al. published their research in Journal of Organic Chemistry in 2022 | CAS: 226260-01-1

3-Fluoro-N-methoxy-N-methylbenzamide (cas: 226260-01-1) belongs to amides. The amide group is called a peptide bond when it is part of the main chain of a protein, and an isopeptide bond when it occurs in a side chain, such as in the amino acids asparagine and glutamine. The presence of the amide group –C(=O)N– is generally easily established, at least in small molecules. It can be distinguished from nitro and cyano groups in IR spectra. Amides exhibit a moderately intense νCO band near 1650 cm−1. By 1H NMR spectroscopy, CONHR signals occur at low fields. In X-ray crystallography, the C(=O)N center together with the three immediately adjacent atoms characteristically define a plane.Application In Synthesis of 3-Fluoro-N-methoxy-N-methylbenzamide

Thionyl fluoride-mediated one-pot substitutions and reductions of carboxylic acids was written by Bolduc, Trevor G.;Lee, Cayo;Chappell, William P.;Sammis, Glenn M.. And the article was included in Journal of Organic Chemistry in 2022.Application In Synthesis of 3-Fluoro-N-methoxy-N-methylbenzamide This article mentions the following:

Thionyl fluoride (SOF2) is an underutilized reagent that is yet to be extensively studied for its synthetic applications. We previously reported that it is a powerful reagent for both the rapid syntheses of acyl fluorides and for one-pot peptide couplings, but the full scope of these nucleophilic acyl substitutions had not been explored. Herein, we report one-pot thionyl fluoride-mediated syntheses of peptides and amides (35 examples, 45-99% yields) that were not explored in our previous study. The scope of thionyl fluoride-mediated nucleophilic acyl substitutions was also expanded to encompass esters (24 examples, 64-99% yields) and thioesters (11 examples, 24-96% yields). In addition, we demonstrate that the scope of thionyl fluoride-mediated one-pot reactions can be extended beyond nucleophilic acyl substitutions to mild reductions of carboxylic acids using NaBH4 (13 examples, 33-80% yields). In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 3-Fluoro-N-methoxy-N-methylbenzamide (cas: 226260-01-1Application In Synthesis of 3-Fluoro-N-methoxy-N-methylbenzamide).

3-Fluoro-N-methoxy-N-methylbenzamide (cas: 226260-01-1) belongs to amides. The amide group is called a peptide bond when it is part of the main chain of a protein, and an isopeptide bond when it occurs in a side chain, such as in the amino acids asparagine and glutamine. The presence of the amide group –C(=O)N– is generally easily established, at least in small molecules. It can be distinguished from nitro and cyano groups in IR spectra. Amides exhibit a moderately intense νCO band near 1650 cm−1. By 1H NMR spectroscopy, CONHR signals occur at low fields. In X-ray crystallography, the C(=O)N center together with the three immediately adjacent atoms characteristically define a plane.Application In Synthesis of 3-Fluoro-N-methoxy-N-methylbenzamide

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Blickenstaff, Robert T. et al. published their research in Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry in 1994 | CAS: 2670-38-4

3,4-Dichlorobenzamide (cas: 2670-38-4) belongs to amides. Because of the greater electronegativity of oxygen, the carbonyl (C=O) is a stronger dipole than the N–C dipole. The presence of a C=O dipole and, to a lesser extent a N–C dipole, allows amides to act as H-bond acceptors. Amides are not in general accessible by the direct condensation of amines with carboxylic acids for two reasons: first, both components are readily deactivated by a transfer of a proton from the acid to the amine and second, the hydroxy unit on the carbonyl of the acid is a relatively poor leaving group. Nevertheless, the formation of five- and six-membered rings is often surprisingly simple provided that other factors can be brought into play to assist in the condensation.Category: amides-buliding-blocks

Potential radioprotective agents-V. Melatonin analogs. Oral activity of p-aminopropiophenone and its ethylene ketal was written by Blickenstaff, Robert T.;Reddy, Shailaja;Witt, Robert. And the article was included in Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry in 1994.Category: amides-buliding-blocks This article mentions the following:

Seven new amides of 5-methoxytryptamine were synthesized and tested for radioprotective activity in mice. One of them, the heptafluorobutyramide 4, is moderately active (57% survivors); the rest demonstrate little or no activity. Of twelve compounds that had been found to exhibit high radioprotective activity by i.p. injection, only two [p-aminopropiophenone (9) and its ethylene ketal 8] retain that high activity (92-95% survivors) when administered orally. Three are moderately active: p-aminobenzonitrile (10, 55%), 5-methoxytryptamine octanoic amide (11, 50%), and p-aminobenzophenone (12, 48%). In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 3,4-Dichlorobenzamide (cas: 2670-38-4Category: amides-buliding-blocks).

3,4-Dichlorobenzamide (cas: 2670-38-4) belongs to amides. Because of the greater electronegativity of oxygen, the carbonyl (C=O) is a stronger dipole than the N–C dipole. The presence of a C=O dipole and, to a lesser extent a N–C dipole, allows amides to act as H-bond acceptors. Amides are not in general accessible by the direct condensation of amines with carboxylic acids for two reasons: first, both components are readily deactivated by a transfer of a proton from the acid to the amine and second, the hydroxy unit on the carbonyl of the acid is a relatively poor leaving group. Nevertheless, the formation of five- and six-membered rings is often surprisingly simple provided that other factors can be brought into play to assist in the condensation.Category: amides-buliding-blocks

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Baruffini, A. et al. published their research in Farmaco, Edizione Scientifica in 1971 | CAS: 2670-38-4

3,4-Dichlorobenzamide (cas: 2670-38-4) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Ionic, or saltlike, amides are strongly alkaline compounds ordinarily made by treating ammonia, an amine, or a covalent amide with a reactive metal such as sodium.Recommanded Product: 3,4-Dichlorobenzamide

Phytotoxicity and selectivity of action of a homologous series of N-alkyl- and N,N-dialkyl-3,4-dichlorobenzamides was written by Baruffini, A.;Pagani, G.;Caccialanza, G.;Gialdi, F.. And the article was included in Farmaco, Edizione Scientifica in 1971.Recommanded Product: 3,4-Dichlorobenzamide This article mentions the following:

Of the 45 N-alkyl- and N,N-dialkyl-3,4-dichlorobenzamides (I) prepared by usual methods and tested for pre- and post-emergence phytotoxicity against common weeds, N,N-di-sec-butyl-3,4-dichlorobenzamide (6 kg/ha) selectively inhibited the growth of Echinochloa crus-galli and Setaria glauca. Most compounds were inactive in pre-emergence tests, while in the post-emergence tests some activity was shown by N-sec-amyl-3,4-dichlorobenzamide, N-sec-butyl-3,4-dichlorobenzamide, and 3,4-dichloro-N-ethylbenzamide. The N-monoalkyl-3,4-dichlorobenzamides generally showed limited action only through foliar absorption, while the more active N-dialkyl-3,4-dichlorobenzamides were absorbed through both leaves and roots. In both cases, the degree of absorption and activity is related to the structure of the alkyl residue on the N, particularly in the case of the dialkyl compounds In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 3,4-Dichlorobenzamide (cas: 2670-38-4Recommanded Product: 3,4-Dichlorobenzamide).

3,4-Dichlorobenzamide (cas: 2670-38-4) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Ionic, or saltlike, amides are strongly alkaline compounds ordinarily made by treating ammonia, an amine, or a covalent amide with a reactive metal such as sodium.Recommanded Product: 3,4-Dichlorobenzamide

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Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics