Introduction of a new synthetic route about 16375-88-5

The synthetic route of 16375-88-5 has been constantly updated, and we look forward to future research findings.

Synthetic Route of 16375-88-5,Some common heterocyclic compound, 16375-88-5, name is N-(4-(Hydroxymethyl)phenyl)acetamide, molecular formula is C9H11NO2, traditional synthetic route has been very mature, but the traditional synthetic route has various shortcomings, such as complicated route, low yield, poor purity, etc, below Introduce a new synthetic route.

General procedure: Bismuth vanadate (32.3 mg, 100 mmol) was added to a Schlenkflask containing benzyl alcohol stock solution (1 mL, 0.1 mmol inacetonitrile) and acetonitrile (9 mL). The mixture was left to stirfor 30 min to disperse the catalyst under a dioxygen atmospherevia a balloon. The mixture was then irradiated with a 30W blueLED array at a distance of 2 cmwith an irradiance of 245mWcm2.The mixture reached ca. 40 C by the end of the reaction and afterirradiation, the catalyst was removed using centrifugation at4000 rpm for 30 min. For GC analysis, 1 mL of supernatant wastaken and 1 lL injected. For NMR analysis, the supernatant wasreduced in volume using a rotary evaporator at 65 mbar at 20 C,and the residue dissolved in d6-DMSO containing maleic acid asan internal standard.

The synthetic route of 16375-88-5 has been constantly updated, and we look forward to future research findings.

Article; Unsworth, Christopher A.; Coulson, Ben; Chechik, Victor; Douthwaite, Richard E.; Journal of Catalysis; vol. 354; (2017); p. 152 – 159;,
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