Vyas, Vijyesh K’s team published research in Organic Letters in 2018-02-16 | 1192620-83-9

Organic Letters published new progress about Absolute configuration. 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, Safety of Chloro[N-[(1R,2R)-1,2-diphenyl-2-[[3-(η6-phenyl)propyl]amino-κN]ethyl]-4-methylbenzenesulfonamidato-κN]ruthenium.

Vyas, Vijyesh K.; Knighton, Richard C.; Bhanage, Bhalchandra M.; Wills, Martin published the artcile< Combining Electronic and Steric Effects To Generate Hindered Propargylic Alcohols in High Enantiomeric Excess>, Safety of Chloro[N-[(1R,2R)-1,2-diphenyl-2-[[3-(η6-phenyl)propyl]amino-κN]ethyl]-4-methylbenzenesulfonamidato-κN]ruthenium, the main research area is combining electronic steric effect generate hindered propargylic alc high; asym transfer hydrogenation arylacetylenic ketone Tethered ruthenium catalyst; crystallog arylacetylenic ketone asym transfer hydrogenation.

Tethered ruthenium-TsDPEN complexes have been applied to the catalysis of the asym. transfer hydrogenation of a range of aryl/acetylenic ketones. The introduction of an ortho- substituent to the aryl ring of the substrate results in a reversal of the enantioselectivity, while the introduction of two o-fluoro substituents results in an improvement to the reduction enantioselectivity, as does the replacement of a Ph ring on the alkyne with a trimethylsilyl group. These effects are rationalized as resulting from a change in the steric properties of the aryl ring and the electronic properties of the alkyne which, when matched in the reduction transition state, combine within a “”window”” of substrate/catalyst matching to generate products of high ee.

Organic Letters published new progress about Absolute configuration. 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, Safety of Chloro[N-[(1R,2R)-1,2-diphenyl-2-[[3-(η6-phenyl)propyl]amino-κN]ethyl]-4-methylbenzenesulfonamidato-κN]ruthenium.

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Amin, Mohammad A’s team published research in Tetrahedron in 2019-10-25 | 1192620-83-9

Tetrahedron published new progress about Chiral resolution. 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, COA of Formula: C30H31ClN2O2RuS.

Amin, Mohammad A.; Camerino, Michelle A.; Mountford, Simon J.; Ma, Xiao; Manallack, David T.; Chalmers, David K.; Wills, Martin; Thompson, Philip E. published the artcile< (S)-(-)-Fluorenylethylchloroformate (FLEC); preparation using asymmetric transfer hydrogenation and application to the analysis and resolution of amines>, COA of Formula: C30H31ClN2O2RuS, the main research area is fluorenylethylchloroformate preparation hydrogenation.

An improved preparation of (S)-(-)-fluorenylethylchloroformate (FLEC) using an efficient asym. catalytic transfer hydrogenation as the key step was described. The application of FLEC as a chiral Fmoc equivalent for chiral resolution, with facile deprotection, of (S,S)/(S,R)-tetrahydroquinaldines I, and its capacity for inducing regioselective outcomes in nitration reactions were also demonstrated.

Tetrahedron published new progress about Chiral resolution. 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, COA of Formula: C30H31ClN2O2RuS.

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Zheng, Long-Sheng’s team published research in Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) in 2018 | 1192620-83-9

Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) published new progress about Enantioselective synthesis. 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, Related Products of 1192620-83-9.

Zheng, Long-Sheng; Ferard, Charlene; Phansavath, Phannarath; Ratovelomanana-Vidal, Virginie published the artcile< Rhodium-mediated asymmetric transfer hydrogenation: a diastereo- and enantioselective synthesis of syn-α-amido β-hydroxy esters>, Related Products of 1192620-83-9, the main research area is syn alpha amido beta hydroxy ester preparation enantioselective; benzoylamido keto ester hydrogenation rhodium catalyst.

The preparation of syn α-benzoylamido β-hydroxy esters through asym. transfer hydrogenation (ATH) with a tethered Rh(III)-DPEN complex via dynamic kinetic resolution (DKR) has been developed for the first time starting from α-benzoylamido β-keto esters. A variety of α-benzoylamido β-keto esters were converted under mild conditions into the corresponding syn α-benzoylamino β-hydroxy esters with high yields (up to 98%) and diastereomeric ratios (up to >99 : 1 dr) as well as excellent enantioselectivities (up to >99% ee).

Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) published new progress about Enantioselective synthesis. 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, Related Products of 1192620-83-9.

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Jolley, Katherine E’s team published research in Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis in 2012 | 1192620-83-9

Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis published new progress about Aldehydes Role: RCT (Reactant), RACT (Reactant or Reagent). 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, Quality Control of 1192620-83-9.

Jolley, Katherine E.; Zanotti-Gerosa, Antonio; Hancock, Fred; Dyke, Alan; Grainger, Damian M.; Medlock, Jonathan A.; Nedden, Hans G.; Le Paih, Jacques J. M.; Roseblade, Stephen J.; Seger, Andreas; Sivakumar, Vilvanathan; Prokes, Ivan; Morris, David J.; Wills, Martin published the artcile< Application of Tethered Ruthenium Catalysts to Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Ketones, and the Selective Hydrogenation of Aldehydes>, Quality Control of 1192620-83-9, the main research area is tethered ruthenium catalyst preparation asym hydrogenation ketone aldehyde; sulfonyldiaminoalkyl ruthenium tethered preparation catalyst asym hydrogenation aldehyde ketone.

An improved method for the synthesis of tethered ruthenium(II) complexes of monosulfonylated diamines is described, together with their application to the hydrogenation of ketones and aldehydes. The complexes were applied directly, in their chloride form, to asym. ketone hydrogenation, to give products in excess of 99% ee in the best cases, using 30 bar of hydrogen at 60°, and to the selective reduction of aldehydes over other functional groups.

Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis published new progress about Aldehydes Role: RCT (Reactant), RACT (Reactant or Reagent). 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, Quality Control of 1192620-83-9.

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Chen, Jun’s team published research in Organic Letters in 2021-10-01 | 1192620-83-9

Organic Letters published new progress about C-H bond activation. 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, Electric Literature of 1192620-83-9.

Chen, Jun; Shi, Zhan; Lu, Ping published the artcile< Enantioselective Synthesis of Indanes with a Quaternary Stereocenter via Diastereoselective C(sp3)-H Functionalization>, Electric Literature of 1192620-83-9, the main research area is bromofluorodihydroindenol enantioselective preparation crystal structure; chiral bromobenzoyldihydroindene enantioselective preparation crystal structure; mol structure chiral bromobenzoyldihydroindene bromofluorodihydroindenol; indane enantioselective preparation; indanone preparation diastereoselective carbon hydrogen bond activation reaction.

A practical synthesis of enantioenriched indane derivatives with quaternary stereocenters was developed via sequential enantioselective reduction and C-H functionalization. Good to excellent enantioselectivity could be achieved by either the CuH-catalyzed asym. reduction or the Corey-Bakshi-Shibata (CBS) reduction of indanone derivatives The subsequent diastereospecific and regioselective Rh-catalyzed silylation of the Me C-H bond led to indane derivatives with quaternary centers. This strategy was further applied in syntheses of (nor)illudalane and botryane sesquiterpenoids.

Organic Letters published new progress about C-H bond activation. 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, Electric Literature of 1192620-83-9.

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Vyas, Vijyesh K’s team published research in Organic Letters in 2021-04-16 | 1192620-83-9

Organic Letters published new progress about Alcohols Role: RCT (Reactant), SPN (Synthetic Preparation), RACT (Reactant or Reagent), PREP (Preparation). 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, Quality Control of 1192620-83-9.

Vyas, Vijyesh K.; Clarkson, Guy J.; Wills, Martin published the artcile< Enantioselective Synthesis of Bicyclopentane-Containing Alcohols via Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation>, Quality Control of 1192620-83-9, the main research area is oxomethyl bicyclopentane enantioselective transfer hydrogenation; hydroxymethyl cyclopentane preparation.

Compounds a containing bicyclo[1.1.1]pentane (BCP) adjacent to a chiral center was prepared with high enantiomeric excess through asym. transfer hydrogenation (ATH) of adjacent ketones. In the reduction step, the BCP occupies the position distant from the η6-arene of the catalyst. The reduction was applied to the synthesis of a BCP analog of the antihistamine drug neobenodine.

Organic Letters published new progress about Alcohols Role: RCT (Reactant), SPN (Synthetic Preparation), RACT (Reactant or Reagent), PREP (Preparation). 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, Quality Control of 1192620-83-9.

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Soni, Rina’s team published research in Organic Letters in 2011-08-19 | 1192620-83-9

Organic Letters published new progress about Aryl ketones Role: PEP (Physical, Engineering or Chemical Process), RCT (Reactant), PROC (Process), RACT (Reactant or Reagent). 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, Name: Chloro[N-[(1R,2R)-1,2-diphenyl-2-[[3-(η6-phenyl)propyl]amino-κN]ethyl]-4-methylbenzenesulfonamidato-κN]ruthenium.

Soni, Rina; Collinson, John-Michael; Clarkson, Guy C.; Wills, Martin published the artcile< An Unexpected Directing Effect in the Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation of α,α-Disubstituted Ketones>, Name: Chloro[N-[(1R,2R)-1,2-diphenyl-2-[[3-(η6-phenyl)propyl]amino-κN]ethyl]-4-methylbenzenesulfonamidato-κN]ruthenium, the main research area is unexpected directing asym transfer hydrogenation disubstituted ketone crystallog.

α,α-Disubstituted ketones containing an aromatic ring or alkene are reduced in high enantiomeric excess using an asym. transfer hydrogenation catalyst. The sense of reduction indicates that the unsaturated region of the ketone adopts a position adjacent to the Ru-bound η6-arene ring in the reduction transition state.

Organic Letters published new progress about Aryl ketones Role: PEP (Physical, Engineering or Chemical Process), RCT (Reactant), PROC (Process), RACT (Reactant or Reagent). 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, Name: Chloro[N-[(1R,2R)-1,2-diphenyl-2-[[3-(η6-phenyl)propyl]amino-κN]ethyl]-4-methylbenzenesulfonamidato-κN]ruthenium.

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Huang, Yazhong’s team published research in Science (Washington, DC, United States) in 2021 | 1192620-83-9

Science (Washington, DC, United States) published new progress about Coupling reaction. 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, Quality Control of 1192620-83-9.

Huang, Yazhong; Knouse, Kyle W.; Qiu, Shenjie; Hao, Wei; Padial, Natalia M.; Vantourout, Julien C.; Zheng, Bin; Mercer, Stephen E.; Lopez-Ogalla, Javier; Narayan, Rohan; Olson, Richard E.; Blackmond, Donna G.; Eastgate, Martin D.; Schmidt, Michael A.; McDonald, Ivar M.; Baran, Phil S. published the artcile< A P(V) platform for oligonucleotide synthesis>, Quality Control of 1192620-83-9, the main research area is DNA LNA preparation phosphodiester phosphorodithioate human; crystal structure DNA preparation phosphodiester phosphorodithioate nucleotide polymer.

The promise of gene-based therapies is being realized at an accelerated pace, with more than 155 active clin. trials and multiple U.S. Food and Drug Administration approvals for therapeutic oligonucleotides, by far most of which contain modified phosphate linkages. These unnatural linkages have desirable biol. and phys. properties but are often accessed with difficulty using phosphoramidite chem. We report a flexible and efficient [P(V)]-based platform that can install a wide variety of phosphate linkages at will into oligonucleotides. This approach uses readily accessible reagents and can install not only stereo-defined or racemic thiophosphates but any combination of (S, R or rac)-PS with native phosphodiester (PO2) and phosphorodithioate (PS2) linkages into DNA and other modified nucleotide polymers. This platform easily accesses this diversity under a standardized coupling protocol with prepared and stable P(V) reagents.

Science (Washington, DC, United States) published new progress about Coupling reaction. 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, Quality Control of 1192620-83-9.

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Wang, Han’s team published research in Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry in 2020-05-31 | 1192620-83-9

Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry published new progress about Cycloalkanones Role: RCT (Reactant), RACT (Reactant or Reagent). 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, HPLC of Formula: 1192620-83-9.

Wang, Han; Zhao, Yang; Ding, Yi-Xuan; Yu, Chang-Bin; Zhou, Yong-Gui published the artcile< Synthesis of cis β-Hydroxy Ketones by Desymmetrization of 1,3-Cyclopentanediones through Ruthenium-Catalyzed Hydrogen Transfer>, HPLC of Formula: 1192620-83-9, the main research area is beta hydroxy ketone preparation stereoselective; cyclopentanedione transfer hydrogenative desymmetrization ruthenium catalyst.

A facile synthesis of chiral cis β-hydroxy ketones I (R = Me, Et, allyl; R1 = Ph, 4-MeC6H4, 3-FC6H4, etc.) was successfully developed through ruthenium-catalyzed transfer hydrogenative desymmetrization of 1,3-cyclopentanedione. The experiment on gram scale could be performed without loss of reactivity and enantioselectivity.

Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry published new progress about Cycloalkanones Role: RCT (Reactant), RACT (Reactant or Reagent). 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, HPLC of Formula: 1192620-83-9.

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Hodgkinson, Roy’s team published research in Tetrahedron Letters in 2018-03-07 | 1192620-83-9

Tetrahedron Letters published new progress about Alcohols Role: SPN (Synthetic Preparation), PREP (Preparation). 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, Synthetic Route of 1192620-83-9.

Hodgkinson, Roy; Jurcik, Vaclav; Nedden, Hans; Blackaby, Andrew; Wills, Martin published the artcile< An alternative route to tethered Ru(II) transfer hydrogenation catalysts>, Synthetic Route of 1192620-83-9, the main research area is ruthenium arene tethered preparation transfer hydrogenation catalyst ketone aldehyde.

A new route towards a series of tethered η6-arene/Ru(II) catalysts for use in the transfer and pressure hydrogenation of ketones and aldehydes to alcs. is reported. The route proceeds through the formation of an amide from the diamine precursor, followed by reduction, rather than the direct alkylation of the diamine. This has the advantage that dialkylation of the amine is avoided during the synthesis. Through this new route, both racemic and enantiomerically-pure η6-arene/Ru(II) tethered catalysts can be prepared in high yield.

Tetrahedron Letters published new progress about Alcohols Role: SPN (Synthetic Preparation), PREP (Preparation). 1192620-83-9 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C30H31ClN2O2RuS, Synthetic Route of 1192620-83-9.

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