Handa, Takeshi et al. published their research in Suisan Daigakko Kenkyu Hokoku in 2020 |CAS: 97-09-6

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. COA of Formula: C6H5ClN2O4S

Handa, Takeshi; Araki, Akira; Yamamoto, Ken-ichi published an article in 2020, the title of the article was Hemolymph acid-base balance of akoya pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensii with cannulated adductor muscle in normoxic conditions.COA of Formula: C6H5ClN2O4S And the article contains the following content:

We collected the hemolymph anaerobically through a cannula inserted into the adductor muscle of Akoya pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensii submerged in exptl. seawater, and examined hemolymph pH, total CO2 concentration (Tco2), CO2 partial pressure (Pco2), and bicarbonate concentration ([HCO3-]) in order to evaluate the ability of the acid-base balance of P. fucata martensii in normoxic conditions. The mean values of hemolymph pH and Tco2 were 7.544 and 2.21 mM/L, resp. The apparent dissociation constant of carbonic acid (pKapp) was estimated using the following equation: pKapp = 225.712 – 97.096 • pH + 14.313 • pH2 – 0.7035 • pH3. Using mean values of pKapp (5.99585) and CO2 solubility coefficient (αco2, 37.02 μM/L/torr) determined in this study, the hemolymph Pco2 and [HCO3-] were calculated as 1.69 torr and 2.14 mM/L, resp. The non-bicarbonate buffer value (βNB) was 0.967 slykes. The experimental process involved the reaction of 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas: 97-09-6).COA of Formula: C6H5ClN2O4S

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. COA of Formula: C6H5ClN2O4S

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Eliel, Ernest L. et al. published their research in Journal of Organic Chemistry in 1955 |CAS: 97-09-6

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Synthetic Route of 97-09-6

Eliel, Ernest L.; Nelson, Kenneth W. published an article in 1955, the title of the article was Reactions of p-chlorobenzenesulfonic acid and derivatives. The σp* constant of the N,N-dimethylsulfonamido group.Synthetic Route of 97-09-6 And the article contains the following content:

In order to find other uses for p-ClC6H4SO3H (I), a by-product in the manufacture of DDT, some experiments are carried out with I. Adding (10 min.) 200 g. ClSO3H to 100 g. dry I at 10°, heating until the evolution of HCl ceases, and pouring the mixture slowly onto ice gives 70-85% p-ClC6H4SO2Cl, m. 51°, which (75 g.) is treated with 28% NH4OH (or 40% NH2Me or 40% NHMe2) at such a rate that the temperature does not exceed 40°, giving 70-80% p-ClC6H4SO2NH2 (II), m. 143-4° [or p-ClC6H4SO2NHMe (III), m. 62-4°, or p-ClC6H4SO2NMe2 (IV), m. 78-9°]. Heating 5 g. IV and 100 cc. 10% NaOH 4 hrs. at 200° in a stainless-steel bomb with shaking gives 91% p-HOC6H4SO2NMe2, m. 94°. p-MeOC6H4SO2NMe2, prepared with CH2N2, m. 71-2°, is also obtained from PhOMe and SO2Cl2 and treatment of the MeOC6H4SO2Cl with NHMe2. Treating 5 g. III with 100 cc. 10% aqueous NaOH 4 hrs. at 200° leaves III unchanged but at 250° PhOH is formed. Heating 7 g. IV with 130 cc. 36% aqueous NH4OH at 250° (about 2700 lb. pressure) 4 hrs. gives 63% p-H2NC6H4SO2NMe2, m. 170.5-1°. Heating 20 g. IV and 10 g. CuCN in 12 cc. C5H5N 4 hrs. at 240-50°, pouring the cooled (100°) mixture into 100 cc. concentrated HCl, stirring the mixture at 20° with 200 cc. C6H6, and evaporating the washed (NH4OH, H2O) C6H6 layer gives 62% p-NCC6H4SO2NMe2 (V), m. 124-7°. Refluxing 2 g. V in 20 cc. 10% NaOH until a homogeneous solution is formed gives 97% p-HO2CC6H4SO2NMe2, m. 251-3°. Refluxing 20 g. V in 100 cc. tetrahydrofuran (THF) 1 hr. with 8 g. LiAlH4 in 50 cc. THF and acidifying the mixture with dilute H2SO4 gives (p-H2NCH2C6H4SO2NMe2)2.H2SO4 not m. below 250°. Adding 20 g. I to 15 cc. 18% fuming H2SO4, 35 cc. concentrated H2SO4, and 30 cc. fuming HNO3, keeping the mixture 1 hr. at 20°, adding 100 cc. H2O, and distilling it off until the temperature reaches 220° gives 11 g. 4,3-Cl(O2N)C6H3SO3H (VI). Heating 10 g. VI with 20 g. ClSO3H 1 hr. at 100° and pouring the cooled mixture onto crushed ice gives 18% sulfonyl chloride (VII) which (3 g.), treated with 50 cc. 28% aq NH4OH, heated to boiling and cooled, yields 79% sulfonamide (VIII), m. 175-7°. Adding 5 g. VII to 25 cc. 40% NHMe2 at such a rate that the temperature does not exceed 40°, filtering the precipitate, and triturating it with 25 cc. concentrated HCl gives 56% N,N-dimethylsulfonamide (IX), m. 100-2°. Heating 3 g. VII with 25 cc. 40% aqueous NHMe2 at 90° gives 84% 4,3-Me2N(O2N)C6H3SO2NMe2, m. 182-3°; 4-methylamino analog, 88%, m. 183°. The reaction rates of 2,4-Cl2C6H3NO2, VIII, IX, and o-ClC6H4NO2 with NaOMe are found to be 1.54, 0.0911, 0.0106, and 0.00306, resp. From the value for VIII σp* for SO2NMe2 is calculated to be 0.99. The experimental process involved the reaction of 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas: 97-09-6).Synthetic Route of 97-09-6

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Synthetic Route of 97-09-6

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Merian, Ernest et al. published their research in Helvetica Chimica Acta in 1960 |CAS: 97-09-6

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. COA of Formula: C6H5ClN2O4S

Merian, Ernest published an article in 1960, the title of the article was Differentiation between alkyl aryl sulfone groups and aromatic sulfonamide groups by use of infrared spectrography.COA of Formula: C6H5ClN2O4S And the article contains the following content:

Application of infrared absorption bands to differentiate between alkyl aryl sulfone groups and primary, secondary, and tertiary aromatic sulfonamide groups was discussed. Infrared absorption spectra of the following compounds were charted: methanesulfonyl chloride; 4-methylsulfonyl-1-chloro-2-nitrobenzene; 4-methylsulfonyl-1-amino-2-chlorobenzene; a monoazo dye formed of 6-methylsulfonyl-2-diazobenzothiazole and N-ethyl-N-cyanoethyl-m-toluidine; 1-chloro-2 nitrobenzene-4-sulfonamide; 1-chloro-2-nitrobenzene-4-sulfonmethylamide; 1-chloro-2-nitrobenzene-4-sulfonethylamide; 1-amino-2-chlorobenzene-4-sulfonmethylamide; dimethylaminosulfonyl chloride; 1-chloro-2-nitrobenzene-4-sulfondiethylamide; 1-amino-2-chlorobenzene-4-sulfondimethylamide; and 1-aminobenzene-4-sulfondimethylamide. The experimental process involved the reaction of 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas: 97-09-6).COA of Formula: C6H5ClN2O4S

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. COA of Formula: C6H5ClN2O4S

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Dykhanov, N. N. et al. published their research in Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii in 1967 |CAS: 97-09-6

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Application of 97-09-6

Dykhanov, N. N.; Ryzhkova, T. S.; Khaletskii, A. M. published an article in 1967, the title of the article was Ammonolysis of isomeric chlorobenzensulfonamides.Application of 97-09-6 And the article contains the following content:

Heating o-ClC6H4SO2NH2 (I) with 15 moles NH3 (as 30% solution in water) to 200° in the absence of catalysts failed to give any reaction. However, in the presence of Cu2O, ammonolysis took place at 145-50° to give 5-6% o-H2NC6H4SO2NH2 (II) and a polymeric mass (III). Hydrolysis of III with 40% H2SO4 gave o-H2NC6H4SO3H and II. Presence of an alkyl substituent on the amino group of I prevents the formation of a polymer. Thus, ammonolysis of o-ClC6H4SO2NHMe in the presence of Cu+ at 155-60° gave ∼80% o-H2NC6H4SO2NHMe. Also ammonolysis of m-ClC6H4SO2NH2 gave ∼80% m-H2NC6H4SO2NH2 and no polymer. Formation of II was explained by postulating the existence of an intermediate Cu+ complex of the average composition [ClC6H4SO2NH2.CuCl.2H2O],which at 200° nearly instantaneously decompose to III. The experimental process involved the reaction of 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas: 97-09-6).Application of 97-09-6

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Application of 97-09-6

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Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Ionescu, Maria et al. published their research in Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Chemia in 1967 |CAS: 97-09-6

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Synthetic Route of 97-09-6

Ionescu, Maria; Panea, Ioan published an article in 1967, the title of the article was Infrared spectra of some sulfamides.Synthetic Route of 97-09-6 And the article contains the following content:

A series of sulfamides were pelletized with KBr (1:300 mg./mg.), and the ir spectra were determined The data were tabulated for the bands corresponding to νs–…C, νs–…N, νs–…O, and The first 3 bands at 1090, 1050, and 1030 cm.-1, resp., are present in the spectra of the arylsulfamides in the 1100-1000-cm.-1 range, in addition to the bands corresponding to the νβ-CH of the substituted benzene nucleus. In many cases, these bands coupled with each other or with addnl. bands. The band at 913 cm.-1 in I was used for quant. anal. The ir spectrum of the equimol. mixture of I and its isomer showed that it was additive, each vibration (even of the same bond but in different connection) manifesting its presence by a corresponding maximum Determinations, by using various amounts of I and II and measuring the extinction by the base line method, verified the rectilinear correlation between extinction and concentration of I, when the latter is >90%, but if it is <60% the error is >>2.8%. 16 references. The experimental process involved the reaction of 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas: 97-09-6).Synthetic Route of 97-09-6

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Synthetic Route of 97-09-6

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Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Kavalek, Jaromir et al. published their research in Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications in 1968 |CAS: 97-09-6

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Reference of 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide

Kavalek, Jaromir; Socha, Jaromir published an article in 1968, the title of the article was Quinoxaline series. V. Preparation of 3-hydroxy-2-methyl-6-chloroquinoxaline and 3-hydroxy-2-methyl-6-sulfamoylquinoxaline.Reference of 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide And the article contains the following content:

The title compounds I are potential fungicides and therapeutic agents. Thus, 17.2 g. 2-nitro-4-chloroaniline and 15.3 g. DL-MeCHBrCO2H was heated at 120° 40 hrs., the product extracted with hot aqueous NH4OH, and the extract made acid with HCl to give 4.86 g. N-(2-nitro-4-chlorophenyl)-DL-alanine, m. 162-3° (MeOH), which was hydrogenated in MeOH solution over Raney Ni, the product oxidized in 4% NaOH solution with 30% H2O2 on a steam bath and the material purified on Al2O3 to yield 11% I (R = Cl), m. 274-5°. A suspension of 7.1 g. 3-nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide, 11.2 g. NaHCO3, and 8.1 g. DL-alanine in 20 ml. MeOH and 15 ml. H2O gave on heating 48 hrs. at 90-100° 7.75 g. N-(2-nitro-4-sulfamoylphenyl)-DL-alanine, m. 233.5-6.0°, which was portionwise added to a boiling mixture of FeSO4.7H2O and 5% aqueous NH4OH. After 15 min., the mixture was filtered, the filtrate made acid, and the separated crude amide of 3-hydroxy-2-methyl-1,2-dihydro-6-quinoxalinesulfonic acid, m. 235-9°, dropwise treated with 30% aqueous H2O2 and kept 1 hr. on a steam bath to yield 69% I (R = SO2NH2), m. 325.5-7.0°. By an alternative route, I (R = SO2NH2) was obtained in 92% yield by treating amide of 4-amino-3-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid in aqueous NH4OH at 80° with a solution of FeSO4 and allowing to react the resulting 1,2-diamino-4-benzenesulfonamide, m. 173-5°, at 65° with an aqueous solution of pyruvic acid. The experimental process involved the reaction of 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas: 97-09-6).Reference of 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Reference of 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide

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Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Heppolette, R. L. et al. published their research in Journal of the Chemical Society in 1956 |CAS: 97-09-6

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Computed Properties of 97-09-6

Heppolette, R. L.; Miller, Joseph published an article in 1956, the title of the article was The SN mechanism in aromatic compounds. XXI.Computed Properties of 97-09-6 And the article contains the following content:

cf. C.A. 49, 14666e; 50, 14594h. The activating power of a series of p-SO2R groups in aromatic nucleophilic substitution is investigated and found to be in the order R = NH-, O- < NC5H10, NMe2, NMePh < Me < Ph. This order is derived by determining the rates and Arrhenius parameters of the reactions of 4,3-Cl(O2N)C6H3SO2R with MeO- in MeOH, either by direct measurement, or by computation from another reaction, assuming relative substituent effects to be constant Reactions other than with MeO- in MeOH were for R = O-, with OH- in H2O, for R = Ph, with MeO- in 1:1 (volume/volume) C6H6-MeOH. Rates and Arrhenius parameters are also reported for the reaction of 4,3-Cl(O2N)C6H3X with MeO- in MeOH for X = NO2, COMe, N2+ (estimated from the reaction of 4,3-F(O2N)C6H3N2+ with MeO-), and NMe3+ (estimated from the reaction of 4,3-Br(O2N)C6H3NMe3+ with OMe-), and activation is in the order X = N2+ > NO2 > SO2Me > NMe3+ > COMe > H. The experimental process involved the reaction of 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas: 97-09-6).Computed Properties of 97-09-6

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Computed Properties of 97-09-6

Amide – Wikipedia,
Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Yamada, Kimiho et al. published their research in Sen’i Gakkaishi in 1959 |CAS: 97-09-6

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Electric Literature of 97-09-6

Yamada, Kimiho; Shinomiya, Chiro published an article in 1959, the title of the article was Dyeing of fibers difficult to dye. VIII. Condensation-dyeing by active halo compound with free amines.Electric Literature of 97-09-6 And the article contains the following content:

By using 14 halo compounds and 15 amino compounds, the reactivity and the dyeing property for several kinds of fibers were studied. Condensation-dyeing of this system have small hue variations. Strong basic amines having conjugate systems throughout the mol. are better than the others. Halo compounds containing suitable soluble radicals are good for nylon, Vinylon, and wool, and also the one having the active halo radical at the side chain showed excellent results. Each kind of fiber is deeply dyed, but, in general, cotton is more difficult to dye than the others. Of halo compounds, the hydrolytic constant and the reactivity with benzidine in H2O are; 2-chloro-5-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid > picryl chloride > 2-chloro-3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid > 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene > 2-chloro-4-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid > 2-chloro-4-nitrobenzoic acid > 4-chloro-3-nitrobenzenesulfonamide. The experimental process involved the reaction of 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas: 97-09-6).Electric Literature of 97-09-6

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Electric Literature of 97-09-6

Amide – Wikipedia,
Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Heppolette, Robert L. et al. published their research in Chemistry & Industry (London, United Kingdom) in 1954 |CAS: 97-09-6

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Product Details of 97-09-6

Heppolette, Robert L.; Miller, Joseph published an article in 1954, the title of the article was SO2X compounds in aromatic nucleophilic substitution.Product Details of 97-09-6 And the article contains the following content:

cf. C.A. 47, 6884a. By the displacement of Cl with MeO- ion in 4-Cl 3-O2N compounds the relative reaction rates are obtained where the 1-substituent is H, 1; SO3-, 31.9; SO2NH-, 50.2; SO2NMe2, 26100; SO2Me, 52900; SO2Ph, 76000. The results show: p-SO2X groups are activating; SO2X groups are more activating than COX groups; the activating power varies with X and is parallel to that in the COX groups. The experimental process involved the reaction of 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas: 97-09-6).Product Details of 97-09-6

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Product Details of 97-09-6

Amide – Wikipedia,
Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Kulka, Marshall et al. published their research in Journal of the American Chemical Society in 1950 |CAS: 97-09-6

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Name: 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide

Kulka, Marshall published an article in 1950, the title of the article was Derivatives of p-chlorobenzenesulfonic acid.Name: 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide And the article contains the following content:

In the manufacture of DDT from PhCl and Cl3CCHO (H2SO4 as condensing agent), p-ClC6H4SO3H is a byproduct; derivatives have been prepared to be tested as possible insecticides and fungicides. p-ClC6H4SO3Na (I) (335 g.) in 700 cc. CHCl3, treated (15 min.) with 370 g. ClSO3H at a rate to maintain a temperature of 60° and then heated 6 h. at 55-60°, gives 89% p-ClC6H4SO2Cl (II), b12 140°, m. 52-3°. FSO3H (200 g.) in an Al beaker, treated dropwise (3 h.) with 57 g. PhCl at 48-50° and stirred and heated an addnl. 4 h., gives 74% ClC6H4SO2F (III), m. 48-9°, and 2.5 g. (p-ClC6H4)2SO2, m. 146-7°. I (100 g.), 200 g. FSO3H, and 150 cc. CCl4, heated 24 h. at 70-5° and the acid layer heated and stirred another 24 h. with fresh CCl4, gives 85% III. III (50 g.), added (10 min.) to 125 cc. HNO3 (d. 1.5) and 50 cc. concentrated H2SO4 at 60° and heated and stirred 1.25 h. at 65°, gives 10 g. III and 67% 3-nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonyl fluoride, b17 165-6°, m. 51-2°; with liquid NH3 it gives 85% of the amide, m. 175-6°. III (100 g.), added to 300 g. Na2SO3 in 1000 cc. H2O at 70° and heated 5 h. at 70-80° and a few min. at 100°, gives 81% p-ClC6H4SO2H (IV), m. 98-9°; 1 mol. II, reduced at 55-60° with 2 1. 28.5% aqueous Na2SO3, gives 60% IV; 2 1. of a 31.5% solution gives 80% IV. The Na salt from 27 g. IV in 150 cc. hot EtOH and 35 g. 3,4-Cl2C6H3CH2Cl, refluxed 8 h., gives 68% p-chlorophenyl 3,4-dichlorobenzyl sulfone, m. 135-6°; p-xylylene bis(p-chlorophenyl) disulfone, m. 335-7°, 78%. IV (72 g.) and 45 g. Na2CO3 in 900 cc. H2O, added to 61 g. Cl2CHCO2H and heated 44 h. on the steam bath, give 65% p-chlorophenyl chloromethyl sulfone, m. 120-1°. III (25 g.) and 35 cc. ClCH2CH2OH, treated with 7 g. NaOH and heated 3 h. at 20-5°, give 93% 2-chloroethyl p-chlorobenzenesulfonate, b13 197°, nD20 1.5465 (II gives 47%). III (13 g.), 10 g. Cl3CCH2OH, 3 g. NaOH, and 40 cc. ether, kept 3 h. at 22-5°, give 87% 2,2,2-trichloroethyl p-chlorobenzenesulfonate, m. 73-4° (63% from II and Cl3CCH2OH on refluxing 8 h.). III and HOCH(CH2Cl)2 give 25% 1,3-dichloro-2-Pr p-chlorobenzenesulfonate (V), b14 190-200°, m. 53-4°. II (106 g.) in 50 cc. C5H5N, treated with 28 g. HOCH2CH(OH)CH2Cl (VI) (temperature below 100°) and heated 1 h. on the steam bath, give 38 g. V and 9 g. ClCH(CH2Cl)2. II (106 g.) in 50 cc. C5H5N, treated (15 min.) with 28 g. VI at 25-35°, stirred 0.5 h. at 30-5° and kept 4 h. at room temperature, give 84% 3-chloropropylene bis(p-chlorobenzenesulfonate) (VII), m. 66-7°; VII and II in C5H5N at 100° give a mixture of VI and ClCH(CH2Cl)2. 2,4-Cl2C6H3OH (16.3 g.) and 4 g. NaOH in 40 cc. H2O, treated with 19.5 g. III and heated 2 h. at 50-60°, give 85% 2,4-dichlorophenyl p-chlorobenzenesulfonate, m. 119-20°. ClCH2CH2OH (20 cc.) and 50 g. 3,4-Cl2C6H3SO2Cl (VIII), treated dropwise (0.5 h.) with 17 g. C5H5N at 10-15°, stirred an addnl. hr. at 10-15°, and kept 2 h. at 5°, give 81% 2-chloroethyl 3,4-dichlorobenzenesulfonate (IX), m. 69-70°. VIII and excess ClCH2CH2OH on refluxing give a poor yield of IX. p-ClC6H4SO2NHCH2CH2OH (X) (5 g.) and 10 g. SOCl2, refluxed 2 h., give 2 g. N-(2-chloroethyl)-p-chlorobenzenesulfonamide, m. 152-3°. II (1 mol.) in CHCl3, treated dropwise with 1 mol. amine at a temperature below 40° and then with 1 mol. aqueous NaOH, and stirred an addnl. 0.5 h., gives a nearly quant. yield of the following p-chlorobenzenesulfonamides: N,N-di-Me, m. 79-80°; N,N-di-Et, m. 37-8°; N-iso-Pr, m. 85-6°; N-Bu, m. 50-1°; X, m. 104-5°. 4-(p-Chlorophenylsulfonyl) morpholine, m. 148-9°; N,N’-bis (p-chlorophenyl-sulfonyl)-1,2-diaminopropane, m. 141-2°. II (50 g.) and a trace of Fe2(SO4)3, treated 1 h. with Cl at 175-80°, gives 63% p-C6H4Cl2 and 4 g. 1,2,3,5-C6H2Cl4. The experimental process involved the reaction of 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas: 97-09-6).Name: 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide

3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas:97-09-6) belongs to amides. Amides are pervasive in nature and technology. Proteins and important plastics like Nylons, Aramid, Twaron, and Kevlar are polymers whose units are connected by amide groups (polyamides); these linkages are easily formed, confer structural rigidity, and resist hydrolysis. Name: 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide

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