Simple exploration of Diphenylmethanamine

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Safety of Diphenylmethanamine. I found the field of Chemistry very interesting. Saw the article Absolute asymmetric Strecker synthesis in a mixed aqueous medium: reliable access to enantioenriched alpha-aminonitrile published in 2019.0, Reprint Addresses Kawasaki, T (corresponding author), Tokyo Univ Sci, Dept Appl Chem, Shinjyuku Ku, Tokyo 1628601, Japan.. The CAS is 91-00-9. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of Diphenylmethanamine.

Without using chiral sources, the Strecker reaction of achiral hydrogen cyanide, p-tolualdehyde and benzhydrylamine gave enantioenriched L- or D-N-benzhydryl-alpha-( p-tolyl) glycine nitriles with up to > 99% ee in a mixed solvent of water and methanol. Therefore, total spontaneous resolution of alpha-aminonitriles could occur through a prebiotic mechanism of alpha-amino acid synthesis. Moreover, it was demonstrated that the repetition of partial dissolution and crystallization of a suspended conglomerate of aminonitrile under solution-phase racemization could generate the enantiomeric imbalance to afford, in combination with the amplification of chirality, an enantioenriched product in every case. Among the 73 experiments that were carried out, D-and L-enriched isomers occurred 36 and 37 times, respectively. This stochastic behavior, under achiral or racemic starting conditions, meets the requirements of the spontaneous absolute asymmetric Strecker synthesis. The implications of the present results for the origin of chirality of alpha-amino acids are discussed.

Bye, fridends, I hope you can learn more about C13H13N, If you have any questions, you can browse other blog as well. See you lster.. Safety of Diphenylmethanamine

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