Singh, Imocha Rajkumar; Mitra, Sivaprasad published the artcile< Modulated Protein Binding Ability of Anti-Diabetic Drugs in Presence of Monodispersed Gold Nanoparticles and its Inhibitory Potential towards Advanced Glycated End (AGE) Product Formation>, SDS of cas: 94-20-2, the main research area is gold nanoparticle delivery advanced glycated end antidiabetic agent; AGE product; Drug binding; Fluorescence; Nanomedicine; Serum albumin.
Binding strength of the anti-diabetic drugs chlorpropamide (CPM) and tolbutamide (TBM) with model protein bovine serum albumin (BSA) shows strong modulation in presence of colloidal gold nanoparticles (AuNP). Intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of both the native BSA and BSA-AuNP conjugate quenched in presence of the drugs. Stern-Volmer quenching constant (KSV) of CPM binding to BSA-AuNP conjugate at different temperatures is almost twice (6.76∼14.76 x 103 M-1) than the corresponding values in native BSA (3.21∼5.72 x 103 M-1). However, the calculated KSV values with TBM show certain degree of reduction in presence of AuNP (6.46x 103 M-1), while comparing with native BSA (8.83 x 103 M-1). The binding mode of CPM towards BSA-AuNP conjugate is mainly through hydrophobic forces; whereas, TBM binding is identified to be Van der Waal’s and hydrogen bonding type of interaction. Fluorescence lifetime anal. confirms static type of quenching for the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of BSA as well as BSA-AuNP conjugate with addition of CPM and TBM at different concentrations The α-helical content in the secondary structure of BSA is decreased to 48.32% and 45. 28% in presence of AuNP, when the concentration of CPM is 0.08 mM and 0.16 mM in comparison with that of native protein (50.13%). On the other hand, the intensity of sugar induced advanced glycated end (AGE) product fluorescence is decreased by 55% and 80% at 0.13 nM and 0.68 nM AuNP, resp. Change in the binding strength of the drugs with transport protein and reduced AGE product formation in presence of AuNP could lead to a major development in the field of nanomedicine and associated drug delivery techniques. Graphical AbstractModulated drug binding ability and AGE product formation of serum proteins in presence of AuNP [graphic not available: see fulltext].
Journal of Fluorescence published new progress about Adsorption. 94-20-2 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C10H13ClN2O3S, SDS of cas: 94-20-2.
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