Amirkhanov, Nariman V.’s team published research in Bioconjugate Chemistry in 21 | CAS: 186046-83-3

Bioconjugate Chemistry published new progress about 186046-83-3. 186046-83-3 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Purine,Carboxylic acid,Amine,Benzene,Amide,Others,PNA,, name is 2-(N-(2-((((9H-Fluoren-9-yl)methoxy)carbonyl)amino)ethyl)-2-(2-(((benzhydryloxy)carbonyl)amino)-6-oxo-5H-purin-9(6H)-yl)acetamido)acetic acid, and the molecular formula is C40H35N7O8, Recommanded Product: 2-(N-(2-((((9H-Fluoren-9-yl)methoxy)carbonyl)amino)ethyl)-2-(2-(((benzhydryloxy)carbonyl)amino)-6-oxo-5H-purin-9(6H)-yl)acetamido)acetic acid.

Amirkhanov, Nariman V. published the artcileImaging Human Pancreatic Cancer Xenografts by Targeting Mutant KRAS2 mRNA with [111In]DOTAn-Poly(diamidopropanoyl)m-KRAS2 PNA-d(Cys-Ser-Lys-Cys) Nanoparticles, Recommanded Product: 2-(N-(2-((((9H-Fluoren-9-yl)methoxy)carbonyl)amino)ethyl)-2-(2-(((benzhydryloxy)carbonyl)amino)-6-oxo-5H-purin-9(6H)-yl)acetamido)acetic acid, the publication is Bioconjugate Chemistry (2010), 21(4), 731-740, database is CAplus and MEDLINE.

95% Of patients with ductal pancreatic cancer carry 12th codon activating mutations in their KRAS2 oncogenes. Early whole body imaging of mutant KRAS2 mRNA activation in pancreatic cancer would contribute to disease management. Scintigraphic hybridization probes to visualize gene activity in vivo constitute a new paradigm in mol. imaging. We have previously imaged mutant KRAS2 mRNA activation in pancreatic cancer xenografts by positron emission tomog. (PET) based on a single radiometal, 64Cu, chelated to a 1,4,7,10-tetra(carboxymethylaza)cyclododecane (DOTA) chelator, connected via a flexible, hydrophilic spacer, aminoethoxyethoxyacetate (AEEA), to the N-terminus of a mutant KRAS2 peptide nucleic acid (PNA) hybridization probe. A peptide analog of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), connected to a C-terminal AEEA, enabled receptor-mediated endocytosis. We hypothesized that a polydiamidopropanoyl (PDAP) dendrimer (generation m), with increasing numbers (n) of DOTA chelators, extended via an N-terminal AEEA from a mutant KRAS2 PNA with a C-terminal AEEA and IGF1 analog could enable more intense external imaging of pancreatic cancer xenografts that overexpress IGF1 receptor and mutant KRAS2 mRNA. ([111In]DOTA-AEEA)n-PDAPm-AEEA2-KRAS2 PNA-AEEA-IGF1 analogs were prepared and administered i.v. into immunocompromised mice bearing human AsPC1 (G12D) pancreatic cancer xenografts. CAPAN2 (G12 V) pancreatic cancer xenografts served as a cellular KRAS2 mismatch control. Scintigraphic tumor/muscle image intensity ratios for complementary [111In]n-PDAPm-KRAS2 G12D probes increased from 3.1 ± 0.2 at n = 2, m = 1, to 4.1 ± 0.3 at n = 8, m = 3, to 6.2 ± 0.4 at n = 16, m = 4, in AsPC1 (G12D) xenografts. Single mismatch [111In]n-PDAPm-KRAS2 G12 V control probes showed lower tumor/muscle ratios (3.0 ± 0.6 at n = 2, m = 1, 2.6 ± 0.9 at n = 8, m = 3, and 3.7 ± 0.3 at n = 16, m = 4). The mismatch results were comparable to the PNA-free [111In]DOTA control results. Simultaneous administration of nonradioactive Gdn-KRAS2 G12 V probes (n = 2 or 8) increased accumulation of [111In]8KRAS2 G12 V probes 3-6-fold in pancreatic cancer CAPAN2 xenografts and other tissues, except for a 2-fold decrease in the kidneys. As a result, tissue distribution tumor/muscle ratios of 111In uptake increased from 3.1 ± 0.5 to 6.5 ± 1.0, and the kidney/tumor ratio of 111In uptake decreased by more than 5-fold from 174.8 ± 17.5 to 30.8 ± 3.1. Thus, PDAP dendrimers with up to 16 DOTA chelators attached to PNA-IGF1 analogs, as well as simultaneous administration of the elevated dose of nonradioactive Gdn-KRAS2 G12 V probes, enhanced tumor uptake of [111In]nKRAS2 PNA probes. These results also imply that Gd(III) dendrimeric hybridization probes might be suitable for magnetic resonance imaging of gene expression in tumors, because the higher generations of the dendrimers, including the NMR contrast Gdn-KRAS2 G12 V probes, improved tumor accumulation of the probes and specificity of tumor imaging.

Bioconjugate Chemistry published new progress about 186046-83-3. 186046-83-3 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Purine,Carboxylic acid,Amine,Benzene,Amide,Others,PNA,, name is 2-(N-(2-((((9H-Fluoren-9-yl)methoxy)carbonyl)amino)ethyl)-2-(2-(((benzhydryloxy)carbonyl)amino)-6-oxo-5H-purin-9(6H)-yl)acetamido)acetic acid, and the molecular formula is C40H35N7O8, Recommanded Product: 2-(N-(2-((((9H-Fluoren-9-yl)methoxy)carbonyl)amino)ethyl)-2-(2-(((benzhydryloxy)carbonyl)amino)-6-oxo-5H-purin-9(6H)-yl)acetamido)acetic acid.

Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics