Brief introduction of 149423-70-1

According to the analysis of related databases, 149423-70-1, the application of this compound in the production field has become more and more popular.

In the chemical reaction process, reaction time, type of solvent, can easily affect the result of the reaction, thereby determining the yield and properties of the reaction product. An updated downstream synthesis route of 149423-70-1 as follows. HPLC of Formula: C14H20N2O2

Amine D1.1 (Prepared as described in Bauer, Shawn M.; Jia, Zhaozhong J.; Song, Yonghong; Xu, Qing; Mehrotra, Mukund; Rose, Jack W.; Huang, Wolin; Venkataramani, Chandrasekar; Pandey, Anjali. PCT mt. Appi. (2009), W02009145856A1.) (1.92 g, 7.7 mmol) was diluted with dichioromethane (30 mL) affording an opaque solution. To this was added di-tbutyl dicarbonate (2.0 g, 9.3 mmol) in two portions. The resulting solution was then stirred for approximately 1 hr at which time the reaction was determined to be complete by UPLC. The reaction mixture was then concentrated and dried in vacuo overnight affording 2.47 g of the diprotected diamine as a light pink syrup. MS found for C11H21N202 as (M – Boc+2H) 249.2 and (M+Na)+ = 371.4.

According to the analysis of related databases, 149423-70-1, the application of this compound in the production field has become more and more popular.

Patent; PORTOLA PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.; JIA, Zhaozhong J.; KANE, Brian; XU, Qing; BAUER, Shawn M.; SONG, Yonghong; PANDEY, Anjali; DICK, Ryan; WO2013/78468; (2013); A1;,
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Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics