Discovery of 51-06-9

The basis of chemical reaction formula synthesis, the synthesis route is composed of some specific reactions and combined according to certain logical thinking. We look forward to the emergence of more reaction modes in the future.

Researchers who often do experiments know that organic synthesis is a process of preparing more complex target molecules from simple raw materials through one or more chemical reactions. Generally, it requires fewer steps, and cheap raw materials. 51-06-9, name is 4-Amino-N-(2-diethylaminoethyl)benzamide, A new synthetic method of this compound is introduced below., category: amides-buliding-blocks

Reactions were carried out by the oxidation of PAH by DPCfollowed under pseudo first order conditions where [PAH] [DPC] in both uncatalyzed and ruthenium(III) catalyzed(10 fold excess) reactions at room temperature. The kineticreactions and measurements were followed by our previouslab work.[5] UV-vis spectral changes observed during the oxidationreaction in the absence and presence of Ru(III) wasshown in (Figure S1). In the both cases the pseudo-first orderrate constants (kU and kC) were obtained from the plots oflog(Absorbance) versus time (Figure S1). The pseudo-firstorder plots were linear over three half-lives. The rate constants,kU and kC values are shown in Tables 1 and 2. As theFigure 1 shows that the spectral changes observed during bothuncatalyzed and catalyzed reactions at standard condition.From Figure 1 the concentration of DPC decreases slowly at415 nm. During the kinetics, a constant concentration viz.5.0105 mol dm3 of KIO4 was used throughout the study.

The basis of chemical reaction formula synthesis, the synthesis route is composed of some specific reactions and combined according to certain logical thinking. We look forward to the emergence of more reaction modes in the future.

Article; Meti, Manjunath D.; Nandibewoor, Sharanappa T.; Chimatadar, Shivamurti A.; Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry; vol. 50; 4; (2020); p. 195 – 204;,
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Extracurricular laboratory: Synthetic route of 51-06-9

At the same time, in my other blogs, there are other synthetic methods of this type of compound, 4-Amino-N-(2-diethylaminoethyl)benzamide, and friends who are interested can also refer to it.

Adding a certain compound to certain chemical reactions, such as: 51-06-9, name is 4-Amino-N-(2-diethylaminoethyl)benzamide, belongs to amides-buliding-blocks compound, can increase the reaction rate and produce products with better performance than those obtained under traditional synthetic methods. Here is a downstream synthesis route of the compound 51-06-9, Computed Properties of C13H21N3O

Example V 4-[(Butylsulfonyl)amino]-N-[2-(diethylamino)ethyl]benzamide hydrobromide To 100 ml of methylene chloride add 6.52 g (36.2 mmole) of 4-amino-N-[2-(diethylamino)ethyl]benzamide and cool to -78 C. under nitrogen atmosphere. To this solution slowly add 5.61 g (36.2 mmole) of n-butanesulfonyl chloride. When the addition is complete, allow the reaction mixture to warm to room temperature and monitor by thin layer chromatography on silica gel (acetonitrile:ammonium hydroxide, 9:1). Upon completion of the reaction remove the solvent in vacuo. To the resulting oil add 50 ml H2 O followed by 50% sodium hydroxide until pH=14. Extract the aqueous layer with 3*50 ml diethyl ether and 2*25 ml of methylene chloride. To the aqueous layer add concentrated HCl to bring the pH to 8.5. Extract the aqueous solution with 3*75 ml of methylene chloride. Combine the extracts and dry over sodium sulfate. Filter the drying agent and remove the solvent in vacuo. Dissolve the resulting oil in acetonitrile. Bubble HBr gas through the solution until pH=1. Remove the solvent in vacuo. Triterate the resulting oil in diethyl ether and ethyl acetate to yield a precipitate. Isolate by filtration and recrystallize from MeOH/ethyl acetate to afford the title compound. NMR (DMSO-d6): delta=0.82(t,3), 1.22(t,6), 1.34(m,2), 1.63 (m,2), 3.23(m,8), 3.57(m,2), 7.26 (d,2), 8.67(t,1), 9.22(br s,1) and 10.19(s,1)ppm.

At the same time, in my other blogs, there are other synthetic methods of this type of compound, 4-Amino-N-(2-diethylaminoethyl)benzamide, and friends who are interested can also refer to it.

Patent; Schering A.G.; US4544654; (1985); A;,
Amide – Wikipedia,
Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

The important role of 51-06-9

These compound has a wide range of applications. It is believed that with the continuous development of the source of the synthetic route 4-Amino-N-(2-diethylaminoethyl)benzamide, its application will become more common.

Related Products of 51-06-9,Some common heterocyclic compound, 51-06-9, name is 4-Amino-N-(2-diethylaminoethyl)benzamide, molecular formula is C13H21N3O, traditional synthetic route has been very mature, but the traditional synthetic route has various shortcomings, such as complicated route, low yield, poor purity, etc, below Introduce a new synthetic route.

EXAMPLE V 4-[(Butylsulfonyl)amino]-N-[2-(diethylamino)ethyl]benzamide hydrobromide To 100 ml of methylene chloride add 6.52 g (36.2 mmole) of 4-amino-N-[2-(diethylamino)ethyl]benzamide and cool to -78 C. under nitrogen atmosphere. To this solution slowly add 5.61 g (36.2 mmole) of n-butanesulfonyl chloride. When the addition is complete, allow the reaction mixture to warm to room temperature and monitor by thin layer chromatography on silica gel (acetonitrile:ammonium hydroxide, 9:1). Upon completion of the reaction remove the solvent in vacuo. To the resulting oil add 50 ml H2 O followed by 50% sodium hydroxide until pH=14. Extract the aqueous layer with 3*50 ml diethyl ether and 2*25 ml of methylene chloride. To the aqueous layer add concentrated HCl to bring the pH to 8.5. Extract the aqueous solution with 3*75 ml of methylene chloride. Combine the extracts and dry over sodium sulfate. Filter the drying agent and remove the solvent in vacuo. Dissolve the resulting oil in acetonitrile. Bubble HBr gas through the solution until pH=1. Remove the solvent in vacuo. Triterate the resulting oil in diethyl ether and ethyl acetate to yield a precipitate. Isolate by filtration and recrystallize from MeOH/ethyl acetate to afford the title compound. NMR (DMSO-d6): delta=0.82(t,3), 1.22(t,6), 1.34(m,2), 1.63 (m,2), 3.23(m,8), 3.57(m,2), 7.26 (d,2), 8.67(t,1), 9.22(br s,1) and 10.19(s,1)ppm.

These compound has a wide range of applications. It is believed that with the continuous development of the source of the synthetic route 4-Amino-N-(2-diethylaminoethyl)benzamide, its application will become more common.

Patent; Schering A.G.; US4629739; (1986); A;,
Amide – Wikipedia,
Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Some tips on 51-06-9

At the same time, in my other blogs, there are other synthetic methods of this type of compound, 4-Amino-N-(2-diethylaminoethyl)benzamide, and friends who are interested can also refer to it.

Application of 51-06-9, As we all know, there are many different methods for the synthesis of a compound, and people can choose the synthesis method that suits their own laboratory according to the actual situation. 51-06-9 name is 4-Amino-N-(2-diethylaminoethyl)benzamide, This compound is widely used in many fields, so it is necessary to find a new synthetic route. The downstream synthesis method of this compound is introduced below.

A mixture of p-SCN-Bn-NOTA (0.05 g, 0.09 mmol) and 4-amino-N-(2-(diethylamino)ethyl)benzamide (0.030 g, 0.11 mmol) in CHCl3 (1 mL) containing TEA (45 muL, 0.27 mmol) was stirred 24 h at room temperature. The solvent was evaporated under reduced pressure. The resulting product was purified by semi-preparative HPLC (gradient 10% of H2O for 5 min and 10-70% of MeCN for 30 min; flow rate, 2 mL/min; 240 nm; tR, 12 min) to give SCN-NOTA-BZA as a pale yellow solid (46 mg, 75%). MS (FAB) m/z 686, (M+H)+; HRMS of C33H48N7O7S 686.3336 (calculated) and 686.3340 (observed); 1H NMR (500 MHz, D2O): delta 7.68 (d, 1H), 7.34 (d, 2H), 7.20 (m, 4H), 3.67-3.65 (br, 2H), 3.54-3.50 (br, 2H), 3.39-3.29 (br, 4H), 3.20-3.12 (br, 6H), 3.09-2.99 (br, 8H), 2.92-2.52 (br, 3H), 1.20-1.14 (br, 8H); 13C NMR (125 MHz, D2O): delta 179.3, 178.5, 176.3, 174.4, 169.8, 142.0, 136.8, 136.1, 130.3, 130.0, 129.8, 128.8, 128.2, 126.0, 125.6, 124.5. 60.6, 57.8, 57.6, 57.2, 57.1, 52.4, 52.1, 51.6, 50.6, 47.6, 46.6, 46.0, 43.5, 34.9, 33.7, 33.6, 8.2, 8.1.

At the same time, in my other blogs, there are other synthetic methods of this type of compound, 4-Amino-N-(2-diethylaminoethyl)benzamide, and friends who are interested can also refer to it.

Article; Kim, Hee-Jung; Kim, Dong-Yeon; Park, Jeong-Hoon; Yang, Seung-Dae; Hur, Min-Goo; Min, Jung-Joon; Yu, Kook-Hyun; Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry; vol. 20; 16; (2012); p. 4915 – 4920;,
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Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

The important role of 4-Amino-N-(2-diethylaminoethyl)benzamide

The basis of chemical reaction formula synthesis, the synthesis route is composed of some specific reactions and combined according to certain logical thinking. We look forward to the emergence of more reaction modes in the future.

Researchers who often do experiments know that organic synthesis is a process of preparing more complex target molecules from simple raw materials through one or more chemical reactions. Generally, it requires fewer steps, and cheap raw materials. 51-06-9, name is 4-Amino-N-(2-diethylaminoethyl)benzamide, A new synthetic method of this compound is introduced below., 51-06-9

To a solution of procainamide (26 mg, 0.112 MMOL) in DICHLOROMETHANE (1.5 mL) under inert atmosphere were triethylamine (31 uL) and 4-trifluoromethoxyphenyl isocyanate (30 , uL, 0.145 MMOL) added. The reaction was stirred for three days. PS-Trisamine (0. 16 g, 3.58 mmol/g, 0.56 MMOL) was added and the reaction was stirrede for two more days. The resin was filtered off and the reaction mixture was concentrated in vacuo. The crude product was purified by acidic ion exchange chromatography (SCX-colon) giving 29 mg (59%) of the title product. LCMS (AN20P10) : RT = 5.52 min, (M-1) = 439.0 m/z.

The basis of chemical reaction formula synthesis, the synthesis route is composed of some specific reactions and combined according to certain logical thinking. We look forward to the emergence of more reaction modes in the future.

Patent; 7TM PHARMA A/S; LITTLE, Paul Brian; WO2004/48319; (2004); A1;,
Amide – Wikipedia,
Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics