Rubin, Alan E. et al. published their research in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta in 2009 |CAS: 97-09-6

The Article related to impact induced refractory lithophile element fractionation el chondrite, Mineralogical and Geological Chemistry: Cosmochemistry and Meteorites and other aspects.Product Details of 97-09-6

On March 1, 2009, Rubin, Alan E.; Huber, Heinz; Wasson, John T. published an article.Product Details of 97-09-6 The title of the article was Possible impact-induced refractory-lithophile fractionations in EL chondrites. And the article contained the following:

Literature data show that refractory-lithophile elements in most chondrite groups are unfractionated relative to CI chondrites; the principal exception is the EL-chondrite group whose observed falls (all of which are type 6) are depleted in Ca and light REE. In contrast, literature data and our new INAA data on EL3 PCA 91020, EL3 MAC 88136 and EL4 Grein 002 show that some replicates of these samples have nearly flat REE patterns (unlike those of EL6 chondrites); other replicates exhibit fractionated REE patterns similar to those of EL6 chondrites. Petrog. examination shows that many EL6 (and some EL3 and EL4) chondrites are impact-melt breccias or contain impact-melted portions. We suggest that the same impact processes that formed these breccias and produced melt are responsible for the observed bulk compositional fractionations in refractory-lithophile elements, i.e., EL6 chondrites were produced from initially unequilibrated EL3 material. When large amounts of impact heat were deposited, plagioclase and/or oldhamite (CaS) (the major REE carriers in enstatite chondrites) may have been melted and then transported appreciable (>10 cm) distances. EL6 chondrites represent the residuum that is depleted in REE (particularly in LREE) and Ca. Unlike the case for EL chondrites, our new INAA data on ALH 84170, EET 87746 and SAH 97096 (all EH3) show some scatter but are consistent with the EH group having uniform refractory-lithophile abundances. The experimental process involved the reaction of 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzenesulfonamide(cas: 97-09-6).Product Details of 97-09-6

The Article related to impact induced refractory lithophile element fractionation el chondrite, Mineralogical and Geological Chemistry: Cosmochemistry and Meteorites and other aspects.Product Details of 97-09-6

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