Wasserman, Emily J. et al. published their research in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention in 2018 |CAS: 27115-50-0

The Article related to premium discount brand cigarette tobacco smoke biomarker, Placeholder for records without volume info and other aspects.Application In Synthesis of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid

On May 31, 2018, Wasserman, Emily J.; Reilly, Samantha M.; Goel, Reema; Foulds, Jonathan; Richie, John P. Jr.; Muscat, Joshua E. published an article.Application In Synthesis of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid The title of the article was Comparison of Biomarkers of Tobacco Exposure between Premium and Discount Brand Cigarette Smokers in the NHANES 2011-2012 Special Sample. And the article contained the following:

Background: Increased cigarette costs have inadvertently strengthened the appeal of discounted brands to price-sensitive smokers. Although smokers perceive discounted brands as having poorer quality, little is known about their delivery of toxic tobacco smoke constituents compared with premium-branded tobacco products. Methods: We investigated the differences between discount and premium brand smokers using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2011-2012 Special Smoker Sample. Our analyses focused on demog. differences and 27 biomarkers of harmful and potentially harmful constituents (HPHC) listed by the FDA, including volatile organic compounds, 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol and its glucuronide [4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol glucuronide; reported as total NNAL (tNNAL)], metals, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Data were analyzed using linear regression models adjusting for potential confounders. Results: A total of 976 non-tobacco users and 578 recent cigarette smokers were eligible for anal., of which 141 (26.0% weighted) smoked discount brand cigarettes and 437 (74.0% weighted) smoked premium. Discount brand smokers were older, predominantly non-Hispanic white, and had higher serum cotinine. Discount brand smokers had significantly higher levels of 13 smoking-related biomarkers, including tNNAL, uranium, styrene, xylene, and biomarkers of exposure to PAHs (naphthalene, fluorene, and phenanthrene), compared with premium brand smokers. Conclusions: These findings suggest that discount cigarette use is associated with higher exposure to several carcinogenic and toxic HPHCs. Impact: These results may have important regulatory implications for product standards, as higher exposures could lead to a greater degree of harm. The experimental process involved the reaction of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid(cas: 27115-50-0).Application In Synthesis of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid

The Article related to premium discount brand cigarette tobacco smoke biomarker, Placeholder for records without volume info and other aspects.Application In Synthesis of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid

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Kohn, Elkana et al. published their research in Biomedical Chromatography in 2022 |CAS: 27115-50-0

The Article related to benzene toluene ethylbenzene xylene urine metabolite lcmsms analysis, btex, lc-ms/ms, metabolites, urine, validation, Placeholder for records without volume info and other aspects.Related Products of 27115-50-0

On April 30, 2022, Kohn, Elkana; Barchel, Dana; Golik, Ahuva; Lougassi, Marc; Wainstock, Tamar; Berkovitch, Matitiahu; Schwartsburd, Frieda published an article.Related Products of 27115-50-0 The title of the article was Analysis of 10 urinary BTEX metabolites using LC-MS/MS. And the article contained the following:

Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) are a group of volatile organic compounds that are ubiquitous in the environment due to numerous anthropogenic sources. Exposure to BTEX poses a health hazard by increasing the risk for damage to multiple organs, neurocognitive impairment and birth defects. Urinary BTEX metabolites are useful biomarkers for the evaluation of BTEX exposure, because of the ease of sampling and their longer physiol. half-lives compared with parent compounds A method that utilizes LC-MS/MS was developed and validated for simultaneously monitoring of 10 urinary BTEX metabolites. During the sample preparation an aliquot of urine was diluted with an equal volume of 1% formic acid; internal standard solution was added, and then the sample was centrifuged and analyzed. The analytes were separated on the Kinetex-F5 column by applying a linear gradient, consisting of 0.1% formic acid and methanol. The method was validated according to the FDA Bioanal. Method Validation Guidance for Industry. The mean method鈥瞫 accuracies of the spiked matrix were 81-122%; the inter-day precision ranged from 4 to 20%; the limits of quantitation were 0.5-2 渭g/L. The method was used for the evaluation of baseline levels of urinary BTEX metabolites in 87 firefighters. The experimental process involved the reaction of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid(cas: 27115-50-0).Related Products of 27115-50-0

The Article related to benzene toluene ethylbenzene xylene urine metabolite lcmsms analysis, btex, lc-ms/ms, metabolites, urine, validation, Placeholder for records without volume info and other aspects.Related Products of 27115-50-0

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Fent, Kenneth W. et al. published their research in International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health in 2022 |CAS: 27115-50-0

The Article related to volatile organic compound firefighter urinary concentration fire response, acrolein, benzene, biomarker, fire, styrene, urine, Placeholder for records without volume info and other aspects.Product Details of 27115-50-0

On May 31, 2022, Fent, Kenneth W.; Mayer, Alexander C.; Toennis, Christine; Sammons, Deborah; Robertson, Shirley; Chen, I-Chen; Bhandari, Deepak; Blount, Benjamin C.; Kerber, Steve; Smith, Denise L.; Horn, Gavin P. published an article.Product Details of 27115-50-0 The title of the article was Firefighters鈥?urinary concentrations of VOC metabolites after controlled-residential and training fire responses. And the article contained the following:

Firefighters are exposed to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during structural fire responses and training fires, several of which (e.g., benzene, acrolein, styrene) are known or probable carcinogens. Exposure studies have found that firefighters can absorb chems. like benzene even when self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) are worn, suggesting that dermal absorption contributes to potentially harmful exposures. However, few studies have characterized VOC metabolites in urine from firefighters. We quantified VOC metabolites in firefighters urine following live firefighting activity across two field studies. In two sep. controlled field studies, spot urine was collected before and 3 h after firefighters and firefighter students responded to simulated residential and training fires. Urine was also collected from instructors from the training fire study before the first and 3 h after the last training scenario for each day (instructors led three training scenarios per day). Samples were analyzed for metabolites of VOCs to which firefighters may be exposed. In the residential fire study, urinary metabolites of xylenes (2MHA), toluene (BzMA), and styrene (MADA) increased significantly (at 0.05 level) from pre- to post-fire. In the training fire study, MADA concentrations increased significantly from pre- to post-fire for both firefighter students and instructors. Urinary concentrations of benzene metabolites (MUCA and PhMA) increased significantly from pre- to post-fire for instructors, while metabolites of xylenes (3MHA+4MHA) and acrolein (3HPMA) increased significantly for firefighter students. The two highest MUCA concentrations measured post-shift from instructors exceeded the BEI of 500 渭g/g creatinine. Some of the metabolites that were significantly elevated post-fire are known or probable human carcinogens (benzene, styrene, acrolein); thus, exposure to these compounds should be eliminated or reduced as much as possible through the hierarchy of controls. Given stringent use of SCBA, it appears that dermal exposure contributes in part to the levels measured here. The experimental process involved the reaction of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid(cas: 27115-50-0).Product Details of 27115-50-0

The Article related to volatile organic compound firefighter urinary concentration fire response, acrolein, benzene, biomarker, fire, styrene, urine, Placeholder for records without volume info and other aspects.Product Details of 27115-50-0

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Yang, Fan et al. published their research in Frontiers in Pharmacology in 2020 |CAS: 27115-50-0

The Article related to tubson network pharmacol metabolomic, tubson-2, metabolomics, network pharmacology, ovariectomized, post-menopausalosteoporosis, Placeholder for records without volume info and other aspects.Reference of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid

Yang, Fan; Dong, Xin; Ma, Feixiang; Xu, Feng; Liu, Jie; Lu, Jingkun; Li, Chunyan; Bu, Ren; Xue, Peifeng published an article in 2020, the title of the article was The interventional effects of Tubson-2 decoction on ovariectomized rats as determined by a combination of network pharmacology and metabolomics.Reference of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid And the article contains the following content:

Post-menopausal osteoporosis (PMOP) is associated with estrogen deficiency and worldwide, is becoming increasingly more prevalent in aging women. Various anti-PMOP drugs have been developed to reduce the burden of PMOP; generally, these drugs are efficacious, but with some adverse side effects. Tubson-2 decoction (TBD), a popular traditional Mongolian medicine, has been used to treat PMOP for centuries. However, the precise mechanisms underlying the action of TBD on PMOP have yet to be fully elucidated. Herein, we combined network pharmacol. with untargeted metabolomics to identify the key targets and metabolic pathways associated with the interventional effects of TBD on ovariectomized (OVX) rats. Furthermore, we investigated the bone histomorphometry of eight different groups of rats to evaluate the therapeutic effect of TBD. First, we established a TBD-target/PMOP network via network pharmacol.; this network identified three key protein targets-vitamin D receptor (VDR), cytochrome P 450 19A1 (CYP19A1), and 11尾-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (HSD11B1). Morphol. anal. showed that severe impairment of the bone micro-architecture in OVX rats could be improved by TBD administration. The TBD-treated rats had a significantly lower bone surface-to-tissue volume (BS/TV) and a significantly smaller trabecular separation (Tb路Sp.) (P<0.05) than the OVX rats; in contrast, bone volume fraction (BVF), trabecular thickness (Tb路Th.), trabecular number (Tb路N.), and bone mineral d. (BMD) were significantly higher in the TBD-treated rats (P<0.05). Multivariate and univariate anal. showed that OVX resulted in significant alterations in the concentrations of 105 metabolites and 11 metabolic pathways (P<0.05); in addition, 26 potential biomarkers were identified to investigate the progression of PMOP. Network pharmacol. showed that major alterations in vitamin B6 metabolism were associated with the VDR target. Next, we validated the three crucial targets (VDR [P<0.01], HSD11B1 [P<0.01], and CYP19A1 [P<0.05]) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) and demonstrated that the levels of these targets were elevated in the OVX group but reduced in the TBD-treatment group. Collectively, our results suggest that the interventional effects of TBD on OVX rats are likely to be associated with the down regulation of VDR. Our findings enhance our mol. understanding of the interventional effects of TBD on PMOP and will allow us to develop further TBD studies. The experimental process involved the reaction of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid(cas: 27115-50-0).Reference of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid

The Article related to tubson network pharmacol metabolomic, tubson-2, metabolomics, network pharmacology, ovariectomized, post-menopausalosteoporosis, Placeholder for records without volume info and other aspects.Reference of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid

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Yao, Shuyang et al. published their research in Journal of the American Chemical Society in 2021 |CAS: 27115-50-0

The Article related to mesoporous assembly aluminum mol ring radioiodine capture, pyrazole thermal synthesis aluminum oxy cluster radioiodine adsorption, Placeholder for records without volume info and other aspects.Reference of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid

On February 10, 2021, Yao, Shuyang; Fang, Wei-Hui; Sun, Yayong; Wang, San-Tai; Zhang, Jian published an article.Reference of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid The title of the article was Mesoporous assembly of aluminum molecular rings for iodine capture. And the article contained the following:

The effective capture and storage of radioiodine are of worldwide interest for sustainable nuclear energy. However, the direct observation of ambiguous binding sites that accommodate iodine is extremely rare. Here, the authors present a crystallog. visualization of the binding of iodine within mesoporous cages assembled from aluminum mol. rings. These nanocages are formed through 蟺-蟺 interactions between adjacent aluminum mol. rings. Compared with the general nanotubes arrangement, the supramol. nanocage isomer exhibits better iodine adsorption behavior. The robust mol. nanocages demonstrate a high iodine vapor saturation uptake capacity of 50.3 weight% at 80掳C. Furthermore, the resulting adsorbent can be recycled. Single-crystal x-ray diffraction reveals binding sites of mol. I2 within the pores of the phenyl-based linkers stabilized by the strong I路路路蟺 interactions. These compounds represent an excellent model to deduce the trapping mechanism of guest mols. interacting with the host. In addition, this work develops a promising cluster-based aluminum material as iodine adsorbents. The experimental process involved the reaction of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid(cas: 27115-50-0).Reference of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid

The Article related to mesoporous assembly aluminum mol ring radioiodine capture, pyrazole thermal synthesis aluminum oxy cluster radioiodine adsorption, Placeholder for records without volume info and other aspects.Reference of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid

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Wahlang, Banrida et al. published their research in Toxicological Sciences in 2022 |CAS: 27115-50-0

The Article related to volatile organic compound liver injury, alp, vocs, liver injury, residential, smoking, Toxicology: Other and other aspects.Formula: C10H11NO3

Wahlang, Banrida; Gripshover, Tyler C.; Gao, Hong; Krivokhizhina, Tatiana; Keith, Rachel J.; Sithu, Israel D.; Rai, Shesh N.; Bhatnagar, Aruni; McClain, Craig J.; Srivastava, Sanjay; Cave, Mathew C. published an article in 2022, the title of the article was Associations between residential exposure to volatile organic compounds and liver injury markers.Formula: C10H11NO3 And the article contains the following content:

Occupational exposures to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have been associated with numerous health complications including steatohepatitis and liver cancer. To address this knowledge gap, the objective of this cross-sectional study is to investigate associations between VOCs and liver injury biomarkers in community residents. Subjects were recruited from six Louisville neighborhoods, and informed consent was obtained. Exposure biomarkers included 16 creatinine-adjusted urinary metabolites corresponding to 12 parent VOCs. Serol. disease biomarkers measured included cytokertain-18 (K18 M65 and M30), liver enzymes, and direct bilirubin. The population comprised of approx. 60% females and 40% males; White persons accounted 78% of the population; with more nonsmokers (n = 413) than smokers (n = 250). In the overall population, metabolites of acrolein, acrylonitrile, acrylamide, 1,3-butadiene, crotonaldehyde, styrene, and xylene were pos. associated with alk. phosphatase. These associations persisted in smokers, with the exception of crotonaldehyde, and addition of N,N-dimethylformamide and propylene oxide metabolites. Although no pos. associations were observed for K18 M30, the benzene metabolite was pos. associated with bilirubin, irresp. of smoking status. Taken together, the results demonstrated that selected VOCs were pos. associated with liver injury biomarkers. These findings will enable better risk assessment and identification of populations vulnerable to liver disease. The experimental process involved the reaction of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid(cas: 27115-50-0).Formula: C10H11NO3

The Article related to volatile organic compound liver injury, alp, vocs, liver injury, residential, smoking, Toxicology: Other and other aspects.Formula: C10H11NO3

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Mueller, Daniel C. et al. published their research in Journal of Proteome Research in 2014 |CAS: 27115-50-0

The Article related to tobacco smoking saliva metabolomics biomarker, Toxicology: Tobacco and other aspects.Category: amides-buliding-blocks

On March 7, 2014, Mueller, Daniel C.; Piller, Markus; Niessner, Reinhard; Scherer, Max; Scherer, Gerhard published an article.Category: amides-buliding-blocks The title of the article was Untargeted Metabolomic Profiling in Saliva of Smokers and Nonsmokers by a Validated GC-TOF-MS Method. And the article contained the following:

A GC-TOF-MS method was developed and validated for a metabolic fingerprinting in saliva of smokers and nonsmokers. The authors validated the method by spiking 37 different metabolites and 6 internal standards to saliva between 0.1 μM and 2 mM. Intraday coefficients of variation (CVs) (accuracies) were on average, 11.9% (85.8%), 8.2% (88.9%), and 10.0% (106.7%) for the spiked levels 25, 50, and 200 μM, resp. (N = 5). Interday CVs (accuracies) were 12.4% (97%), 18.8% (95.5%), and 17.2% (105.9%) for the resp. levels of 25, 50, and 200 μM (N = 5). The method was applied to saliva of smokers and nonsmokers, obtained from a 24 h diet-controlled clin. study, to identify biomarkers of endogenous origin, which could be linked to smoking related diseases. Automated peak picking, integration, and statistical anal. were conducted by the software tools MZmine, Metaboanalyst, and PSPP. The authors could identify 13 significantly altered metabolites in smokers by matching them against MS libraries and authentic standard compounds Most of the identified metabolites, including tyramine, adenosine, and glucose-6-phosphate, could be linked to smoking-related perturbations and may be associated with established detrimental effects of smoking. The experimental process involved the reaction of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid(cas: 27115-50-0).Category: amides-buliding-blocks

The Article related to tobacco smoking saliva metabolomics biomarker, Toxicology: Tobacco and other aspects.Category: amides-buliding-blocks

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Jain, Ram B. et al. published their research in Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology in 2015 |CAS: 27115-50-0

The Article related to volatile organic compound urine metabolite human adult smoking, lifestyles, nhanes, smoking, urinary metabolites of volatile organic compounds, Toxicology: Tobacco and other aspects.Safety of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid

On September 30, 2015, Jain, Ram B. published an article.Safety of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid The title of the article was Distributions of selected urinary metabolites of volatile organic compounds by age, gender, race/ethnicity, and smoking status in a representative sample of U.S. adults. And the article contained the following:

Data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey for the years 2011-2012 were used to evaluate variability in the observed levels of 19 urinary metabolites of 15 parent volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by age, gender, race/ethnicity, and smoking status. Smokers were found to have statistically significantly higher adjusted levels than nonsmokers for selected urinary metabolites of acrolein, acrylamide, acrylonitrile, 1,3-butadiene, carbon-disulfide, crotonaldehyde, cyanide, N,N-dimethylformamide, ethylbenzene-styrene, propylene oxide, styrene, and xylene. Female nonsmokers were found to have lower adjusted levels of selected metabolites of acrolein, carbon-disulfide, and N,N-dimethylformamide than male nonsmokers but female smokers had higher levels of each of these metabolites than male smokers. In addition, female smokers also had higher adjusted levels of selected metabolites of 1,3-butadiene, crotonaldehyde, cyanide, and ethylbenzene-styrene. Thus, constituents other than VOCs in tobacco smoke affect excretion of certain VOC metabolites differently among males and females. Non-Hispanic whites (NHW) had higher adjusted levels than non-Hispanic blacks (NHB) for 8 metabolites. NHB had statistically significantly lower adjusted levels than Hispanics for 5 VOC metabolites and lower levels than non-Hispanic Asians (NHAS) for 6 metabolites. Hispanics had statistically significantly higher levels than NHAS for 5 metabolites. Levels of 11 of the 19 metabolites analyzed increased with increase in age. Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke at home was associated with increased levels of 9 metabolites. Increase in the number of days tobacco products were used during the last five days was associated with increased levels of 12 of the 19 VOC metabolites. The experimental process involved the reaction of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid(cas: 27115-50-0).Safety of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid

The Article related to volatile organic compound urine metabolite human adult smoking, lifestyles, nhanes, smoking, urinary metabolites of volatile organic compounds, Toxicology: Tobacco and other aspects.Safety of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid

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Beloglazkina, Anastasia A. et al. published their research in Medicinal Chemistry Research in 2016 |CAS: 27115-50-0

The Article related to antimitotic antitumor neoplasm, Pharmacology: Structure-Activity and other aspects.Application of 27115-50-0

On June 30, 2016, Beloglazkina, Anastasia A.; Wobith, Birgit; Barskaia, Elena S.; Zefirov, Nikolay A.; Majouga, Alexander G.; Beloglazkina, Elena K.; Zyk, Nikolay V.; Kuznetsov, Sergei A.; Zefirova, Olga N. published an article.Application of 27115-50-0 The title of the article was Synthesis and biological testing of (5Z)-2-aryl-5-arylmethylidene-3,5-dihydro-4H-imidazol-4-ones as antimitotic agents. And the article contained the following:

Compounds interacting with cell protein tubulin and microtubules represent an important type of antimitotic agents. A series of tubulin-targeted 2-aryl-4-benzoyl-imidazoles were reported to possess high cytotoxicity, and so, the authors prepared a series of structural isomers of these to be evaluated as antimitotic agents. The synthesis of the novel (Z)-2-aryl-5-arylmethylidene-3,5-dihydro-4H-imidazol-4-ones involved coupling of substituted hippuric acids with aromatic aldehydes. Subsequent conversion of the resulting oxazolones to the corresponding imidazolones was carried out under microwave irradiation in the presence of urea and ammonium acetate. The cytotoxicity of the majority of the compounds to human epithelial carcinoma cancer cell line A549 was in the sub-micromolar range and was found to be more sensitive to the substituents on the 5-arylmethylidene fragment than on the 2-aryl ring in general. The cytotoxicities of the synthesized compounds were lower than those of the previously reported isomeric 2-aryl-4-benzoyl-imidazoles, and the basic structure-activity relationships in the isomeric pairs were different. Synthesized (5Z)-5-[(4-bromophenyl)methylidene]-2-(4-methylphenyl)-3,5-dihydro-4H-imidazol-4-one, which had the highest cytotoxicity (IC50 ∼ 440 nM) in the series of novel compounds, had a definite cytostatic effect on the A549 cells, but its antiproliferative properties were not linked to action on the microtubules. This would be an interesting lead compound for addnl. investigation into the mechanism of cytostatic action, and further structural optimization. The experimental process involved the reaction of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid(cas: 27115-50-0).Application of 27115-50-0

The Article related to antimitotic antitumor neoplasm, Pharmacology: Structure-Activity and other aspects.Application of 27115-50-0

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Griffin, Laura E. et al. published their research in Nutrition and Cancer in 2022 |CAS: 27115-50-0

The Article related to flavanol microbial metabolite bladder cancer antiproliferative activity, Pharmacology: Drug Metabolism and other aspects.SDS of cas: 27115-50-0

Griffin, Laura E.; Kohrt, Sarah E.; Rathore, Atul; Kay, Colin D.; Grabowska, Magdalena M.; Neilson, Andrew P. published an article in 2022, the title of the article was Microbial Metabolites of Flavanols in Urine are Associated with Enhanced Anti-Proliferative Activity in Bladder Cancer Cells In Vitro.SDS of cas: 27115-50-0 And the article contains the following content:

Flavanols are metabolized by the gut microbiota to bioavailable metabolites, and the absorbed fraction is excreted primarily via urine. Uroepithelial cells are thus a potential site of activity due to exposure to high concentrations of these compounds Chemoprevention by flavanols may be partly due to these metabolites. In Vitro work in this area relies on a limited pool of com. available microbial metabolites, and little has been done in bladder cancer. The impact of physiol. relevant mixtures of flavanols and their metabolites remains unknown. Rats were fed various flavanols and urine samples, approximating the bioavailable metabolome, were collected. Urines were profiled by UPLC-MS/MS, and their anti-proliferative activities were assayed In Vitro in four bladder cancer models. Significant interindividual variability was observed for composition and proliferation. Microbial metabolite concentrations (valerolactones, phenylalkyl acids and hippuric acids) were pos. associated with reduced bladder cancer proliferation In Vitro, while native flavanols were poorly correlated with activity. These results suggest that microbial metabolites may be responsible for chemoprevention in uroepithelial cells following flavanol consumption. This highlights the potential to use individual genetics and microbial metabotyping to design personalized dietary interventions for cancer prevention and/or adjuvant therapy to reduce bladder cancer incidence and improve outcomes. The experimental process involved the reaction of 2-(4-Methylbenzamido)acetic acid(cas: 27115-50-0).SDS of cas: 27115-50-0

The Article related to flavanol microbial metabolite bladder cancer antiproliferative activity, Pharmacology: Drug Metabolism and other aspects.SDS of cas: 27115-50-0

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