Suganthi R., Josephine Usha’s team published research in Materials Today: Proceedings in 2020 | CAS: 123-39-7

Materials Today: Proceedings published new progress about Crystals. 123-39-7 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, name is N-Methylformamide, and the molecular formula is C2H5NO, Synthetic Route of 123-39-7.

Suganthi R., Josephine Usha published the artcileThe growth and characterization techniques of organometallic nonlinear optical crystal – Manganese mercury thiocyanate – Bis (N -methyl formamide), Synthetic Route of 123-39-7, the main research area is manganese mercury thiocyanate methyl formamide optical crystal growth.

Manganese mercury thiocyanate – bis (N -Me formamide) has been prepared to be a novel organometallic nonlinear optical crystal. The cell parameters of the grown crystals were obtained by single-crystal XRD anal. The second harmonic generation and optical transmittance of the grown crystal are studied by Kurtz and Perry powder technique and UV spectroscopic absorbance spectrum. The thermal anal. reveals that MMTN crystal possesses good physicochem. stability. The dielec. responses of the grown crystals are studied as a function of the temperature and the results are discussed.

Materials Today: Proceedings published new progress about Crystals. 123-39-7 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, name is N-Methylformamide, and the molecular formula is C2H5NO, Synthetic Route of 123-39-7.

Amide – Wikipedia,
Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics