One of the major reasons for studying chemical kinetics is to use measurements of the macroscopic properties of a system, such as the rate of change in the concentration of reactants or products with time. 536-90-3, Name is 3-Methoxyaniline, formurla is C7H9NO. In a document, author is Wu Xue-Min, introducing its new discovery. Recommanded Product: 3-Methoxyaniline.
Non-amide based zwitterionic poly(sulfobetaine methacrylate)s as kinetic hydrate inhibitors
Applying kinetic hydrate inhibitors (KHIs) to avoid the pipeline blockage caused by hydrate formation in gas and oil industry is a comparatively effective and cost-saving method. The main ingredients in most KHIs are water-soluble polymers containing repeating amide group units, placed structurally close to hydrophobic groups. In this report we have synthesized a class of non-amide polymers, zwitterionic poly(sulfobetaine methacrylate)s, and investigated them as KHIs for the first time. Results show that the best zwitterionic polymers have good KHI efficacy with the key performance parameter being the length of the alkyl chain on the monomer unit side chains. Copolymer of the zwitterionic monomers and N-isopropylmethacrylamide (NIPMAM) gave much better increase in KHI performance with increas-ing concentration than the zwitterionic homopolymers. This result together with other related studies suggests that strong hydrogen-bonding groups like amide or amine oxide groups are important for high KHI performance. Reasons for this are discussed. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
If you are hungry for even more, make sure to check my other article about 536-90-3, Recommanded Product: 3-Methoxyaniline.