McIntyre, Jenifer K. et al. published their research in Environmental Science & Technology in 2021 | CAS: 2387-23-7

1,3-Dicyclohexylurea (cas: 2387-23-7) belongs to amides. Amides can be viewed as a derivative of a carboxylic acid RC(=O)OH with the hydroxyl group –OH replaced by an amine group −NR′R″; or, equivalently, an acyl (alkanoyl) group RC(=O)− joined to an amine group. Ionic, or saltlike, amides are strongly alkaline compounds ordinarily made by treating ammonia, an amine, or a covalent amide with a reactive metal such as sodium.Recommanded Product: 1,3-Dicyclohexylurea

Treading Water: Tire Wear Particle Leachate Recreates an Urban Runoff Mortality Syndrome in Coho but Not Chum Salmon was written by McIntyre, Jenifer K.;Prat, Jasmine;Cameron, James;Wetzel, Jillian;Mudrock, Emma;Peter, Katherine T.;Tian, Zhenyu;Mackenzie, Cailin;Lundin, Jessica;Stark, John D.;King, Kennith;Davis, Jay W.;Kolodziej, Edward P.;Scholz, Nathaniel L.. And the article was included in Environmental Science & Technology in 2021.Recommanded Product: 1,3-Dicyclohexylurea This article mentions the following:

Tire tread wear particles (TWP) are increasingly recognized as a global pollutant of surface waters, but their impact on biota in receiving waters is rarely addressed. In the developed U.S. Pacific Northwest, acute mortality of adult coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) follows rain events and is correlated with roadway d. Roadway runoff exptl. triggers behavioral symptoms and associated changes in blood indicative of cardiorespiratory distress prior to death. Closely related chum salmon (O. keta) lack an equivalent response. Acute mortality of juvenile coho was recently exptl. linked to a transformation product of a tire-derived chem. We evaluated whether TWP leachate is sufficient to trigger the acute mortality syndrome in adult coho salmon. We characterized the acute response of adult coho and chum salmon to TWP leachate (survival, behavior, blood physiol.) and compared it with that caused by roadway runoff. TWP leachate was acutely lethal to coho at concentrations similar to roadway runoff, with the same behaviors and blood parameters impacted. As with runoff, chum salmon appeared insensitive to TWP leachate at concentrations lethal to coho. Our results confirm that environmentally relevant TWP exposures cause acute mortalities of a keystone aquatic species. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 1,3-Dicyclohexylurea (cas: 2387-23-7Recommanded Product: 1,3-Dicyclohexylurea).

1,3-Dicyclohexylurea (cas: 2387-23-7) belongs to amides. Amides can be viewed as a derivative of a carboxylic acid RC(=O)OH with the hydroxyl group –OH replaced by an amine group −NR′R″; or, equivalently, an acyl (alkanoyl) group RC(=O)− joined to an amine group. Ionic, or saltlike, amides are strongly alkaline compounds ordinarily made by treating ammonia, an amine, or a covalent amide with a reactive metal such as sodium.Recommanded Product: 1,3-Dicyclohexylurea

Amide – Wikipedia,
Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics