What I Wish Everyone Knew About 6893-26-1

If you¡¯re interested in learning more about 6893-26-1. The above is the message from the blog manager. Computed Properties of C5H9NO4.

Chemistry is the experimental and theoretical study of materials on their properties at both the macroscopic and microscopic levels. 6893-26-1, Name is (R)-2-Aminopentanedioic acid, molecular formula is C5H9NO4. In an article, author is Weinschenk, Fabian,once mentioned of 6893-26-1, Computed Properties of C5H9NO4.

How Promoting and Breaking Intersurfactant H-Bonds Impact Foam Stability

On the basis of previous results revealing that intersurfactant H-bonds improve foam stability, we now focus on how foams stabilized by two different N-acyl amino acid surfactants are affected by different salts (NaF, NaCl, NaSCN), which can promote or break intersurfactant H-bonds. The chosen surfactants, namely, sodium N-lauroyl sarcosinate (C(12)SarcNa) and sodium N-lauroyl glycinate (C(12)GlyNa), differ only by one methyl group at the nitrogen of the amide bond that blocks intersurfactant H-bonds in the case of C(12)SarcNa. The salts were chosen because they are kosmotropic (NaF), chaotropic (NaSCN), and in between (NaCl) and thus influence the formation of an H-bond network in different ways. Surface tension measurements showed that the addition of salts decreased the cmcs of both surfactants and increased the packing density, as expected. Moreover, in presence of the salts, the head groups of the H-bond forming surfactant C(12)GlyNa were more tightly packed at the surface than the C(12)SarcNa head groups. The effect of the salts on foam stability was studied by analysis of the foam height, the foam liquid fraction, and by image analysis of the foam structure. As expected, the salts had no significant effect on foams stabilized by C(12)SarcNa, which is unable to form intersurfactant H-bonds. In contrast, the stability of C(12)GlyNa-containing foams followed the trend NaF > NaCl > NaSCN, which is in agreement with NaF promoting and NaSCN breaking intersurfactant H-bonds. Surface rheology measurements allowed us to correlate foam stability with surface elasticity. This study provides new insights into the importance of H-bond promoters and breakers, which should be used in the future design of tailor-made surfactants.

If you¡¯re interested in learning more about 6893-26-1. The above is the message from the blog manager. Computed Properties of C5H9NO4.