Mangstl, Martin published the artcileSynthesis and characterization of methylammonium phosphates as crystalline approximants for anhydrous, low melting phosphate glasses, HPLC of Formula: 123-39-7, the main research area is methylammonium phosphate glass crystalline approximant.
Low-melting methylammonium phosphate glasses are synthesized from crystalline starting agents. To this end crystalline tris(methylammonium) cyclotriphosphate [CH3NH3]3P3O9, was synthesized by a novel and simple synthesis route from P4O10 and N-methylformamide. It, undergoes an irreversible phase transition to methylammonium catena-polyphosphate [CH3NH3]PO3. The crystal structure of the catena-polyphosphate was solved and refined from X-ray powder diffraction data by the Rietveld method using constraints obtained by solid-state 31P and 1H NMR spectroscopy. This compound crystallizes in a triclinic space group with a = 13.2236(9), b = 7.8924(6), c = 4.6553(2) Å α = 91.068(4), β = 87.840(5) and γ = 106.550(3)°. Quantum chem. calculations confirm that the obtained structure lies at an energetic min. Finally the reaction of tris(methylammonium) cyclotriphosphate and P4O10 into methylammonium phosphate glass is presented. The synthesized, water-free phosphate glass shows a very low glass transition temperature Tg of 33°C, which was verified by dynamic scanning calorimetry and NMR. The chain-like crystal structure of the high-temperature methylammoniumphosphate [CH3NH3]PO3 serves as an approximation for the short-range order of the glass.
RSC Advances published new progress about Cooling. 123-39-7 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, name is N-Methylformamide, and the molecular formula is C2H5NO, HPLC of Formula: 123-39-7.
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