Belarbi, Saida; Vivier, Martin; Zaghouani, Wafa; De Sloovere, Aude; Agasse, Valerie; Cardinael, Pascal published an article in 2021, the title of the article was Comparison of Different d-SPE Sorbent Performances Based on Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe (QuEChERS) Methodology for Multiresidue Pesticide Analyses in Rapeseeds.Formula: C2H4ClNO And the article contains the following content:
Pesticide extraction in rapeseed samples remains a great anal. challenge due to the complexity of the matrix, which contains proteins, fatty acids, high amounts of triglycerides and cellulosic fibers. An HPLC-MS/MS method was developed for the quantification of 179 pesticides in rapeseeds. The performances of the quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe (QuEChERS) method were evaluated using different dispersive solid-phase extraction (d-SPE) sorbents containing common octadecylsilane silica/primary-secondary amine adsorbent (PSA/C18) and new commercialized d-SPE materials dedicated to fatty matrixes (Z-Sep, Z-Sep+, and EMR-Lipid). The anal. performances of these different sorbents were compared according to the SANTE/12682/2019 document. The best results were obtained using EMR-Lipid in terms of pesticide average recoveries (103 and 70 of the 179 targeted pesticides exhibited recoveries within 70-120% and 30-70%, resp., with low RSD values). Moreover, the limits of quantification (LOQ) range from 1.72 渭g/kg to 6.39 渭g/kg for 173 of the pesticides. Only the recovery for tralkoxydim at 10 渭g/kg level was not satisfactory (29%). The matrix effect was evaluated and proved to be limited between -50% and 50% for 169 pesticides with this EMR-Lipid and freezing. GC-Orbitrap analyses confirmed the best efficiency of the EMR-Lipid sorbent for the purification of rapeseeds. The experimental process involved the reaction of 2-Chloroacetamide(cas: 79-07-2).Formula: C2H4ClNO
The Article related to rapeseed solid phase extraction sorbent pesticide hplc ms, hplc-ms/ms, quechers extraction, dispersive solid-phase extraction, multiresidue pesticide analyses, rapeseeds, Placeholder for records without volume info and other aspects.Formula: C2H4ClNO
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