Yang, Jing et al. published their research in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety in 2021 |CAS: 79-07-2

The Article related to copper pentachlorophenol carbendazim chloroacetamide enchytraeus ecotoxicol risk assessment, carbendazim, chloroacetamide, copper, enchytraeus bulbosus, pentachlorophenol, two generations and other aspects.Quality Control of 2-Chloroacetamide

On November 30, 2021, Yang, Jing; Chen, Xiaoqian; Yin, Daqiang; Yin, Haowen; Zhang, Ying; Liu, Min; Zhao, Weigang; Zhang, Lu; Liu, Yanan; Yang, Xichen; Zhong, Zhijie published an article.Quality Control of 2-Chloroacetamide The title of the article was Applicability of Enchytraeus bulbosus as a model species in ecotoxicology and risk assessment. And the article contained the following:

Enchytraeus bulbosus is listed in the ISO and OECD standard guidelines as a possible test species of enchytraeid. However, in contrast to other listed species, its applicability in ecotoxicol. studies as well as its sensitivity is widely unknown. Therefore, copper, pentachlorophenol(PCP), carbendazim, and chloroacetamide have been investigated by performing two-generation studies with multiple endpoints. Comparable toxicity trends to the existing studies were shown for copper and PCP in the two-generation studies of E. bulbosus. Dose-related abnormal swelling of clitella were found for the first time with PCP and chloroacetamide treatments. Sensitivity comparisons of E. bulbosus to other terrestrial test species were also conducted. E. bulbosus showed high sensitivity, it has comparable sensitivity as other sensitive species of genus Enchytraeus ( E. albidus or E. luxuriosus)to different chems., and was more sensitive than E. crypticus and earthworm species ( Eisenia fetida or Eisenia andrei). Combined with the phylogenetic and biol. characterization, the results lead to the conclusion that E.bulbosus is a suitable model species in ecotoxicol. and the chem. risk assessment (especially in multi-generation) because it has a short generation time, comparatively moderate fecundity, ideal and reasonable sensitivity. The experimental process involved the reaction of 2-Chloroacetamide(cas: 79-07-2).Quality Control of 2-Chloroacetamide

The Article related to copper pentachlorophenol carbendazim chloroacetamide enchytraeus ecotoxicol risk assessment, carbendazim, chloroacetamide, copper, enchytraeus bulbosus, pentachlorophenol, two generations and other aspects.Quality Control of 2-Chloroacetamide

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