MacKenzie, Ian A.’s team published research in Nature (London, United Kingdom) in 2020 | CAS: 70-55-3

4-Methylbenzenesulfonamide(cas: 70-55-3) belongs to anime. Nitrous acid converts secondary amines (aliphatic or aromatic) to N-nitroso compounds (nitrosamines): R2NH + HNO2 → R2N―NO. Some nitrosamines are potent cancer-inducing substances, and their possible formation is a serious consideration when nitrites, which are salts of nitrous acid, are present in foods or pharmaceutical preparations. Tertiary amines give rise to nitrosamines more slowly; an alkyl group is eliminated as an aldehyde or ketone, along with nitrous oxide, N2O.Formula: C7H9NO2S

《Discovery and characterization of an acridine radical photoreductant》 was written by MacKenzie, Ian A.; Wang, Leifeng; Onuska, Nicholas P. R.; Williams, Olivia F.; Begam, Khadiza; Moran, Andrew M.; Dunietz, Barry D.; Nicewicz, David A.. Formula: C7H9NO2S And the article was included in Nature (London, United Kingdom) in 2020. The article conveys some information:

Photoinduced electron transfer (PET) is a phenomenon whereby the absorption of light by a chem. species provides an energetic driving force for an electron-transfer reaction1-4. This mechanism is relevant in many areas of chem., including the study of natural and artificial photosynthesis, photovoltaics and photosensitive materials. In recent years, research in the area of photoredox catalysis has enabled the use of PET for the catalytic generation of both neutral and charged organic free-radical species. These technologies have enabled previously inaccessible chem. transformations and have been widely used in both academic and industrial settings. Such reactions are often catalyzed by visible-light-absorbing organic mols. or transition-metal complexes of ruthenium, iridium, chromium or copper5,6. Although various closed-shell organic mols. have been shown to behave as competent electron-transfer catalysts in photoredox reactions, there are only limited reports of PET reactions involving neutral organic radicals as excited-state donors or acceptors. This is unsurprising because the lifetimes of doublet excited states of neutral organic radicals are typically several orders of magnitude shorter than the singlet lifetimes of known transition-metal photoredox catalysts7-11. Here we document the discovery, characterization and reactivity of a neutral acridine radical with a maximum excited-state oxidation potential of -3.36 V vs. a SCE, which is similarly reducing to elemental lithium, making this radical one of the most potent chem. reductants reported12. Spectroscopic, computational and chem. studies indicate that the formation of a twisted intramol. charge-transfer species enables the population of higher-energy doublet excited states, leading to the observed potent photoreducing behavior. We demonstrate that this catalytically generated PET catalyst facilitates several chem. reactions that typically require alkali metal reductants and can be used in other organic transformations that require dissolving metal reductants. After reading the article, we found that the author used 4-Methylbenzenesulfonamide(cas: 70-55-3Formula: C7H9NO2S)

4-Methylbenzenesulfonamide(cas: 70-55-3) belongs to anime. Nitrous acid converts secondary amines (aliphatic or aromatic) to N-nitroso compounds (nitrosamines): R2NH + HNO2 → R2N―NO. Some nitrosamines are potent cancer-inducing substances, and their possible formation is a serious consideration when nitrites, which are salts of nitrous acid, are present in foods or pharmaceutical preparations. Tertiary amines give rise to nitrosamines more slowly; an alkyl group is eliminated as an aldehyde or ketone, along with nitrous oxide, N2O.Formula: C7H9NO2S

Amide – Wikipedia,
Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics