Properties and Exciting Facts About 361442-00-4

If you are hungry for even more, make sure to check my other article about 361442-00-4, Recommanded Product: 361442-00-4.

One of the major reasons for studying chemical kinetics is to use measurements of the macroscopic properties of a system, such as the rate of change in the concentration of reactants or products with time. 361442-00-4, Name is (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid, formurla is C17H27NO5. In a document, author is Rakipov, Ilnaz T., introducing its new discovery. Recommanded Product: 361442-00-4.

Enzyme Architecture: Breaking Down the Catalytic Cage that Activates Orotidine 5 ‘-Monophosphate Decarboxylase for Catalysis

We report the results of a study of the catalytic role of a network of four interacting amino acid side chains at yeast orotidine 5’-monophosphate decarboxylase (ScOMPDC), by the stepwise replacement of all four side chains. The H-bond, which links the -CH2OH side chain of SI54 from the pyrimidine umbrella loop of ScOMPDC to the amide side chain of Q215 in the phosphodianion gripper loop, creates a protein cage for the substrate OMP. The role of this interaction in optimizing transition state stabilization from the dianion gripper side chains Q215, Y217, and R235 was probed by determining the kinetic parameter k(cat)/K-m for 16 enzyme variants, which include all combinations of single, double, triple, and quadruple 5154A, Q215A, Y217F, and R235A mutations. The effects of consecutive Q215A, Y217F, and R235A mutations on Delta G(double dagger) for wild-type enzyme-catalyzed decarboxylation sum to 11.6 kcal/mol, but to only 7.6 kcal/mol when starting from S154A mutant. This shows that the S154A mutation results in a (11.6-7.6) = 4.0 kcal/mol decrease in transition state stabilization from interactions with Q215, Y217, and R235. Mutant cycles show that ca. 2 kcal/mol of this 4 kcal/mol effect is from the direct interaction between the S154 and Q215 side chains and that ca. 2 kcal/mol is from a tightening in the stabilizing interactions of the Y217 and R235 side chains. The sum of the effects of individual A154S, A215Q F217Y and A235R substitutions at the quadruple mutant of ScOMPDC to give the corresponding triple mutants, 5.6 kcal/mol, is much smaller than 16.0 kcal/mol, the sum of the effects of the related four substitutions in wild-type ScOMPDC to give the respective single mutants. The small effect of substitutions at the quadruple mutant is consistent with a large entropic cost to holding the flexible loops of ScOMPDC in the active closed conformation.

If you are hungry for even more, make sure to check my other article about 361442-00-4, Recommanded Product: 361442-00-4.

The Absolute Best Science Experiment for 361442-00-4

Balanced chemical reaction does not necessarily reveal either the individual elementary reactions by which a reaction occurs or its rate law. In my other articles, you can also check out more blogs about 361442-00-4. Application In Synthesis of (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid.

Enzymes are biological catalysts that produce large increases in reaction rates and tend to be specific for certain reactants and products. 361442-00-4, Name is (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid, molecular formula is C17H27NO5, belongs to amides-buliding-blocks compound. In a document, author is Mojica, Sergio A., introduce the new discover, Application In Synthesis of (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid.

A theoretical and NMR lanthanide-induced shift (LIS) investigation of the conformations of lactams.

Molecular mechanics (MM) with MMFF94 and MMX force fields and ab initio (RHF/6-31G*,RHF/6-311G**, and B3LYP/6-311G**) calculations are used with lanthanide-induced shift (LIS) to investigate the conformations of N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone 1, N-methyl-2-piperidone 2, epsilon-caprolactam 3, -valerolactam (1,5-dimethyl-2-pyrrolidone) 4, 2-azetidinone 5, 4-methyl azetidinone 6, 4-phenyl azetidinone 7, and N-methyl-4-phenyl azetidinone 8. The Yb(fod)(3) paramagnetic induced shifts of all the H-1 and C-13 nuclei are measured and the corresponding diamagnetic complexation shifts obtained by the addition of Lu(fod)(3). The complexation model (two-, three-, or four-site) used depends on the relative rates of the processes involved. The amide inversion is the same order as that of the 5- and 6-membered lactam rings and much faster than the lanthanide complexation and the inversion of the 7-membered ring. Both MM and ab initio calculations give an envelope conformation for 1 with C-4 out of the ring plane in agreement with the LIS analysis. For the piperidone ring of 2, the half-chair is calculated as the most stable form. The LIS analysis confirms this but cannot exclude a small amount (<2%) of the boat conformation. For 3, the LIS analysis gives a minimum for 90:10% chair to boat conformation, and 4 exists in two envelope conformations with the C-5-Me ps-eq and ps-ax in an eq/ax ratio of 94:6%. In 2-azetidinone 5, the ab initio calculations gave both ring and nitrogen planar, but the MMFF94 calculations give a butterfly ring and pyramidal nitrogen. The LIS analysis for 5 gave good agreement (Rcryst 0.46%) for the MMFF94 geometry with endo NH but the planar ab initio geometries worse agreement (Rcryst=1.1%). For 4-methyl-2-azetidinone 6, the MMFF94 geometry gave good agreement (Rcryst 0.96%) with two butterfly conformations with axial and equatorial methyl groups in 1:1 ratio. All the planar geometries gave worse agreement (Rcryst >1.5%). In 4-phenyl azetidinone 7, the MMFF94 geometry with 60% of the axial conformer gave Rcryst 1.2% but the other geometries Rcryst >1.5%. In contrast the N-methyl-4-phenyl-2-azetidinone 8 gave good agreement for all the geometries. The butterfly conformation gave Rcryst 1.1% for 80% of the axial conformer and the planar geometries Rcryst 0.98%. The LIS results confirm the ab initio and MM optimised geometries, but the conformer energies at times differ from the calculated values. They also differ considerably from the corresponding values for the lactones studied previously, and possible reasons for this are discussed.

Balanced chemical reaction does not necessarily reveal either the individual elementary reactions by which a reaction occurs or its rate law. In my other articles, you can also check out more blogs about 361442-00-4. Application In Synthesis of (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid.

What I Wish Everyone Knew About 361442-00-4

The proportionality constant is the rate constant for the particular unimolecular reaction. the reaction rate is directly proportional to the concentration of the reactant. I hope my blog about 361442-00-4 is helpful to your research. Recommanded Product: (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid.

Chemistry is the science of change. But why do chemical reactions take place? Why do chemicals react with each other? The answer is in thermodynamics and kinetics, 361442-00-4, Name is (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid, SMILES is CC(C)(C)OC(=O)N[C@H](C(O)=O)C12CC3CC(CC(O)(C3)C1)C2, belongs to amides-buliding-blocks compound. In a document, author is Davies, Stephen G., introduce the new discover, Recommanded Product: (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid.

Copper-ligand clusters dictate size of cyclized peptide formed during alkyne-azide cycloaddition on solid support

Peptide and peptidomimetic cyclization by copper-catalyzed alkyne-azide cycloaddition (CuAAC) reaction have been used to mimic disulfide bonds, alpha helices, amide bonds, and for one-bead-one-compound (OBOC) library development. A limited number of solid-supported CuAAC cyclization methods resulting in monomeric cyclic peptide formation have been reported for specific peptide sequences, but there exists no general study on monocyclic peptide formation using CuAAC cyclization. Since several cyclic peptides identified from an OBOC CuAAC cyclized library has been shown to have important biological applications, we discuss here an efficient method of alkyne-azide ‘click’ catalyzed monomeric cyclic peptide formation on a solid support. The reason behind the efficiency of the method is explored. CuAAC cyclization of a peptide sequence with azidolysine and propargylglycine is performed under various reaction conditions, with different catalysts, in the presence or absence of an organic base. The results indicate that piperidine plays a critical role in the reaction yield and monomeric cycle formation by coordinating to Cu and forming Cu-ligand clusters. A previously synthesized copper compound containing piperidine, [Cu4I4(pip)(4)], is found to catalyze the CuAAC cyclization of monomeric peptide effectively. The use of 1.5 equivalents of CuI and the use of DMF as solvent is found to give optimal CuAAC cyclized monomer yields. The effect of the peptide sequence and peptide length on monomer formation are also investigated by varying either parameter systemically. Peptide length is identified as the determining factor for whether the monomeric or dimeric cyclic peptide is the major product. For peptides with six, seven, or eight amino acids, the monomer is the major product from CuAAC cyclization. Longer and shorter peptides on cyclization show less monomer formation. CuAAC peptide cyclization of non-optimal peptide lengths such as pentamers is affected significantly by the amino acid sequence and give lower yields.

The proportionality constant is the rate constant for the particular unimolecular reaction. the reaction rate is directly proportional to the concentration of the reactant. I hope my blog about 361442-00-4 is helpful to your research. Recommanded Product: (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid.

Top Picks: new discover of 361442-00-4

Balanced chemical reaction does not necessarily reveal either the individual elementary reactions by which a reaction occurs or its rate law. In my other articles, you can also check out more blogs about 361442-00-4. Name: (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid.

Enzymes are biological catalysts that produce large increases in reaction rates and tend to be specific for certain reactants and products. 361442-00-4, Name is (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid, molecular formula is C17H27NO5, belongs to amides-buliding-blocks compound. In a document, author is Frantom, Patrick, introduce the new discover, Name: (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid.

Solvation of Amides in DMSO and CDCl3: An Attempt at Quantitative DFT-Based Interpretation of H-1 and C-13 NMR Chemical Shifts

The study concerns N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone, N,N-dimethylformamide, 2-pyrrolidinone, N-methylformamide, and formamide in DMSO-d(6) and CDCl3 solutions. It has been shown that the results of DFT calculations [B3LYP and/or PBEO 6-311++G(2d,p), PCM] of molecular geometries and magnetic shielding are able to reproduce very well the amide H-1 NMR and C-13 NMR chemical shifts measured in these solvents provided that the specific solvation of the solute molecules and their association are taken into account and also that comparison of the experimental and theoretical data is carefully done. Analysis of the chemical shift data points out that in CDCl3 solutions primary and secondary amides are partially associated and that their carbonyl oxygen lone electron pairs are specifically solvated by solvent molecules. At the same time, association of the amides seems to be of minor importance in DMSO, while their N-H hydrogens form strong hydrogen bonds with solvent molecules.

Balanced chemical reaction does not necessarily reveal either the individual elementary reactions by which a reaction occurs or its rate law. In my other articles, you can also check out more blogs about 361442-00-4. Name: (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid.

Now Is The Time For You To Know The Truth About (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid

Interested yet? Read on for other articles about 361442-00-4, you can contact me at any time and look forward to more communication. Safety of (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid.

The reaction rate of a catalyzed reaction is faster than the reaction rate of the uncatalyzed reaction at the same temperature. 361442-00-4, Name is (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid, SMILES is CC(C)(C)OC(=O)N[C@H](C(O)=O)C12CC3CC(CC(O)(C3)C1)C2, in an article , author is Sorribes, Ivan, once mentioned of 361442-00-4, Safety of (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid.

Relevance of Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptors in Multitarget Paradigm Associated with the Endocannabinoid System

Cannabinoids have shown to exert their therapeutic actions through a variety of targets. These include not only the canonical cannabinoid receptors CB1R and CB2R but also related orphan G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), ligand-gated ion channels, transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, metabolic enzymes, and nuclear receptors. In this review, we aim to summarize reported compounds exhibiting their therapeutic effects upon the modulation of CB1R and/or CB2R and the nuclear peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs). Concomitant actions at CBRs and PPAR alpha or PPAR gamma subtypes have shown to mediate antiobesity, analgesic, antitumoral, or neuroprotective properties of a variety of phytogenic, endogenous, and synthetic cannabinoids. The relevance of this multitargeting mechanism of action has been analyzed in the context of diverse pathologies. Synergistic effects triggered by combinatorial treatment with ligands that modulate the aforementioned targets have also been considered. This literature overview provides structural and pharmacological insights for the further development of dual cannabinoids for specific disorders.

Interested yet? Read on for other articles about 361442-00-4, you can contact me at any time and look forward to more communication. Safety of (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid.

Extended knowledge of (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid

But sometimes, even after several years of basic chemistry education, it is not easy to form a clear picture on how they govern reactivity! 361442-00-4, you can contact me at any time and look forward to more communication. Name: (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid.

The reaction rate of a catalyzed reaction is faster than the reaction rate of the uncatalyzed reaction at the same temperature. Name: (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid, 361442-00-4, Name is (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid, SMILES is CC(C)(C)OC(=O)N[C@H](C(O)=O)C12CC3CC(CC(O)(C3)C1)C2, in an article , author is Rafiei, Dorsa, once mentioned of 361442-00-4.

Base-Free Selective O-Arylation and Sequential [3,3]-Rearrangement of Amidoximes with Diaryliodonium Salts: Synthesis of 2-Substituted Benzoxazoles

A variety of functionalized 2-substituted benzoxazoles can be prepared in good yields from amidoximes and diaryliodonium salts by selective O-arylation and sequential [3,3]-rearrangement under metal-free conditions. O-arylation of amidoximes was promoted by 3 angstrom molecule sieves in the absence of a base and a sequential TFA-mediated [3,3]-rearrangement was used to synthesize 2-substituted benzoxazoles. Both of the O-aryl products and rearrangement products were compatible with a broad range of sensitive functional groups such as ester, aldehyde, nitro, vinyl, amine, and amide groups in addition to halides. A bidentate N-ligand with double benzoxazoles was prepared at gram-scale in two steps.

But sometimes, even after several years of basic chemistry education, it is not easy to form a clear picture on how they govern reactivity! 361442-00-4, you can contact me at any time and look forward to more communication. Name: (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid.

The Absolute Best Science Experiment for 361442-00-4

If you are hungry for even more, make sure to check my other article about 361442-00-4, Category: amides-buliding-blocks.

One of the major reasons for studying chemical kinetics is to use measurements of the macroscopic properties of a system, such as the rate of change in the concentration of reactants or products with time. 361442-00-4, Name is (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid, formurla is C17H27NO5. In a document, author is Kun-Darbois, Jean-Daniel, introducing its new discovery. Category: amides-buliding-blocks.

Conducting Nanofibers: Diagonal Scrolling of 2D Nanosheets into 1D Nanostructures via In Situ Self-Assembly

Scrolling mechanism is considered as a significant process to tune the dimensionality of nanostructures. Remarkably, rolling of ultrathin two-dimensional (2D) layered graphene nanosheets into one-dimensional (1D) nanotubes perceived versatile applications in nanomedicine and organic electronics. Nevertheless, this exceptional phenomenon is observed in limited 2D pi-conjugated systems until now, and it is essential to extend it toward feasible organic systems. Herein, we reported two porphyrin-derived systems (P1 and P2), in which P2 composed of porphyrin and benzothiadiazole with directional amide hydrogen-bonding moiety acts as a good electron donor-acceptor system. Consequently, P2 showed high-conducting 1D nanofibers from the diagonal scrolling of 2D nanosheets via in situ self-assembly. Photophysical properties of P2 revealed J-type aggregates in cyclohexane, while P1 exists as monomers. Cyclic voltammetry analysis of P2 showed the ease of oxidation compared to P1 owing to the efficient electron transfer from donor to acceptor derivative. Microscopic analysis suggests that P2 depicts 2D nanosheets with an average diameter of 1-3 mu m upon diagonal scrolling of 1D nanofibers of width 1-1.5 mu m and length several micrometers. Electrochemical impedance analysis revealed that 1D nanofibers of P2 depict electrical conductivity in the range of 1.5 +/- 0.2 S/cm. Thereby, these derivatives highlight that NIR absorption and their efficient optoelectronic characteristics promote the alternatives for inorganic semiconductors in organic electronics.

If you are hungry for even more, make sure to check my other article about 361442-00-4, Category: amides-buliding-blocks.

Discovery of (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid

Balanced chemical reaction does not necessarily reveal either the individual elementary reactions by which a reaction occurs or its rate law. In my other articles, you can also check out more blogs about 361442-00-4. Formula: C17H27NO5.

Enzymes are biological catalysts that produce large increases in reaction rates and tend to be specific for certain reactants and products. 361442-00-4, Name is (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid, molecular formula is C17H27NO5, belongs to amides-buliding-blocks compound. In a document, author is Lauck, Maximilian, introduce the new discover, Formula: C17H27NO5.

Changes in the cannabinoids receptors in rats following treatment with antidepressants

The endocannabinoid (eCB) system plays a significant role in the pathophysiology of depression. The potential participation of this system in the mechanism of action of antidepressants has been highlighted in recent years. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of cannabinoid (CB) receptors using Western blot and CBI receptor density using autoradiography after acute or chronic administration of antidepressant drugs [imipramine (IMI, 15 mg/kg), escitalopram (ESC, 10 mg/kg) and tianeptine (TIA, 10 mg/kg)]. Antidepressants given chronically elevated CB1 receptor density in the cortical structures and hippocampal areas, while a decrease of CB1 receptor density was observed in the striatum after IMI and ESC treatment. The CB1 receptor expression decreases in the dorsal striatum after chronic administration of IMI and ESC or the receptor rise in the hippocampus after chronic ESC and TIA treatment were confirmed using Western blot analyses. An increase in the CB2 receptor expression was observed in the cortical structures and hippocampus after chronic administration of ESC and TIA, while a decrease in this expression was noted in the striatum and cerebellum after chronic IMI treatment. Our results provide clear evidence that the antidepressant exposures provoke some modulations within the eCB system through CB receptors. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Balanced chemical reaction does not necessarily reveal either the individual elementary reactions by which a reaction occurs or its rate law. In my other articles, you can also check out more blogs about 361442-00-4. Formula: C17H27NO5.

Extended knowledge of (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid

Electric Literature of 361442-00-4, Consequently, the presence of a catalyst will permit a system to reach equilibrium more quickly, but it has no effect on the position of the equilibrium as reflected in the value of its equilibrium constant.I hope my blog about 361442-00-4 is helpful to your research.

Electric Literature of 361442-00-4, Catalysts allow a reaction to proceed via a pathway that has a lower activation energy than the uncatalyzed reaction. 361442-00-4, Name is (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid, SMILES is CC(C)(C)OC(=O)N[C@H](C(O)=O)C12CC3CC(CC(O)(C3)C1)C2, belongs to amides-buliding-blocks compound. In a article, author is Lu, Kangyi, introduce new discover of the category.

Base-Mediated 1,6-Aza-Michael Addition of Heterocyclic Amines and Amides to para -Quinone Methides Leading to Meclizine-, Hydroxyzine- and Cetirizine-like Architectures

An expeditious, cost-effective synthetic methodology for a wide range of nitrogen-containing unsymmetrical trisubstituted methanes (TRSMs) is reported. The synthesis involves base-mediated 1,6-conjugate addition of heterocyclic amines and amides to substituted para -quinone methides, giving the unsymmetrical TRSMs in moderate to very good yields (up to 83%) in one pot. The low cost, mild temperature, high atom economy and yields, easy scale-up and broad substrate scope are some of the salient features of this protocol. Further, the methodology could be extended for the synthesis of meclizine-, -hydroxyzine- and cetirizine-like molecules. The structure of one such compound, 2,6-di- tert -butyl-4-((4-chlorophenyl)(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)methyl)phenol, was determined by single crystal X-ray analysis.

Electric Literature of 361442-00-4, Consequently, the presence of a catalyst will permit a system to reach equilibrium more quickly, but it has no effect on the position of the equilibrium as reflected in the value of its equilibrium constant.I hope my blog about 361442-00-4 is helpful to your research.

Discovery of 361442-00-4

Reference of 361442-00-4, The reactant in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is called a substrate. Enzyme inhibitors cause a decrease in the reaction rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction.I hope my blog about 361442-00-4 is helpful to your research.

Reference of 361442-00-4, As an important bridge between the micro and macro material world, chemistry is one of the main methods and means for humans to understand and transform the material world. 361442-00-4, Name is (2S)-2-((tert-Butoxycarbonyl)amino)-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1-yl)acetic acid, SMILES is CC(C)(C)OC(=O)N[C@H](C(O)=O)C12CC3CC(CC(O)(C3)C1)C2, belongs to amides-buliding-blocks compound. In a article, author is Loni, Masood, introduce new discover of the category.

Preparation and Properties of a Novel Semi-IPN Slow-Release Fertilizer with the Function of Water Retention

A new semi-interpenetrating polymer network (semi-IPN) slow-release fertilizer (SISRF) with water absorbency, based on the kaolin-g-poly(acrylic acid-co-acrylic amide) (kaolin-g-P(AA-co-AM)) network and linear urea-formaldehyde oligomers (UF), was prepared by solution polymerization. Nutrients phosphorus and potassium were supplied by adding dipotassium hydrogen phosphate during the preparation process. The structure and properties of SISRF were characterized by various characterization methods. SISRF showed excellent water absorbency of 68 g g(-1) in tap water. The slow-release behavior of nutrients and- water-retention capacity of SISRF were also measured. Meanwhile, the swelling kinetics was well described by a pseudo-second-order kinetics model. Results suggested the formation of SISRF with simultaneously good slow-release and retention capacity, which was expected to apply in modern agriculture and horticulture.

Reference of 361442-00-4, The reactant in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is called a substrate. Enzyme inhibitors cause a decrease in the reaction rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction.I hope my blog about 361442-00-4 is helpful to your research.