Tenn, William J. III’s team published research in Journal of Organic Chemistry in 72 | CAS: 2447-79-2

Journal of Organic Chemistry published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C22H12F6O6S2, COA of Formula: C7H5Cl2NO.

Tenn, William J. III published the artcileAmidates as Leaving Groups: Structure/Reactivity Correlation of the Hydroxide-Dependent E1cB-like Breakdown of Carbinolamides in Aqueous Solution, COA of Formula: C7H5Cl2NO, the publication is Journal of Organic Chemistry (2007), 72(16), 6075-6083, database is CAplus and MEDLINE.

The kinetic study of the aqueous reaction, between pH 10 and 14, of eight N-(hydroxymethyl)benzamide derivatives in water at 25 °C, I = 1.0 M (KCl), was performed. In all cases, the reaction proceeds via a specific-base-catalyzed deprotonation of the hydroxyl group followed by rate-limiting breakdown of the alkoxide to form aldehyde and amidate (E1cB-like). Such a mechanism was supported by the lack of general buffer catalysis and the first-order dependence of the rate of reaction at low hydroxide concentrations and the transition to zero-order dependence on hydroxide at high concentration A ρ-value of 0.67 was found for the Hammett correlation between the maximum rate for the hydroxide independent breakdown of the deprotonated carbinolamide (k1) and the substituent on the aromatic ring of the title compounds Conversely, the substituents on the aromatic ring of the amide portion of the carbinolamide had only a small effect on the Ka of the hydroxyl group indicating that the amide group does not strongly transmit the electronic information of the substituents. The major effect of electronic changes on the amide of carbinolamides is reflected in the nucleofugality of the amidate once the alkoxide is formed and not in the pKa of the hydroxyl group of the carbinolamide.

Journal of Organic Chemistry published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C22H12F6O6S2, COA of Formula: C7H5Cl2NO.

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Amini, Ata’s team published research in Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling in 47 | CAS: 2447-79-2

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C7H5Cl2NO, SDS of cas: 2447-79-2.

Amini, Ata published the artcileA Novel Logic-Based Approach for Quantitative Toxicology Prediction, SDS of cas: 2447-79-2, the publication is Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (2007), 47(3), 998-1006, database is CAplus and MEDLINE.

There is a pressing need for accurate in silico methods to predict the toxicity of mols. that are being introduced into the environment or are being developed into new pharmaceuticals. Predictive toxicol. is in the realm of structure activity relationships (SAR), and many approaches have been used to derive such SAR. Previous work has shown that inductive logic programming (ILP) is a powerful approach that circumvents several major difficulties, such as mol. superposition, faced by some other SAR methods. The ILP approach reasons with chem. substructures within a relational framework and yields chem. understandable rules. Here, we report a general new approach, support vector inductive logic programming (SVILP), which extends the essentially qual. ILP-based SAR to quant. modeling. First, ILP is used to learn rules, the predictions of which are then used within a novel kernel to derive a support-vector generalization model. For a highly heterogeneous dataset of 576 mols. with known fathead minnow fish toxicity, the cross-validated correlation coefficients (R2CV) from a chem. descriptor method (CHEM) and SVILP are 0.52 and 0.66, resp. The ILP, CHEM, and SVILP approaches correctly predict 55, 58, and 73%, resp., of toxic mols. In a set of 165 unseen mols., the R2 values from the com. software TOPKAT and SVILP are 0.26 and 0.57, resp. In all calculations, SVILP showed significant improvements in comparison with the other methods. The SVILP approach has a major advantage in that it uses ILP automatically and consistently to derive rules, mostly novel, describing fragments that are toxicity alerts. The SVILP is a general machine-learning approach and has the potential of tackling many problems relevant to chemoinformatics including in silico drug design.

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C7H5Cl2NO, SDS of cas: 2447-79-2.

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Giurg, M.’s team published research in Polish Journal of Chemistry in 76 | CAS: 2447-79-2

Polish Journal of Chemistry published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C7H5Cl2NO, Application of 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide.

Giurg, M. published the artcileHydrogen peroxide oxidation of N,N-dimethylhydrazones promoted by selenium compounds, titanosilicalites or acetonitrile, Application of 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, the publication is Polish Journal of Chemistry (2002), 76(12), 1713-1720, database is CAplus.

Hydrogen peroxide oxidation of aldehyde dimethylhydrazones promoted by the title reagents has been investigated. Depending on the substrate, nitriles or amides were obatined as the major products accompanied by carboxylic acids and aldehydes. Formation of nitriles using H2O2 in acetonitrile without base is limited to electron-rich substrates. Reaction of electron-deficient dimethylhydrazones with hydrogen peroxide and aqueous sodium carbonate in acetonitrile/water gives amides as the major products. Aliphatic, unsaturated and aromatic nitriles are prepared by the oxidation of the corresponding aldehyde dimethylhydrazones with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of poly(bis-9,10-anthracenyl) diselenide (PADS) as a catalyst. A mechanism for the oxidation of N,N-dimethylhydrazones is proposed; peroxyiminoacetic acid is suggested as the active oxidant in situ.

Polish Journal of Chemistry published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C7H5Cl2NO, Application of 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide.

Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Haddad, Ibrahim’s team published research in Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Chemistry Edition in 12 | CAS: 2447-79-2

Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Chemistry Edition published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C7H5Cl2NO, Application of 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide.

Haddad, Ibrahim published the artcilePoly(arylene sulfides) with pendant cyano groups as high-temperature laminating resins. II, Application of 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, the publication is Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Chemistry Edition (1974), 12(6), 1301-11, database is CAplus.

The phys. properties were studied of poly(phenylene sulfides) prepared from m-benzenedithiol and p-C6H4Br2, 2,4- or 3,5-dichlorobenzonitrile, optionally selfcrosslinked or crosslinked with anthracene-9,10-bisnitrile oxide [30862-16-9]. Nitrile-containing binary copolymers had higher m.p.s than other copolymers.

Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Chemistry Edition published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C7H5Cl2NO, Application of 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide.

Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Mayhoub, Abdelrahman S.’s team published research in Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry in 20 | CAS: 2447-79-2

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C7H5Cl2NO, Name: 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide.

Mayhoub, Abdelrahman S. published the artcileOptimizing thiadiazole analogues of resveratrol versus three chemopreventive targets, Name: 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, the publication is Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (2012), 20(1), 510-520, database is CAplus and MEDLINE.

Chemoprevention is an approach to decrease cancer morbidity and mortality through inhibition of carcinogenesis and prevention of disease progression. Although the trans stilbene derivative resveratrol has chemopreventive properties, its action is compromised by weak non-specific effects on many biol. targets. Replacement of the stilbene ethylenic bridge of resveratrol with a 1,2,4-thiadiazole heterocycle and modification of the substituents on the two aromatic rings afforded potential chemopreventive agents with enhanced potencies and selectivities when evaluated as inhibitors of aromatase and NF-κB and inducers of quinone reductase 1 (QR1).

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C7H5Cl2NO, Name: 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide.

Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Zali-Boeini, Hassan’s team published research in Synthetic Communications in 45 | CAS: 2447-79-2

Synthetic Communications published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C12H13NO3, Quality Control of 2447-79-2.

Zali-Boeini, Hassan published the artcileTribromo Phloroglucinol as a Novel and Highly Efficient Reagent for the Conversion of Benzothioamides to the Corresponding 1,2,4-Thiadiazoles, Quality Control of 2447-79-2, the publication is Synthetic Communications (2015), 45(14), 1681-1687, database is CAplus.

2,4,6-Tribromo-1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene (TBTHB) as a reagent was efficiently reacted with 6 molar equivalents of benzothioamides in DMSO (DMSO), and the corresponding 3,5-diaryl-1,2,4-thiadiazoles were obtained in almost quant. yields (91-98%) and in short times (15-20 min) with the formation of hexahydroxybenzene as a rather valuable byproduct.

Synthetic Communications published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C12H13NO3, Quality Control of 2447-79-2.

Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Srinivasan, S.’s team published research in Synthetic Communications in 40 | CAS: 2447-79-2

Synthetic Communications published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C10H10O2, Recommanded Product: 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide.

Srinivasan, S. published the artcileFormamide as an ammonia synthon in amination of acid chlorides, Recommanded Product: 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, the publication is Synthetic Communications (2010), 40(23), 3538-3543, database is CAplus.

The use of formamide as a convenient source of ammonia was explored for the direct transformation of acid chlorides to primary amides. Various aliphatic, alicyclic aromatic, and heterocyclic acid chlorides are converted to the corresponding carboxamides in good yields (75-94%).

Synthetic Communications published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C10H10O2, Recommanded Product: 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide.

Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Marce, Patricia’s team published research in Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) in 52 | CAS: 2447-79-2

Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C7H5Cl2NO, HPLC of Formula: 2447-79-2.

Marce, Patricia published the artcileA mild hydration of nitriles catalysed by copper(II) acetate, HPLC of Formula: 2447-79-2, the publication is Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) (2016), 52(7), 1436-1438, database is CAplus and MEDLINE.

A simple, mild and general procedure for the hydration of nitriles to amides using copper as catalyst and promoted by N,N-diethylhydroxylamine is described. The reaction can be conducted in water at low temperature in short reaction times. This new procedure allows amides to be obtained from a wide range of substrates in excellent yields.

Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C7H5Cl2NO, HPLC of Formula: 2447-79-2.

Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Yoshimura, Akira’s team published research in Journal of Organic Chemistry in 77 | CAS: 2447-79-2

Journal of Organic Chemistry published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C18H35NO, Name: 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide.

Yoshimura, Akira published the artcile(Tosylimino)phenyl-λ3-iodane as a reagent for the synthesis of methyl carbamates via Hofmann rearrangement of aromatic and aliphatic carboxamides, Name: 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, the publication is Journal of Organic Chemistry (2012), 77(4), 2087-2091, database is CAplus and MEDLINE.

A mild procedure for the Hofmann rearrangement of aromatic and aliphatic carboxamides using (tosylimino)phenyl-λ3-iodane, PhINTs, as a reagent is reported. Because of the mild reaction conditions, this method is particularly useful for the Hofmann rearrangement of substituted benzamides, which usually afford complex reaction mixtures with other hypervalent iodine oxidants. The mild reaction conditions and high selectivity in the reaction of carboxamides with PhINTs allow the isolation of the initially formed labile isocyanates or their subsequent conversion to stable carbamates by treatment with alcs.

Journal of Organic Chemistry published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C18H35NO, Name: 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide.

Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Wang, Feng’s team published research in Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis in 351 | CAS: 2447-79-2

Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C65H82N2O18S2, Recommanded Product: 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide.

Wang, Feng published the artcileHighly efficient iron(II) chloride/N-bromosuccinimide-mediated synthesis of imides and acylsulfonamides, Recommanded Product: 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, the publication is Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis (2009), 351(1+2), 246-252, database is CAplus.

The authors have developed a simple, general and highly efficient method for the synthesis of imides R1C(O)NHC(O)R2 (R1 = Ph, 4-MeOC6H4, 4-BrC6H4; R2 = Et, Pr, Ph, etc.) and acylsulfonamides, e.g. R3S(O)2NHC(O)R4 (R3 = Ph, 4-MeC6H4, 4-ClC6H4, etc.; Et, Pr, Ph, etc.), via couplings of thioesters R5SC(O)R2 (R5 = Me, Et) and R6SC(O)R4 (R6 = Me, Et) with carboxamides R1C(O)NH3 or sulfonamides R3S(O)2NH2 mediated by iron(II) chloride in the presence of N-bromosuccinimide.

Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis published new progress about 2447-79-2. 2447-79-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Benzene,Amide, name is 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide, and the molecular formula is C65H82N2O18S2, Recommanded Product: 2,4-Dichlorobenzamide.

Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics