Permatasari, Happy Kurnia; Firani, Novi Khila; Prijadi, Bambang; Irnandi, Dicky Faizal; Riawan, Wibi; Yusuf, Muhammad; Amar, Nasim; Chandra, Liani Amelia; Yusuf, Vincentius Mario; Subali, Anita Dominique; Nurkolis, Fahrul published the artcile< Kombucha drink enriched with sea grapes (Caulerpa racemosa) as potential functional beverage to contrast obesity: An in vivo and in vitro approach.>, Application In Synthesis of 96829-58-2, the main research area is Caulerpa racemosa; Dyslipidemia; Kombucha; Nutraceuticals; Obesity.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Obesity is currently a global issue and is a major cause of the metabolic disorder, including dyslipidemia. However, currently approved treatments have various limitations including serious side effects, numerous contraindications, and lack of acceptance. Caulerpa racemosa, also referred as Sea grapes, is a seaweed known for its various benefits. C. racemosa extract has the potential to improve lipid profile and role as an anti-obese agent. In order to maximize its health benefits, C. racemosa was made using kombucha drink as a carrier medium. This study aims to assess the effect of Sea grapes kombucha drink on lipase activity in vitro and lipid profile in vivo. METHODS: A lipase inhibition test was carried out by incubating Sea grapes kombucha drink compared with orlistat as the control in porcine pancreatic lipase and p-nitrophenyl butyrate in reaction buffer. A total of four groups were made, each containing 10 male swiss webster albino mice; group A received standard dry pellet diet as control, group B received cholesterol and fat-enriched diets (CFED), group C and D received CFED and 150 and 300 mg/kgBW of kombucha drink from Sea grapes respectively for 4 weeks. RESULTS: Sea grapes kombucha drink improved lipid profiles in the way of reducing total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, and increasing HDL levels compared to CFED and normal groups. The effect was more robust following the incrementing dose of the Sea grapes excluding total cholesterol. The lipase inhibitory activity of Sea grapes kombucha drink was similar to orlistat at a dose of 250 μg/mL, otherwise, orlistat was superior in the lower doses. CONCLUSIONS: Sea grapes kombucha drink treatment also induced weight loss and increased level of liver SOD. Kombucha drink from C. racemosa has good potential as a functional beverage with anti-obese and lipid improving activity.
Clinical nutrition ESPEN published new progress about 96829-58-2. 96829-58-2 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, and the molecular formula is C29H53NO5, Application In Synthesis of 96829-58-2.
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