Deng, Lan published the artcileIntrinsic Molybdenum-Based POMOFs with Impressive Gas Adsorptions and Photochromism, Quality Control of 123-39-7, the main research area is molybdenum oxo triazole POM preparation ESR; crystal structure molybdenum oxo triazole POM; gas adsorption; oxidomolybdenum; photochromic; polyoxometalate organic frameworks; triazoles.
Novel molybdenum(VI/V) POM-based self-constructed frameworks [MoVI12O24(μ2-O)12(trz)6(H2O)6]·6Hma·18H2O (1, Htrz = 1H-1,2,3-triazole, ma = methylamine), [MoVI7O14(μ2-O)8(trz)5(H2O)]·7Hma·5H2O (2), Na3[MoV6O6(μ2-O)9(Htrz)3(trz)3]·7.5H2O (3) and [MoV8O8(μ2-O)12(Htrz)8]·30H2O (4) were covalently decorated with tri-coordinated deprotonated/protonated 1,2,3-triazoles. Channels with an inner diameter of 7.5 S were found in 1, whereas a tunnel composed of stacking mols. with an inner diameter of 4.1 S along the b-axis exists in 2; it is occupied by free disordered methylamines, showing selective adsorption of O2 and CO2 at 25°C. Obvious downfield shifts were observed by 13C NMR spectroscopies for methylamines inside the confined channels in 1 and 2. There are diversified pores in 3 and 4, which are formed by the mols. themselves and intermol. accumulations. Adsorption tests indicate that 3 and 4 are fine adsorption materials for CH4 and CO2 under low pressure that rely on the environments built by the POMs. Correspondingly, 1 and 2 display reversible photoresponsive thermochromism that is subtlety influenced by the channels. The polyoxometalate organic frameworks (POMOFs) with multiple functional adsorptions are easy to assemble. Their photo-/thermoresponse properties offer a new pathway for the self-constructions of one-off hybrid materials that possess the good properties of both POMs and MOFs.
Chemistry – A European Journal published new progress about Crystal structure. 123-39-7 belongs to class amides-buliding-blocks, name is N-Methylformamide, and the molecular formula is C2H5NO, Quality Control of 123-39-7.
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