More research is needed about C3H7N3O2

Interested yet? Keep reading other articles of 62009-47-6, you can contact me at any time and look forward to more communication. Safety of 2-Aminomalonamide.

Chemistry is the experimental and theoretical study of materials on their properties at both the macroscopic and microscopic levels. 62009-47-6, Name is 2-Aminomalonamide, molecular formula is C3H7N3O2. In an article, author is Li, Feifan,once mentioned of 62009-47-6, Safety of 2-Aminomalonamide.

A Convenient Palladium-Catalyzed Aminocarbonylation of Aryl Iodides to Primary Amides under Gas-Free Conditions

A convenient procedure for the synthesis of aromatic primary amides through palladium-catalyzed aminocarbonylation of aryl iodides has been developed. With ammonium hydrogen carbonate as the solid nitrogen source and formic acid as the liquid CO source, a variety of primary amides were obtained in moderate to excellent yields under gas-free conditions.

Interested yet? Keep reading other articles of 62009-47-6, you can contact me at any time and look forward to more communication. Safety of 2-Aminomalonamide.