Uddin, Mohib’s team published research in Progress in Lipid Research in 50 | CAS: 321673-30-7

Progress in Lipid Research published new progress about 321673-30-7. 321673-30-7 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Immunology/Inflammation,Scavenger receptor, name is [(2-Hexylcyclopentylidene)amino]thiourea, and the molecular formula is C6H10F3NO, Computed Properties of 321673-30-7.

Uddin, Mohib published the artcileResolvins: Natural agonists for resolution of pulmonary inflammation, Computed Properties of 321673-30-7, the publication is Progress in Lipid Research (2011), 50(1), 75-88, database is CAplus and MEDLINE.

A review. Inappropriate or excessive pulmonary inflammation can contribute to chronic lung diseases. In health, the resolution of inflammation is an active process that terminates inflammatory responses. The recent identification of endogenous lipid-derived mediators of resolution has provided a window to explore the pathobiol. of inflammatory disease and structural templates for the design of novel pro-resolving therapeutics. Resolvins (resolution-phase interaction products) are a family of pro-resolving mediators that are enzymically generated from essential omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Two mol. series of resolvins have been characterised, namely E- and D-series resolvins which possess distinct structural, biochem. and pharmacol. properties. Acting as agonists at specific receptors (CMKLR1, BLT1, ALX/FPR2 and GPR32), resolvins can signal for potent counter-regulatory effects on leukocyte functions, including preventing uncontrolled neutrophil swarming, decreasing the generation of cytokines, chemokines and reactive oxygen species and promoting clearance of apoptotic neutrophils from inflamed tissues. Hence, resolvins provide mechanisms for cytoprotection of host tissues to the potentially detrimental effects of unresolved inflammation. This review highlights recent exptl. findings in resolvin research, and the impact of these stereospecific mols. on the resolution of pulmonary inflammation and tissue catabasis.

Progress in Lipid Research published new progress about 321673-30-7. 321673-30-7 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Immunology/Inflammation,Scavenger receptor, name is [(2-Hexylcyclopentylidene)amino]thiourea, and the molecular formula is C6H10F3NO, Computed Properties of 321673-30-7.

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Kuznetsova, Ksenia G.’s team published research in Journal of Proteomics in 231 | CAS: 79-07-2

Journal of Proteomics published new progress about 79-07-2. 79-07-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain,Amide,Inhibitor, name is 2-Chloroacetamide, and the molecular formula is C2H4ClNO, Category: amides-buliding-blocks.

Kuznetsova, Ksenia G. published the artcileCysteine alkylation methods in shotgun proteomics and their possible effects on methionine residues, Category: amides-buliding-blocks, the publication is Journal of Proteomics (2021), 104022, database is CAplus and MEDLINE.

In order to optimize sample preparation for shotgun proteomics, we compared four cysteine alkylating agents: iodoacetamide, chloroacetamide, 4-vinylpyridine and Me methanethiosulfonate, and estimated their effects on the results of proteome anal. Because alkylation may result in methionine modification in vitro, proteomics data were searched for methionine to isothreonine conversions, which may mimic genomic methionine to threonine substitutions found in proteogenomic analyses. We found that chloroacetamide was superior to the other reagents in terms of the number of identified peptides and undesirable off-site reactions. Among the reagents evaluated, iodoacetamide increased the rate of methionine-to-isothreonine conversion, especially if the sample was prepared in gel. The presence of proline following methionine in a protein sequence increased the modification rate as well. Generally, the methionine-to-isothreonine conversion events were relatively rare, but should be taken into account in proteogenomic studies when searching for single nucleotide polymorphism events at the protein level. Addnl., we have evaluated other methionine modifications, such as oxidation and carbamidomethylation. We found that carbamidomethylation may affect up to 80% of peptides containing methionine under the condition of iodoacetamide alkylation. In this case, carbamidomethylation of methionine is more common than oxidation and should be accounted for as a variable modification during proteomic search. One of the most trending questions in bottom-up proteomics is the depth of proteome profiling, in other words, the coverage of proteins by identified tryptic peptides. In proteogenomics, where the identification of a single peptide, e.g. bearing an amino acid substitution, may be of interest, high sequence coverage is especially important. Chem. modifications during sample preparation may mimic biol. significant coding mutations at the proteome level. A typical example of such modification is methionine to isothreonine conversion during alkylation, which mimics methionine to threonine substitution in protein sequences due to resp. genomic mutations. Therefore, the studies on the proper selection of alkylating reagents which balance the cysteine alkylation efficiency and the extent of methionine conversion upon conventional proteomic sample preparation workflow are crucial for the outcome of proteogenomic analyses and should present a general interest for the proteomic community.

Journal of Proteomics published new progress about 79-07-2. 79-07-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain,Amide,Inhibitor, name is 2-Chloroacetamide, and the molecular formula is C2H4ClNO, Category: amides-buliding-blocks.

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Fernandez-Perez, Hector’s team published research in Journal of Organic Chemistry in 85 | CAS: 79-07-2

Journal of Organic Chemistry published new progress about 79-07-2. 79-07-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain,Amide,Inhibitor, name is 2-Chloroacetamide, and the molecular formula is C2H4ClNO, Formula: C2H4ClNO.

Fernandez-Perez, Hector published the artcileAccess to α-Aminophosphonic Acid Derivatives and Phosphonopeptides by [Rh(P-OP)]-Catalyzed Stereoselective Hydrogenation, Formula: C2H4ClNO, the publication is Journal of Organic Chemistry (2020), 85(22), 14779-14784, database is CAplus and MEDLINE.

The hydrogenation of N-substituted vinylphosphonates using rhodium complexes derived from P-OP ligands L1, ent-L1 or (R,R)-Me-DuPHOS as catalysts has been successfully accomplished, achieving very high levels of stereoselectivity (up to 99% ee or de). The described synthetic strategy allowed for the efficient preparation of alpha-aminophosphonic acid derivatives, e.g. I, and phosphonopeptides, e.g. II, which are valuable building blocks for the preparation of biol. relevant mols.

Journal of Organic Chemistry published new progress about 79-07-2. 79-07-2 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Chloride,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain,Amide,Inhibitor, name is 2-Chloroacetamide, and the molecular formula is C2H4ClNO, Formula: C2H4ClNO.

Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Suarez, Cristina’s team published research in Journal of Physical Chemistry in 94 | CAS: 360-92-9

Journal of Physical Chemistry published new progress about 360-92-9. 360-92-9 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Trifluoromethyl,Fluoride,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain,Amide, name is N,N-Diethyl-2,2,2-trifluoroacetamide, and the molecular formula is C6H4ClNO2, Quality Control of 360-92-9.

Suarez, Cristina published the artcileProton NMR studies of symmetrically-substituted N,N-dialkyltrifluoroacetamides: medium effects, Quality Control of 360-92-9, the publication is Journal of Physical Chemistry (1990), 94(17), 6679-83, database is CAplus.

Activation parameters characterizing the internal rotation about the C-N partial double bond in CF3CONR2 (R = Et, CHMe2, CH2CHMe2) were determined from exchange-broadened 1H NMR spectra. Gibbs energies of activation, ΔG298 (kcal mol-1), for the gaseous amides and their 1% CCl4 solutions as follows: di-Et, 16.1/17.8; diisopropyl, 15.8/16.3; diisobutyl, 16.4/17.3. In both the gas and liquid phases the rotational barriers decrease with increasing N-alkyl substituent bulk. The phase dependence of these parameters is compatible with expected solvent internal pressure effects. Lower gas-phase activation energies are consistent with a process proceeding via a transition state with greater steric requirements than the ground-state configuration.

Journal of Physical Chemistry published new progress about 360-92-9. 360-92-9 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Trifluoromethyl,Fluoride,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain,Amide, name is N,N-Diethyl-2,2,2-trifluoroacetamide, and the molecular formula is C6H4ClNO2, Quality Control of 360-92-9.

Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Servien, R.’s team published research in Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering in 5 | CAS: 137862-53-4

Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering published new progress about 137862-53-4. 137862-53-4 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class GPCR/G Protein,Angiotensin Receptor, name is (S)-2-(N-((2′-(1H-Tetrazol-5-yl)-[1,1′-biphenyl]-4-yl)methyl)pentanamido)-3-methylbutanoic acid, and the molecular formula is C15H10O2, Formula: C24H29N5O3.

Servien, R. published the artcileImproved impact assessment of micropollutants release from WWTPs, Formula: C24H29N5O3, the publication is Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (2022), 100172, database is CAplus.

During wastewater treatment, incomplete elimination of micropollutants occurs. Recently, the potential impacts of the release of some micropollutants at the scale of France have been studied. These impact calculations were incomplete due to a lack of characterization factors (CFs). In the present study, we used already developed machine learning models to complement the missing CFs. The conclusions were not modified for the impact on aquatic environment, but were mitigated for the impact on human health: the higher toxicol. potential impact could be driven by a high-emitted mass, and a high number of compounds could take a significant part of the overall impact.

Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering published new progress about 137862-53-4. 137862-53-4 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class GPCR/G Protein,Angiotensin Receptor, name is (S)-2-(N-((2′-(1H-Tetrazol-5-yl)-[1,1′-biphenyl]-4-yl)methyl)pentanamido)-3-methylbutanoic acid, and the molecular formula is C15H10O2, Formula: C24H29N5O3.

Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Min, Arim’s team published research in Microbes and Infection in 20 | CAS: 321673-30-7

Microbes and Infection published new progress about 321673-30-7. 321673-30-7 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Immunology/Inflammation,Scavenger receptor, name is [(2-Hexylcyclopentylidene)amino]thiourea, and the molecular formula is C12H23N3S, Safety of [(2-Hexylcyclopentylidene)amino]thiourea.

Min, Arim published the artcileBLT1-mediated O-GlcNAcylation is required for NOX2-dependent migration, exocytotic degranulation and IL-8 release of human mast cell induced by Trichomonas vaginalis-secreted LTB4, Safety of [(2-Hexylcyclopentylidene)amino]thiourea, the publication is Microbes and Infection (2018), 20(6), 376-384, database is CAplus and MEDLINE.

Trichomonas vaginalis is a sexually-transmitted protozoan parasite that causes vaginitis and cervicitis. Although mast cell activation is important for provoking tissue inflammation during infection with parasites, information regarding the signaling mechanisms in mast cell activation and T. vaginalis infection is limited. O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) is a post-translational modification of serine and threonine residues that functions as a critical regulator of intracellular signaling, regulated by O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) and O-GlcNAcase (OGA). We investigated if O-GlcNAcylation was associated with mast cell activation induced by T. vaginalis-derived secretory products (TvSP). Modified TvSP collected from live trichomonads treated with the 5-lipooxygenase inhibitor AA861 inhibited migration of mast cells. This result suggested that mast cell migration was caused by stimulation of T. vaginalis-secreted leukotrienes. Using the BLT1 antagonist U75302 or BLT1 siRNA, we found that migration of mast cells was evoked via LTB4 receptor (BLT1). Furthermore, TvSP induced protein O-GlcNAcylation and OGT expression in HMC-1 cells, which was prevented by transfection with BLT1 siRNA. TvSP-induced migration, ROS generation, CD63 expression and IL-8 release were significantly suppressed by pretreatment with OGT inhibitor ST045849 or OGT siRNA. These results suggested that BLT1-mediated OGlcNAcylation was important for mast cell activation during trichomoniasis.

Microbes and Infection published new progress about 321673-30-7. 321673-30-7 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Immunology/Inflammation,Scavenger receptor, name is [(2-Hexylcyclopentylidene)amino]thiourea, and the molecular formula is C12H23N3S, Safety of [(2-Hexylcyclopentylidene)amino]thiourea.

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Min, Arim’s team published research in International Archives of Allergy and Immunology in 165 | CAS: 321673-30-7

International Archives of Allergy and Immunology published new progress about 321673-30-7. 321673-30-7 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Immunology/Inflammation,Scavenger receptor, name is [(2-Hexylcyclopentylidene)amino]thiourea, and the molecular formula is C12H23N3S, Computed Properties of 321673-30-7.

Min, Arim published the artcileNOX2-Derived ROS-Mediated Surface Translocation of BLT1 Is Essential for Exocytosis in Human Eosinophils Induced by LTB4, Computed Properties of 321673-30-7, the publication is International Archives of Allergy and Immunology (2014), 165(1), 40-51, database is CAplus and MEDLINE.

Background: Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) is a proinflammatory lipid mediator that elicits eosinophil exocytosis, leading to allergic inflammation. However, the detailed intracellular signaling mechanisms of eosinophil exocytosis induced by LTB4 are poorly understood. Herein, we report that NADPH oxidase (NOX)2-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated BLT1 migration to the cell surface is required for exocytosis in human eosinophils induced by LTB4. Methods: Peripheral blood eosinophils were purified and stimulated for up to 60 min with LTB4. The signaling role of NOX2-derived ROS in BLT1-dependent exocytosis in LTB4-stimulated eosinophils was investigated. Results: Stimulating eosinophils with LTB4 induced intracellular ROS production and surface upregulation of the exocytosis marker protein CD63 via BLT1-mediated signaling. LTB4 induced p47phox phosphorylation and 91phox expression required for NOX2 activation in a BLT1-dependent manner. Pretreatment with NOX2 inhibitors, but not mitochondria inhibitor, prevented LTB4-induced ROS generation and exocytosis. At 30 min after stimulation with LTB4, BLT1 expression at the cell surface was upregulated. LTB4-triggered surface upregulation of BLT1 was also blocked by inhibition of ROS generation with NOX2 inhibitors. Moreover, stimulation for 30 min with LTB4 resulted in the interaction of BLT1 with NOX2 by immunoprecipitation LTB4-induced ROS generation, surface upregulation of BLT1 and exocytosis was also inhibited by pretreatment with a lipid raft disruptor, protein kinase C inhibitor, or Src kinase inhibitor. Conclusion: These results suggest that NOX2-derived ROS-mediated BLT1 trafficking to the cell surface plays a key role in the exocytosis of human eosinophils induced by LTB4.

International Archives of Allergy and Immunology published new progress about 321673-30-7. 321673-30-7 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Immunology/Inflammation,Scavenger receptor, name is [(2-Hexylcyclopentylidene)amino]thiourea, and the molecular formula is C12H23N3S, Computed Properties of 321673-30-7.

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Griffiths, John’s team published research in Dyes and Pigments in 57 | CAS: 14294-10-1

Dyes and Pigments published new progress about 14294-10-1. 14294-10-1 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Morpholine,Thiourea,Amine,Amide, name is Morpholine-4-carbothioamide, and the molecular formula is C5H10N2OS, Recommanded Product: Morpholine-4-carbothioamide.

Griffiths, John published the artcileSynthesis, light absorption and fluorescence properties of new thiazole analogues of the xanthene dyes, Recommanded Product: Morpholine-4-carbothioamide, the publication is Dyes and Pigments (2003), 57(2), 107-114, database is CAplus.

The synthesis of a new class of cationic dye is described, whose chromophoric system is formally related to that of the cationic xanthene dyes in which one of the aminophenyl rings is replaced by a 2-aminothiazole ring. The light absorption and fluorescence properties of a range of representative dyes of this type have been investigated. The dyes were found to absorb at shorter wavelengths than their xanthene analogs (λmax 490-506 nm in methanol), in agreement with theor. predictions, and they also showed moderate to intense fluorescence in dichloromethane solution, with Stokes shifts ranging from 33 to 50 nm.

Dyes and Pigments published new progress about 14294-10-1. 14294-10-1 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Morpholine,Thiourea,Amine,Amide, name is Morpholine-4-carbothioamide, and the molecular formula is C5H10N2OS, Recommanded Product: Morpholine-4-carbothioamide.

Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Kim, Byung-Seok’s team published research in Chemistry – An Asian Journal in 6 | CAS: 146140-95-6

Chemistry – An Asian Journal published new progress about 146140-95-6. 146140-95-6 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Boronic acid and ester,Amine,Benzene,Amide,Boronic Acids,Boronic Acids,Boronic acid and ester,, name is (2-Pivalamidophenyl)boronic acid, and the molecular formula is C11H16BNO3, Safety of (2-Pivalamidophenyl)boronic acid.

Kim, Byung-Seok published the artcilePd-Catalyzed Sequential C-C and C-N Bond Formations for the Synthesis of N-Heterocycles: Exploiting Protecting Group-Directed C-H Activation under Modified Reaction Conditions, Safety of (2-Pivalamidophenyl)boronic acid, the publication is Chemistry – An Asian Journal (2011), 6(8), 1952-1957, database is CAplus and MEDLINE.

A Pd-catalyzed domino olefination/conjugate addition reaction of N-Ts-2-arylanilines with activated olefins has been achieved at ambient temperature under the newly defined reaction conditions. This process highlighted the directing effect of the N-protecting group in C-H activation, displayed broad substrate scope with wide functional group compatibility; thus rendering a straightforward entry to a wide variety of N-heterocycles such as dihydrophenanthridines.

Chemistry – An Asian Journal published new progress about 146140-95-6. 146140-95-6 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Boronic acid and ester,Amine,Benzene,Amide,Boronic Acids,Boronic Acids,Boronic acid and ester,, name is (2-Pivalamidophenyl)boronic acid, and the molecular formula is C11H16BNO3, Safety of (2-Pivalamidophenyl)boronic acid.

Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Jang, Yoon Kyung’s team published research in Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters in 27 | CAS: 1204742-78-8

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters published new progress about 1204742-78-8. 1204742-78-8 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Boronic acid and ester,Amine,Benzene,Amide,Boronate Esters,Boronic Acids,Boronic acid and ester,, name is N-Methoxy-4-(4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-1,3,2-dioxaborolan-2-yl)benzamide, and the molecular formula is C14H20BNO4, Computed Properties of 1204742-78-8.

Jang, Yoon Kyung published the artcileDesign, synthesis, and biological evaluation of aryl N-methoxyamide derivatives as GPR119 agonists, Computed Properties of 1204742-78-8, the publication is Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters (2017), 27(16), 3909-3914, database is CAplus and MEDLINE.

A series of N-methoxyamide derivatives was identified and evaluated as GPR119 agonists. Several N-methoxyamides with thienopyrimidine and pyridine scaffolds showed potent GPR119 agonistic activities. Among them, compound I displayed good in vitro activity and potency. Moreover, compound I lowered glucose excursion in mice in an oral glucose tolerance test and increased GLP-1 secretion in intestinal cells.

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters published new progress about 1204742-78-8. 1204742-78-8 belongs to amides-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Boronic acid and ester,Amine,Benzene,Amide,Boronate Esters,Boronic Acids,Boronic acid and ester,, name is N-Methoxy-4-(4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-1,3,2-dioxaborolan-2-yl)benzamide, and the molecular formula is C14H20BNO4, Computed Properties of 1204742-78-8.

Amide – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics