Li, Xiao-Kuan’s team published research in Advanced Electronic Materials in 2020-03-31 | CAS: 123-39-7

Advanced Electronic Materials published new progress about Contact resistance. 123-39-7 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, name is N-Methylformamide, and the molecular formula is C2H5NO, Quality Control of 123-39-7.

Li, Xiao-Kuan published the artcileControllable Doping of Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides by Organic Solvents, Quality Control of 123-39-7, the main research area is dimethylsulfoxide molybdenum disulfide doping effect optoelectronic device.

Seeking controllable and efficient surface dopant mols. for transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) is highly valuable for fully understanding TMDCs properties and their applications to relevant devices. The general doping effect of solvents on TMDCs are explored. By selecting suitable solvents with optimized relevant factors, controllable n-doping of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) is obtained on the same device with the sheet d. of electrons increased from 2.3 × 1011 to 6.4 × 1012, 9.7 × 1012, and 1.6 × 1013 by use of dimethylsulfoxide, N,N-dimethylformamide, and N-methyl-pyrrolidone (NMP), resp. The doping principle is explained by charge-donating characteristics of mol. and dipole interaction. After doping by NMP, the contact resistance is reduced by four times, and the on/off current ratio of fabricated top-gated MoS2 transistors is increased by 3 orders of magnitude. This work can guide the selection of suitable solvents for effective doping of two-dimensional materials and advance the development of precise controllable electronic and optoelectronic devices.

Advanced Electronic Materials published new progress about Contact resistance. 123-39-7 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, name is N-Methylformamide, and the molecular formula is C2H5NO, Quality Control of 123-39-7.

Amide – Wikipedia,
Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics